Home > Magical New Beginnings 8Midlife Witchery, #1)

Magical New Beginnings 8Midlife Witchery, #1)
Author: Brenda Trim


Chapter 1



Emmie released me and wiped a tear from her eye as she looked around the grounds. “I can see why you don’t want to leave here. This place is amazing, mom. Well, aside from the eerie cemetery and mausoleum. I always hated that when we came here as kids, and it isn’t any better. Anyway, knowing how much you love it will make being so far from you completely worth it.”

I squeezed my oldest daughter’s hand and bobbed my head in agreement. I never imagined I would feel this way when I came to England to say goodbye to my grandmother. “For the first time since your father died, I feel like I’m home here at Pymm’s Pondside. The only downside is not being able to hop in a car and visit you and your brother and sister.”

“We don’t mind coming to you, mom. You’ve done more than enough for us. It’s about time you have something just for you,” Skylar, my youngest daughter told me as she jumped into the conversation. She was leaning against the white picket fence that surrounded the massive garden my grandmother kept in pristine condition. That was one thing I wasn’t looking forward to maintaining. My bad knee ached in preparation for what it was going to be put through.

Greyson turned from the pond at the front of the property I’d just inherited and rolled his eyes at his twin. Skylar was my sensitive one, where Emmie was the responsible one of my three kids, and Greyson was hotheaded. “Stop sucking up. Mom isn’t going to fly you out to England every time you’re homesick.”

My head started throbbing with the familiar argument. Emmie had been away at college for two years, but the twins just started. And being my sensitive one, Skylar came home nearly every weekend. The three-hour drive didn’t faze her at all, where Greyson almost always remained on campus. By remaining in England, I will be making it impossible for them to come home for a weekend visit.

I am a horrible mother because leaving my kids without their home base close by didn’t make me change my mind. Every fiber of my being screamed that this was where I was meant to be. Where I needed to be. I’ve lived the past twenty-two years for someone else. Now was my time.

I wrapped one arm around Greyson and the other around Skylar. “What have I always told you, Grey? It’s your job to take care of your sisters. They do enough for you. I expect you to make time for her as we all adjust to this new set up.”

Greyson’s head dipped, and he took a deep breath. “Sorry, mom. You’re right. I won’t get lost in myself.”

“I won’t let you,” Emmie added. “I never thought I’d be happy to move back in with you nutjobs, but I’m actually excited.”

Dust billowed into the air as the car I arranged to take them to the airport turned down my dirt drive. Emotion clogged my throat, and my eyes burned with tears. I’d lost so much in my life, and it felt like I was losing them now, too. “I’m going to miss you guys.”

Skylar squeezed me tighter. “We will miss you, too, but this isn’t forever. You never know. We might decide to move here after college.”

I released the twins and embraced Emmie next. “Now, remember you guys are closing on your house before the term begins. The agent will be contacting you, Emmie, to set up the date and time, but all three of you need to be there.”

The second I stepped foot onto the property, I called a real estate agent in Salisbury and arranged to sell my house. I swear the Gods are on my side because it sold before the week was out. Emmie was all too happy to find a house for her to move into with the twins. In no time, the three found exactly what they wanted. Using the money from the sale of my house, I put in an offer for the kids on the one close to their campus.

“I’ve got it handled, mom. Don’t worry about us. We will be back next summer.”

“If you need anything, call me.” I hugged them each once more then sent them on their way.

Turning around, I took in my new home. Pymm’s Pondside was the name for the white cottage. When I visited as a kid, I thought it was neat that they named their homes here. But to call it a cottage was misleading. The thing was nearly as big as my house in Salisbury, but it had charm coming out of the eaves.

The brown roof reminded me of a thatch design. Every angle was rounded, creating a soft, inviting look to the five-bedroom home. The shutters on the windows matched the brown of the roof, and the ivy growing up one side was straight out of a fairytale. I’d always thought that, and now it was mine.

I even owned a cemetery. Never thought I’d say that in my life. And, the craziest part was that it made me feel closer to the family I’d never known. I turned my head to the left and glanced at the headstones. Towards the back of the place were a couple mausoleums. Yeah, it’s super creepy but also pretty neat. I mean, there was a graveyard a hundred feet from where I slept. Good thing I have always loved them, or I wouldn’t have been able to stay in the house.

Turning away from the cemetery, I glanced at the garden I had spent days wondering if I should remove. Not only did I cringe at the thought of so much bending, but I didn’t have a green thumb. I wasn’t as bad as Violet, my best friend, but plants didn’t exactly flourish under my care. And I’m starting a new life now. I admit that I have no desire to weed the damn thing. I was reluctant to actually pull the plants up. They’re a part of the place’s charm.

I headed to the pond and smiled as I looked at the large watering hole. I’ve seen deer, rabbits, and small bears drinking late at night or in the early morning. The entire property was surrounded by woods. The area was lush thanks to the rainy weather in Northern England.

Opening the small gate in the fence around the garden, I went in search of some basil to add to my tomato sandwich for lunch. There were so many herbs and plants, and I knew what maybe a third of them were. Rosemary and mint were the most obvious. The rest I would learn in time if I don’t lose it all to weeds.

I found what I was looking for in the far corner closest to the cemetery. My gaze shifted to the fresh grave. My vision blurred when I read my grandmother’s name. A pinging started up in my head. That was the only way I could describe it.

There was something hitting the walls of my skull, almost like a bee trapped under a cloche. I’ve never experienced it before in my life. The stress of the past month must be getting to me.

I took a deep breath and thought about my grandma. Isidora Shakleton was unforgettable and an integral part of the town. Most of the residents of Cottlehill Wilds showed up for her service.

The pinging was gone by the time I turned away and walked back to the house. The inside was just as cozy as it appeared on the outside. The back door went right into the kitchen, where I dumped the basil before I headed through the small living room and up the stairs to my bedroom.

The patchwork quilt my grandmother made was still on her bed. I had my clothes and a few of my favorite mementos shipped to me. The rest was going to the kids.

I really do need a new comforter. And sheets. I made plans to head into the city so I could pick up a nice Down quilt and maybe a new mattress. I swear there were more lumps in the thing than there were on my butt and thighs. And that was saying something.

Being my age, it was shocking if you didn’t carry an extra fifteen or twenty pounds. I know I certainly had the extra cushion. Along with aches and pains, I thought as I bent to pick up the towels Skylar left on the wood floor.

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