Home > Keeping The Biker (Royal Bastards MC : Charleston, WV Book 4)(16)

Keeping The Biker (Royal Bastards MC : Charleston, WV Book 4)(16)
Author: Glenna Maynard

I take his hand in mine. “We’re a team. He came after us both. I’ll stay.”

“You sure?”

I nod and glare at the spawn of the devil. “He wanted to take away my future. He wanted to take me from you. End him.” I swore when I was still a lost girl unsure of the world that for Murder, I’d risk it all. That I’d be his ride or die, because even though I was stupid to a lot of things there was one thing I did know. That for this man I’d travel to Hell and back. And I did. Nothing or no one will ever tear us apart again. No matter the cost. I’m keeping my biker till death do us part.






“I look like a beached whale.”

“Babe.” I grin and kiss her knuckles before grabbing the tube of sunblock. “Need more on your shoulders. Sit up.”

Alexa struggles to get upright. I’d never say it to her face, but yeah, her belly is big. But it’s fucking beautiful to me. I still can’t wrap my mind around it. When the doctor told us there were two heartbeats, I thought he was shitting us. Twins. A boy and a girl. I brought my wife on a trip to relax just the two of us before the babies come. I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking wanting Alexa to have another kid. Not only is she threatening to never fuck me again once they are born, but I’m also never gonna get at her tits again because she plans to breastfeed. Two kids two tits. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out who gets the shit end of the deal here.

I hold my hands out to Lex and pull her up from the lounger. “You’re beautiful.” I squirt the lotion on my palms then rub my hands together before massaging it into her shoulders.

My cell buzzes from Alexa’s beach bag. “Fuck.”

“You better get that. Might be important.”

“Yeah, I know. I told them suckers not to call unless it was life or death.” I wipe my greasy hands on a towel and dig out the phone. It’s Holy. “This better be important.”

“It’s Hazel.”

My blood turns cold. “What about her?”

“He found her.”

“Fuck.” I grip the phone as the call ends.

“What is it?” Lex stares at me waiting for an answer.

“Gotta cut the trip short. That bastard is after Hazel.”


Three years later

Alexa smirks at me from over her shoulder as I slam into her from behind. “Go fast,” she urges.

My pretty girl is eager this morning, but to be fair we always gotta be fast. I swear these kids got some type of damn alarm inside their brains that knows when we’re fucking that tells them the right moment to interrupt us. They’re crafty little shits. Didn’t take them no time to learn how to escape their damn cribs and get over the baby gate in the nursery.

I slide a hand around her front to play with her clit to get her off faster. The quicker she comes the sooner I can too.

“Yes,” she cries into the pillows.

I glide in and out of her sweet hole faster and faster, my balls smacking against her ass. A bead of sweat forms on my forehead with the exertion. I’m not as young as I used to be, but I wouldn’t trade the life I have for anything.

“I’m getting closer. Fuck me, baby.”

If I fuck her any harder, I’m gonna break something. I pull out to the tip and drive into her as hard as I can, surging deeper inside, rooted to the hilt.

“Oh,” she lets out a gasp and rewards me with her sweetness. That perfect pussy squeezes me, and I don’t hold back any longer.

I flip her over and hitch her knee over my hip. “My turn.” I grin then kiss her neck in time for the motion sensor that alerts us to when the kids are up sounds. Fuck. I bite my fist so damn hard I may cry. I was so damn close.

Alexa bats her lashes at me. “Guess that’s my cue.”

“You’re lucky you’re adorable.”

“I know.”

I roll to my back hearing the patter of tiny feet moving down the hallway. I jerk the covers up to my chest as Alexa hurries to get her robe on. The bedroom door flies open. My blonde headed demons come racing in wearing their matching footed pajamas. Jovie and Jarod. My boy goes straight for his momma, but my girl comes to the side of the bed making use of the step stool we have for moments such as these. She climbs onto the bed and lays her head on my chest.

Alexa smiles at me as Jarod latches his arms around her neck and settles on her hip.

Yeah every bit of hell we endured was worth this moment right here. My cell buzzes with a text from Wylla Mae. Her and East are on their way with Mila and Milo for Sunday breakfast.

“Babe, better get busy on them pancakes.” An hour later I’m in the dinning room surrounded by giggles and family. It doesn’t get any better than this. I glance to the picture of Rochelle that Alexa keeps up in her honor and hope that wherever she is she is happy for her old man.



The Biker’s Lucky Charm


Pre order available https://books2read.com/u/4A7e6N


I messed up. I broke my vows and her heart. The last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt my wife. One moment of liquid regret. One night I can’t take back. A stupid mistake that should have never happened jeopardized all that I have. I’ll do anything to make it right. All I need is a little luck on my side.


He promised me forever. All the vows we made were empty. Lies I told myself. Lies I believed in. My husband’s betrayal tore my world apart. He’s a biker. A ruthless outlaw who was careless with my heart. Now he claims he wants me back. Can I give him my heart again or has our luck ran out?

The Biker’s Lucky Charm is part of the Royal Bastards MC Charleston, WV Chapter.

Suggested reading order

The Biker’s Kiss

Lady & The Biker

Tempting The Biker

Keeping The Biker

The Biker’s Lucky Charm

Taken By The Biker



Taken By The Biker


Available for preorder now https://books2read.com/u/3GA7gO

Holy is his road name, but there is nothing saintly about him.


What started as a simple assignment became an obsession.

Hazel’s my Prez’s niece. He tasked me with tracking her down.

Falling for her was never part of the plan.

I’m not taking no for an answer. She will be mine.

If I have to kidnap her to prove my point I will.

She belongs to me.


I’ve always been on my own. Nowhere to call home. No family to call my own.

I don’t answer to anyone. Especially not a bossy biker who claims my family ordered him to find me.

Refusing him was mistake number one.

Number two was attempting to seduce my way out of the situation.

I’ve been taken by the biker, but I don’t know if I want him to let me go.

Taken By The Biker is book 5 of the Charleston, WV chapter of Royal Bastards MC. This book can be read as a standalone though for best enjoyment, the series should be read in order.

The Biker’s Kiss

Lady & The Biker

Tempting The Biker

Keeping The Biker

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