Home > The Invention of Sound

The Invention of Sound
Author: Chuck Palahniuk

Part One:

Forget Us Our Trespasses



An ambulance wailed through the streets, and every dog howled. Pekingese and border collies alike. German shepherds and Boston terriers and whippets. Mongrels and purebreds. Dalmatians, Doberman pinschers, poodles, basset hounds, and bulldogs. Herding dogs and lapdogs. House pets and strays. Mixed-breed and pedigreed, they howled together as the siren went past.

And for that long going-by they were all members of the same pack. And the howls of all dogs, they were one howl. And that howl was so loud it drowned out the siren. Until the sound that had united them all had vanished, and yet their howling sustained itself.

For no dog could bear to abandon, first, that rare moment of their communion.



In bed, Jimmy propped himself on one elbow and listened. He asked, “Why?”

Beside him Mitzi stirred. She reached a glass of wine off the floor and asked, “Why what?”

In the office building across the street, a single window glowed. Framed behind it, a man stared at a computer screen, his face washed by the shifting light of moving images. This light danced on his eyeglasses and shimmered on the tears running down his cheek.

Not just outside but in the condos that surrounded them, the baying continued. Among the hairs on Jimmy’s damp, drooping penis, a blister festered. It looked ready to burst, a lump swollen with pink-white pus. He asked, “Why do dogs howl like that?”

When she reached over to pick at the lump, it wasn’t a disease. Stuck to his skin it was: A pill. Medicine. A loose sleeping pill. An Ambien, she plucked it, put it in her mouth and slugged it down with wine. She answered, “Limbic resonance.”

“What’s that?” he asked as he slipped out of the bed. A gentleman Jimmy wasn’t. A caveman, yes. Barefoot on the polished wood floor, he grabbed an edge of the mattress and yanked it, Mitzi included, off the box spring. Not by her hair, not this time at least, but he dragged her and the mattress across the bedroom to where tall windows looked over the city. “What’s limp dick…?”

“Limbic,” she said. “Limbic resonance. It’s my job.” She set her empty wineglass on the windowsill. The grid of streetlights blazed under the chaos of random stars. The howls were dying away. “My job,” Mitzi said, “is to make everyone in the whole world scream at the exact same time.”



Instead of a lawyer, Foster called his group leader, Robb. The police weren’t even real police. They only worked at the airport. As for Foster, he’d only touched the little girl, a crime it was a stretch to call. He was in custody but only in a lunchroom behind the airline ticket counter. Seated on a folding metal chair. Vending machines filled a whole wall. His hand was bleeding from a small crescent-shaped bite mark.

Only one flight, the girl’s, had been delayed, to allow time for her to make a statement.

He asked the fake police to return his phone, and he showed them a screen capture. They had to admit there was a resemblance between the man from the web and today’s pervert. The pervert who’d been with the little girl. One fake officer, the guy, asked where Foster had gotten the image, but it wasn’t as if Foster could really say.

The other fake cop, the lady cop, told him, “The world is full of missing kids. That doesn’t give you the right to snatch someone else’s.”

For his part, Foster wanted to ask about his checked baggage. His flight for Denver had long since departed. Did they still pull bags if the passenger failed to board? Was his bag being sniffed by bomb-sniffing dogs? Anymore, no city in the world was anywhere you’d want a nice suitcase to go around and around the carousel, unclaimed. Someone without fail would snatch it, pretend to check the luggage tag, disappear out the door.

As for Foster, he’d be okay with a drink. A drink and maybe a couple stitches in his hand.

Before the skirmish, he’d only downed a couple martinis at the concourse bar. He hadn’t finished his third when he’d first seen the little girl. What drew his stare was Lucinda’s auburn hair, cut shorter than he remembered, so that it only grazed her little shoulders. A girl the same age as Lucinda when she’d disappeared seventeen years before.

At first, he wasn’t thinking. That’s not how the human heart works. He knew in his head how age progression worked. The pictures on milk cartons. How every year they computer age the kids until adulthood and then only every five years after that. Experts used photos of the mother, her aunts, any female relations, to approximate a new her every five years. There in any supermarket between the Reddi-wip and the half-and-half, Lucinda would be smiling from every carton in the dairy case.

He’d been totally convinced the girl in the airport was Lucinda—until she wasn’t.

What raised a red flag was the pervert holding the girl’s hand and leading her toward a gate where a flight was boarding. Not missing a beat, Foster had slapped cash on his table and sprinted after them. He’d taken his phone out and was scrolling through stored images. His rogues’ gallery. The pixilated faces with unmistakable neck tattoos. Or the full-on face shots of sweating child molesters.

The lowlife, the one leading the little girl, looked to be some Scooby-Doo type. A hemp-headed, shaggy-haired burnout wearing flip-flops. Foster circled, weaving from side to side to get different angles as he snapped photos. Ahead of them the gate agent was checking in passengers at the entrance to a Jetway.

The burnout throwback had presented two tickets, and they were gone through the gate. The last passengers to board.

Out of breath from running, Foster had reached the agent and said, “Call the police.”

The agent had stepped into his path, blocking the entrance to the Jetway. She’d signaled to an agent at the podium and held up a hand, saying, “Sir, I need you to stop.”

“I’m an investigator.” Foster had panted out the words. He’d held up his phone, showing her a grainy screen capture of a shaggy-haired man, his face gaunt, his eyes sunk deep into his skull. Dim and in the distance, he’d heard an announcement for his own flight to begin boarding.

Through the gate area windows, Foster could see the plane. The pilots were framed in the cockpit windows. The ramp crew had stowed the last of the checked luggage and were slamming shut the cargo hatches. They’d be pushing back in another minute.

Foster, he’d shoved past the agent. With more force than he’d intended, he’d strong-armed her so hard she’d tumbled to the floor. His footfalls thundering down the Jetway, he’d shouted, “You don’t understand!” To no one in particular, he’d shouted, “He’s going to fuck her, and he’s going to kill her!”

A flight attendant had stood ready to close the cabin door, but Foster had elbowed his way past her. He’d stumbled through the first-class section shouting, “That man is a child pornographer!” Waving his phone, he’d shouted, “He destroys kids!”

From his research he knew that child traffickers walk amongst us. They stand beside us at the bank. They sit next to us in restaurants. Foster had scarcely had to scratch the surface of the web before such predators had glommed onto him, sending him their corruption and trying to rope him into their sickening world.

A few passengers had still been standing, waiting in the aisle to take their seats. Last in line had been the girl, still holding the man’s hand. They’d looked back when Foster shouted. Everyone had looked, first at him, and then at the man with the girl. Whether it was Foster’s blue business suit or his good-boy haircut and egghead glasses, something had thrown the crowd to his aid.

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