Home > Three Weddings and a Baby(9)

Three Weddings and a Baby(9)
Author: Vivian Arend

He met her gaze square on. “We’ll have a party to celebrate, and all our family and friends can be there. But this is about what’s right for us. This is about us getting married. Period.”

“I’m good with it,” she promised. “I just had to point out the fact that no one else would be here so that I have you on record as saying it’s also your decision.”

Laughter rose. He guided her around the edge of the lake to where the rumble of water came pouring down, crashing against the pool’s surface. They had to go one at a time, but the trail behind the falls was clear, noise echoing around them until they stepped once more into the open.

They’d been out of sight along the shoreline for maybe ten minutes, but it had been long enough for changes to occur.

Malachi was visible at the top of the trail, the tall, dark-skinned man moving steadily toward them. Their horses had moved along the shoreline and were only about ten yards from where they currently stood.

But it was to the far side of the pool that Luke and Kelli’s attention shot. In the distance was a group of unfamiliar horses, and Kelli caught Luke’s hand excitedly. “Wildies.”

He glanced at her. “Really? I didn’t think they ranged this far south.”

“I heard from some of the old-timers down at Connie’s that a big stallion moved into the territory.” She glanced at their horses, whistling sharply.

The wild horses startled, shifting a little uneasily, but when nothing happened except the well-trained animals heading obediently toward Luke and Kelli, the herd went back to grazing.

By the time Malachi joined them, Luke and Kelli had their horses firmly tied to a tree at the side of the pool, far enough from the herd they couldn’t get any ideas about running off.

Malachi glanced at the wild horses and then back at Luke and Kelli, who were now standing side by side, arms around each other’s waists. “Well, this seems rather appropriate. I take it you’re on board with this idea as well, Ms. James?”

“Tell me when to say I do, because I do,” Kelli assured him.

The older man ran a hand over his head, the silver grey at his temples contrasting with his black hair and dark skin. “Well, then, let’s get to that part of the show. We’ll worry about signatures, witnesses and paperwork after. That’s the relatively unimportant part.”

Holy cow. They were actually going to do this. Kelli’s fingers slipped into Luke's—slightly cool, strong and yet soft.

Malachi cleared his throat. “We’re just going to do this the really simple way. Luke, you have something you want to tell Kelli?”

Everything. He wanted to tell her everything, but the truth was they had forever ahead of them. He had a lot of tomorrows to continue to tell her again and again.

Luke turned her toward him, catching both hands in his. “You’re perfect for me. You make me laugh, and you make me smile. You make me want—not just physically, but to be a better man. I love you, Kelli. And I’m going to make sure you know that every day. Because you’re my heart.”

Kelli was blinking back tears. “Dammit. This is another reason why I didn’t want to have a wedding. Can you just imagine, standing in front of everybody with a snotty nose and running eyes in a fancy dress that doesn’t even have pockets?”

A deep rumble of laughter shook Malachi.

Kelli reached into her jeans and pulled out a handkerchief, wiping her eyes dry and getting herself back together. The laughter Luke had mentioned was welling up inside. It was about to burst out, and there was no way he could contain it.

Then Kelli squared her shoulders, and before Malachi could prompt her, she began having her say.

“Luke Stone, I love you. I think I’ve always loved you. And I can’t believe you mentioned sex in our wedding vows, but at the same time I can believe it, because all said and done, I really like that part of life with you. I also like that we talk all day and still have things we want to talk about at night. I like that we work together, and play together, and just enjoy life together. And I’m glad we’re getting married, because I want to keep doing all of it with you, forever.”

Impulsively, she threw herself into his arms, and he caught her, squeezing back tightly and barely catching his breath before their lips connected and she was kissing him fiercely.

“That’s about as official as it needs to be,” said Malachi, and amusement rumbled in his voice. “Mr. and Mrs. Stone.”

Luke slowly stopped kissing Kelli but kept her in his arms.

She pulled back just far enough to offer her friends’ father a mischievous grin. “No telling Tansy or Rose before I get a chance.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Malachi assured her. He glanced at Luke then back at her. “Congratulations. I wish you a lifetime filled with love and laughter, but considering who I’m talking to, that’s pretty much a given.”

Kelli wiggled her way to the ground, giving Malachi a huge hug before coming back to tuck herself into Luke’s side. “Thank you.”

“My pleasure.”

At the far side of the pool, a loud whinny rang out. The wild stallion walked toward them, mane shaking as he made his presence known. He dipped his head momentarily then called out again before moving around his herd and guiding them back to the trees.

Malachi stared after the wild horses. “Just when I think I’ve seen it all. That’s the first time I’ve ever had a herd of horses act as witness.”

It was a perfect moment. A little on the wild side, filled with horses, just him and Kelli.

Luke waited until Malachi was marching back up the path before he scooped Kelli up in his arms, pacing forward eagerly.

Kelli held on tight even as she grinned at him. “Hello, husband. Where are you taking me?”

The roar of the waterfall picked up in volume as Luke made his way back along the trail. “I thought I’d have a little private celebration with my wife. Like that idea?”

She considered for a moment before nodding briskly. “I didn’t get a chance to say it before, but it seems appropriate now. I do. Hell yes, I do.”

So they did.



If you’d like to read Luke and Kelli’s story you can find it in A Rancher’s Bride, the third book in the Stones of Heart Falls series.



Part IV



Oh Baby!



A cute puppy, a wedding, and a baby. that’s it. That’s the blurb.


* * *


Longer cheater version:

Lisa and Josiah are thoroughly enjoying each other’s company. He’s got his veterinarian work; she’s been busy stepping in to help her sisters and friends whenever and wherever they need. And they have Ollie, the sweet little terrier that can’t get enough of either of her favourite humans.

But as one year ends, and a new one begins, Lisa can’t help but wonder if there’s something she’s missing. What exactly is she supposed to focus on now that her extended family is settled and all her sisters are happy?

Ollie knows…


* * *


Timeline: Action begins immediately after the conclusion of The Cowgirl’s Chosen Love.

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