Home > Rogue's Retribution : Twisted Iron MC(5)

Rogue's Retribution : Twisted Iron MC(5)
Author: Liberty Parker

“Brother, I’ve triple checked it, I wanted to show it to you before I took it to Coder to follow the trail of crumbs. Napoleon brought this to my attention a couple of months ago. Since then, I’ve been personally combing through the information he brought to me,” he informs me as he folds his arms across his chest, and a look of disgust now paints his face.

“You’ve known about this for months without bringing it to me?” I slam my fist down onto my desk. It rattles my whiskey bottle and glass, and causes several papers to catch the wind of my wrath as they become airborne and eventually float to the floor.

“Needed to make sure before I brought you in.” Considering I just threatened his life, I can see why he waited. Doesn't mean it makes me happy that it’s been in his hands for this long before he came to me with it. “When Napoleon uncovered this trail of missing money and supplies, he followed it as best as he could before even coming to me. He didn’t want to get into any trouble. Just as I don’t, but we can’t let someone steal from our club. He knows this as much as I do.”

“Fuck, we need to get this packet to Coder, if anyone can uncover this bullshit it would be him,” I state absentmindedly while running my hands through my hair. I pull on it and lower my head, bringing my chin to my chest. This betrayal is something I was unprepared to deal with.

“Sorry to have to do this to you, Rogue, but I was at a standstill in my investigation and couldn’t take it to anyone without your go ahead,” he tells me, with disappointment etched across his face and heaviness in his voice.

“I appreciate the apology, but at the same time, I understand why you’ve done things the way you have. I just need this resolved, and let’s keep this on the down-low and under wraps for now,” I order him as I twirl an ink pen around between my fingers while thinking.

“Understood.” He nods as he stands. “Let me get this ball rolling and I’ll let you know as information starts trickling in.” With that, he leaves the room and I sit back and sigh out in aggravation. I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that someone has the balls to betray the brotherhood, the club, and most of all, myself. Each and every one of these men are trusted by me, or should I say were trusted by me. How does one deal with that brand of betrayal? How do I look my brothers, my men, in the eyes and not question if they’re the one who’s stabbed me in the back? I worry on one hand what Coder is going to find, but on the other hand, I want to know who’s fucking with my club. I have a daughter and wife to worry about.

Harmony and Aurora’s safety rank high next to this club and my brothers. My wife and daughter are my life, the reason I wake every morning and the reason I watch my P’s and Q’s with every decision I make. Don’t get me wrong, my club is first, but my family is just a notch ahead of that. I fear for what this could mean for my club, a betrayal of this level could irrevocably rip us apart. I hate feeling as if I don’t have a handle on this situation, but the truth is, it’s completely out of my control. I’m the President for a reason, and that’s because I can see the bigger picture and face it head-on. All the while, following through with the tough, life-altering decisions placed before me. This information is so shocking and sudden, that I have no idea how to process and foresee what is awaiting us at the end of the road.





My baby girl has no fear.

I watch as she falls down on her bike only to get back up and try again, not paying any attention to the skinned knees and elbows she’s now sporting. The mother in me wants to jump up and run over to her and kiss her boo-boos. Considering she’s just like her father, that would be a complete disaster. She would assume I think she’s weak and coddling her. She exudes confidence and puts on a tough exterior, but in reality, she wears her heart on her sleeve.

I’ve learned this about Rogue, too. Tough as nails and will put someone down faster than they can blink, but once they love, they love hard and passionately. A little-known fact that only I’m privy to, so I allow them both to keep up their facade. I unceremoniously watch as she gets up and dusts herself off, again, then gets back on her bicycle. She insisted her training wheels be taken off so she can ride on two wheels like all of her uncles and father do.

She wants to be just like Rogue. Which should frighten me, yet, it doesn’t. There’s no one else I’d want her to hero-worship the way she does when it comes to him. Who better than the man who evokes the same feelings from myself?

She doesn’t realize with her being a girl, she’ll never have the opportunities in the club like she’s forever dreaming she will. She’ll never wear a patch on her cut unless she becomes someone’s old lady. That worries me some because she’s so headstrong that I don’t see any man being able to tame her wild side. God forbid any man attempt to mold her into the old lady that won’t speak her mind or tell him off, in front of his brothers or behind closed doors.

In our lifestyle, an old lady is a reflection of her man and his club. If he is disrespected, or she shows her ass in front of the club, he’s the one who has to answer for her actions. I had to learn that lesson the hard way. One time when Rogue pissed me off, I didn’t stop and think about how my words to him would affect or his position as the leader of these misfits he’s in charge of. He kicked me out of the clubhouse and sent me home. He didn’t come home for three weeks and wouldn’t answer the phone when I called the club. I was devastated and feared that I’d lost him. I did nothing but attempt to sleep and go to work. My existence quickly became a shell of what it was with him in my life. I lost my appetite and over ten pounds in that three weeks he was away from me. When he finally came back and we talked, I made a vow to him that day that I would never do that to him again. I’ve kept my word and have never given him a reason to cause him to punish me so harshly again.

I watch as Harmony finally gets herself leveled out and riding. Seeing the smile that graces her face has me jumping up and down while clapping in excitement for her.

“That’s my girl!” I scream out. I start shaking my hips and pumping my fist in the air. “Woohoo! You’ve got this my sweet girl!” Her smile spreads, and her dimples emerge. She starts riding toward me and I prepare for impact. She may have gotten the riding part down, but I know she doesn't have the stopping down and I fear she’s going to ride right into me. She surprises me when she instead leans to the side and lets her bike drop into the grass. She jumps over it and runs into my open arms.

“I did it, Momma!” she emphatically squeals. “I’m riding just like Daddy!”

“Yes you did, and you’re going to have to show your daddy when he gets home. He’ll be so excited to see that you got the hang of it and took his advice,” I reply into her soft, brunette hair as I tightly hold my daughter in my arms.

“I’ll show him, Momma. I need to practice some more!" She wiggles so I’ll let her down and she rushes back over to her bike. She practices for the next hour with me as her personal cheerleader. While watching my girl, my mind drifts to her upcoming birthday. I can’t believe she’s already about to be six years old. The day she was born is a day I’ll always remember. We’ve tried to have another baby, but some things aren’t meant to be. We haven’t been successful, but Harmony is enough for the both of us. She brings so much light and joy into our lives, that there isn’t room for any complaints. Some people never get to experience parenthood once, so I’ll take what gift I’ve been given. It takes some enticing and promises of sweet treats for me to convince her we need to head inside so I can get dinner started. I haven't heard from Rogue today, so I’m not sure what time he’ll be here, but I have Harmony on a schedule and I’d like to keep it that way.

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