Home > Supernatural Outlaw (Supernatural Captivity #2)(13)

Supernatural Outlaw (Supernatural Captivity #2)(13)
Author: Avery Song

"When you were in prison, the word of us being offered up to the council was spreading. Your disappearance made this discussion a hot topic in the supernatural world because people actually wanted to see you be the middle woman in the group of five. It led to a lot of controversial conversations, but many were actually debating the idea of you joining because you blended with our crew and we respect you, which is uncommon when it comes to supernaturals and humans. Now three months later, you're dead. You're obviously important to us, which means they're waiting for our responses to this tragedy. What's the typical action one would take after losing the woman they dearly care about?" Adonis ended his hypothesis with a question.

"You'd gladly take the position on the supernatural council and make the executive decision to destroy the culprits of the mass killings of supernaturals,” I replied.

"There's even more to that." Otis was clearly catching on as he began to pace like Everett had previously. "We ascend to the council, but there's supposed to be five members. What if, due to the circumstances, they put Widow as a standby until we've grieved the loss of Cassandra? No one would argue because she'd be deemed fit to aid us in our transition."

He suddenly came to a stop as his eyes widened, and Adonis frowned and shook his head.

"They wouldn't do that," he argued as if Otis had said something.

"They fucking would and you know it," Otis argued back.

"What?" Dominick questioned, and the twins glanced our way.

"We rise to the council, Widow becomes the substitute council woman, more and more cases of supernaturals show up dead, which points the blame at the humans. All while the supernaturals they say are dead aren't. Only hidden within the depths of the prisons across the world," Otis explained.

"Oh shit," I whispered.

"That's not what's going to ignite a war," Adonis muttered and his eyes darkened. "They'll wait for when tensions are high on both sides and reveal that Cassandra wasn't just a human, but the supernatural princess of Cyldrirth."

His words finally made the whole picture click, and all three of us gawked at the imagined result. "I may not know much about my heritage, but if I'm a dragon with fae powers, wouldn't that mean my parents are from two different supernatural backgrounds?"

"Correct," Dominick whispered, "And from the bits of memory I have about your family heritage, the queen was fae and the king was a dragon."

"So...that's bad?" I concluded.

Tristan took a deep breath and let it out. "Humans don't know about this but to kill royalty is a huge no-no in the book of supernaturals. Think of it like a commandment in the Bible the humans follow. That's a rule that can't be broken. Even by accident. If a supernatural kills a royal, their shifter race faces the consequences. It's like if a wolf kills their own Alpha king in their pack. In a few short years, the population of wolves would suddenly decrease or perish from a traumatic event that kills many of them. It's like the universe punishing everyone for one person's mistake. When the supernaturals find out that you're a supernatural, it'll become obvious that the mass number of deaths of supernaturals was due to the humans killing you, a royal."

"When that happens," Otis began and Adonis continued, "they'll decide to return the favor."

"As in killing a bunch of humans?" I offered.

"Better than that," Dominick declared. "Wipe them completely out. If supernaturals really wanted to, they could easily make humans into an endangered species in a matter of days. With tensions high, and when the news hits the dragon shifters and fae realms of the princess' death, the princess who is of both breeds, it will lead to a supernatural war to get rid of all the humans. Royalty is even more precious to dragons and fae because having children is a struggle and the couple must go through a series of hardships, ceremonies, and other methods to conceive. It's not like humans who just have sex and boom, pregnant. That's why children are supposed to be sacred to our kind, but obviously that has changed in recent years."

"If everything we just thought of is legit...we are in big shit," I concluded.

"Which is why we gotta get moving. We should be able to get on the jet before four this morning. It's seven now," Adonis acknowledged.

"Cass should get more rest," Otis suggested.

"I'm okay," I admitted.

"But are you at one-hundred percent?" Dominick questioned.

"No," I replied earnestly. "But a few hours of sleep won't do much."

"Here, we can give you a boost tablet," Tristan suggested as he slid me off his lap and got off the sofa to head to the kitchen. "You'll be drowsy and sleep almost immediately after taking it, but you'll feel like the energizer bunny when you wake up."

"Good idea," Dominick praised. "Once we arrive in Dubai, we can figure out where to stay as we make plans for how we're going to get into Dubai's prison."

"I broke out of one prison, only to hop right into another. Marvelous," I sighed.

"At least we'll be with you this time," Tristan reasoned.

"You're going to be prisoners?" I inquired.

"Oh nah. Dubai's prison follows the same master mentality as level two and three of Psychic Prison. By the time we get you in, we’ll already have ownership so we can come in and out of the prison whenever we want." Tristan explained.

"Aren't you worried Widow will catch you guys or even me?"

"Widow won't be able to get access into Dubai’s prison," Otis replied. "They apparently have a no snake shifter policy."

I blankly stared at him as Tristan returned from the kitchen with two tablets and a glass of water.

"You're pulling my leg on purpose," I muttered.

"No, I'm serious," Otis replied. "It's on their website."

"How did that happen?" I inquired.

Adonis chuckled as I quickly said thanks to Tristan and took the pills and glass.

"Let's just say Widow makes more enemies than allies in this field and decided to piss off the King of Dubai, who’s apparently a python. Let's just say it's hard for her to enter her slithering ass in Dubai, let alone get close to the prison."

"Intriguing," I sighed, suddenly feeling tired. "Information overload."

"I think it's good we have a few hours before we get on the jet. Today's been a whirlwind," Dominick said and sighed.

The others agreed as I tossed the pills into my mouth and chugged the cold ice water.

The pills didn't reach my stomach before the drowsiness hit me.

"Well, fuck. This is stronger than drinking a bottle of 90% alcohol," I muttered.

Tristan had to take the glass from my hand, and I sensed Dominick's presence next to me as I slumped over to the side.

"Damn. I don't remember it working that fast. Cass?"

My consciousness was already fading as Adonis replied, "Uh...maybe because she's still adjusting."

"I hope that doesn't mean it's going to actually make her a hyper energizer bunny because I remember the last time Cass took one of those by accident and she was rampaging through the house with BTS for a solid week."

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