Home > Rogue's Retribution : Twisted Iron MC(3)

Rogue's Retribution : Twisted Iron MC(3)
Author: Liberty Parker



Chapter One






Time seems to be dragging on as no new information has been detected or found. Coder has been behind his computer all night and Bane and I have gone through every member’s file folder trying to come up with someone who could have a grudge against the club. Nothing that stands out as of yet, but I know if we keep digging we’ll come up with something. I look at my watch and realize I should be heading home soon to spend some time with my girls, but I’m having a hard time with leaving.

I got a call from Sledge last night and it seems my woman is not impressed with me not making a call to her and informing her of the fact she has a detail at the house. I laughed when he told me that she attempted to stab him with the tip of the umbrella we leave near the front door. Then, reality hit me, and I got pissed that she thought it was a good idea to open the damn door in the first place without her piece. She knows, or she damn well should by now, to carry her gun with her at all times when I’m not home with the two of them. What the fuck was she thinking? Suppose I’ll soon find out since I’m gonna call it a night, or day rather, considering the sun has now made a glaring appearance.

“Whoever’s bunking here, go ahead. If not, go home. Now is the time to do so, because I’m going home to see my girls for a while. I think with a fresh mind and renewed set of eyes, we might be able to figure this thing out. We better be getting fucking close! Most, if not all of us have families to protect, and not being with mine right now is torture.” Ah, torture. A word so underused and underrated. But, that’s exactly what this traitorous motherfucker will be on the receiving end of once I figure out who his ass is. Eh, probably a little extra now, considering the amount of time this is taking away from my family.

“I’m outta here,” Bear states after I make the announcement, grabbing his set of keys. Thorne, Bear’s boy, has been giving his mother hell, and hasn’t been minding or listening to her. He tries to be home as much as possible, but he holds down a job outside of the club. He’s here a lot of the time when he’s not working his other job since he’s the club’s secretary. This missing money has him pissed off, ready to chop some heads off, and reclaim his reputation within the club. I don’t blame him; this was done so inconspicuously that it’s taking a while to get found.

“I’m gonna stay. I’ll catch some sleep here in a bit,” Bane informs us.

I laugh inwardly at his attempt to feign transparency. “Fucker, you’d be going home to your old lady if you weren’t in the damn doghouse and we all know it. None of us like going more than a day without pussy. We’re your goddamn brothers, you do realize that?” I chuckle out my rhetorical question. “We know each other better than anyone.” At least I thought we did until this. I pause briefly and reflect on anything I might’ve missed. Signs of secrecy, an odd request, anything...yet nothing comes to mind. “Fuck!” I shout out loud as my frustration and exhaustion takes hold and begins to finally suffocate me. “Say you’re fucking sorry, go home, and be with your pregnant wife. And, before you begin to explain to me how unreasonable she’s being these days, save it. Been there, and done that shit. You’re a man, handle shit like one! Everything until after that bundle of joy is in her arms is gonna be your goddamn fault. Accept it, and get the fuck over it already. Plus, I’m sick of seeing your ass here walking around all mopey like some little bitch. You’re my VP. You need to find your balls, and don’t fucking come back here until you do.”

“You know what? Fuck you, Rogue! I ain’t your fucking traitor! So, you can holler and throw your neck-shots around at me all you want, but I am your VP, and that’s never changed,” Bane shouts in my direction before he puts his fist through a wall. “You can be a real dick, you know?”

“You’re paying for that,” I say, pointing from him to the wall he just punched. “I expect you to call and pay for an estimate, got me? Then you can have that shit repaired. Be happy I’m not giving you a fine for your insubordination,” I finish, grabbing a dart from my desk, launching it behind me and hitting the bullseye as it connects. Been launching these fuckers all damn night and haven’t hit my intended mark once. Now that I’m more furious, I nail it, go figure.

Marx walks into my office puffing on a joint. Not unusual at all, except it’s fucking six o’clock in the morning. “Y’all motherfuckers should try this and relax a little,” he says through squinted, bloodshot eyes with a stupid grin on his face as he offers me a hit.

I slap it out of his hand. “Take that shit to your room, Marx. I have zero desire to be stoned right now before I climb on my bike and head home to my wife and daughter.”

“Suit yourself. This is some new green I just scored and it’s off the chain,” he replies, as he turns his back to me and walks away.

I’m in no mood to deal with a stoned biker right now either, even though I do enjoy the occasional smoke myself. I glance over at Coder who’s waving his hand, clearing the smoke from my office. He’s entranced, this thing has him so tightly in its grasp, it looks as though the life is being squeezed from his body. A vein in his neck bulges as I notice it visually pulsate while his eyes continue to scan our books. Walking up to him, I pat his shoulder. “Take a break, Brother. Rest. I’m going home to Rora and Outlaw. Here or at home, I don’t give a damn where you do it, just go and do it. That’s an order from your pres,” I tell him, defeated in my own way, but I know we’ll find this piece of shit.

Coder stops and shifts his gaze to mine. “Fuck!” He slams his balled-up fist on the top of my desk. “I’ll find him, Pres. I promise.” I can hear the frustration thick in his voice.

“I know you will. Go home and be with your boy. Doesn’t Jagger have a dirt bike competition coming up soon?” I ask, reminding him and hopefully persuading him to go home where he’ll be comfortable and get some sleep.

His eyes widen. “Fuck yeah he does.” I stand back as he powers down his computer and rubs his fists into his tired eyes. “I’m supposed to take him and go get him new tires today, fuck.” He grabs his belongings, tucking them underneath his arm.

“Coder?” I call out his name as he makes it to the office door.

“Yeah, Pres?” He turns his head over his shoulder as he looks at me.

“Go get your boy, get those tires, then take a damn nap. That’s a direct order,” I press, needing him functioning later at full-capacity.

“Yes, Pres,” he says back to me as he shuffles out of the room. I’m already exhausted and ready to face plant into my own bed. But I know Harmony is anxious and has risen with the sun to show me how she’s learned to ride her bike without training wheels to assist her. I plan on spending an hour with her before sleeping for at least four solid hours. There’s too damn much at stake for me to spend more than that away from the clubhouse.





I knew Harmony would be up early, she usually is, but this morning, she was up before my body was ready to face the day ahead. Like a zombie during the apocalypse, I make my way to the coffee maker and pour my girl a bowl of cereal. I’m not usually that mom, I always try to provide a nutritious breakfast for Harmony, but my body is being uncooperative. My limbs are heavy and my muscles are tight with lack of a good night's rest.

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