Home > Not My Hero(7)

Not My Hero(7)
Author: Michelle Heard

By nine o’clock, all the chores are done, and I feel restless. I slip on my sneakers, thinking a run around the block might tire me enough to sleep.

I don’t bother telling Mom I’m heading out because she won’t even notice I’m gone.

Starting with a slow jog to warm up first, I glance at the houses as I pass them. Nearing the one Brie was staring at, I slow down and stop by the driveway. My gaze is drawn to the light shining from a bedroom on the second floor. With the curtains open, I have a clear view inside.

A girl comes into view, and the corner of my mouth lifts slightly. She shuts the door and turns toward the window. The smile on my face grows.

So Brie does live here.

With my eyes on her, I walk a little closer to the house. I watch as she brushes her long black hair, and it’s hypnotic, just like when she draws.

Suddenly, her head snaps toward the door, and I watch as a woman walks into the room. Brie cowers away from her, and when the woman starts to yell at her, waving her hands angrily, tension winds tightly in my chest.

Brie staggers backward until her back is pressed up against the window.

The breath is knocked from my lungs when the woman lunges forward. She grabs Brie’s arm and shoves her to the floor.

Without thinking it through, I run to the front door and pound a fist against the wood. My heart is hammering against my ribs, forcing the breaths to rush over my lips.

Finally, the woman, who I saw in Brie’s room, opens the door, her hand fluttering over her ginger hair in an attempt to compose herself.

“Can I help you?” she asks, and even though she’s breathless, she still manages to sound sugary sweet.

The atmosphere pours from the house. It’s explosive and hostile.

“I’m here for Brie.”

“Oh.” She eyes me up and down, and I know the earrings and nose ring don’t make a good impression. That’s why I got them. It keeps people at a distance. “It’s late,” she states, the look of disapproval on her face making it clear I’m unwelcome.

“I need to ask her something about school,” I lie. My eyes keep darting behind the woman. “It will only take a minute,” I add. “Please.”

My hands fist next to my sides as she says, “Wait here.” I watch her walk deeper into the house, and then she calls, “Brie, there’s someone here to see you.” I watch her go up the stairs, and not able to just stand still, I move closer.

I hear the woman hiss, “Talk to the guy so he’ll leave, and don’t you dare tell him any of our personal business.”

When I hear footsteps, I quickly dart back to the front door.

Brie’s clasping her arms over her chest, and when she sees me, she anxiously glances back to where her mother is following right behind her.

This feels too familiar.

The tension and fear coming from Brie sends my blood racing through my veins. My muscles tense, and I clench my jaw to keep from responding the way I would’ve with my own father.

“Hey.” I gesture to the bench on the porch. “Can we talk?”

She glances back at her mother, and the woman warns, “It’s late. Don’t be long.”

Brie steps out of the house and gives me a questioning glance before she turns her gaze to the floor. “Why are you here?” she whispers.

I see the red handprint on Brie’s arm that she’s trying to cover, and my hands itch to grab her and run.

Like I should’ve done with Brady.

Just fucking run away from all of this.

“Are you okay?”

Stupid question, Colton. Of course, she’s not.

Brie nods, shooting another glance toward the front door.

I see her mother’s shadow fall onto the porch, and knowing she’s listening, I ask, “I wanted to check if we got homework for history.”

Brie’s eyes fly to mine before focusing on her feet again. “No, it was just the essay we handed in today.”

I step closer to her, but it only makes her tense up even more. “Can we exchange numbers? That way, I can just call next time.” I say, then quickly add, “Or you can call if you need anything.”

Like, help if you’re being abused.

“You want my number?” she asks, sounding guarded.

“Yes.” I pull my phone out of my pocket and hold it out to her. “Just type it in.”

“Hurry up,” her mother calls.

Brie quickly takes my phone and adds her number. When she hands the device back to me, I press dial.

“I just called you, so you’ll have mine.”

Brie glances at the front door, where her mother is hovering. “I should go inside.”

Fuck, what do I do?

Do I just leave?

I follow after her, and once her mother comes into view, I lock eyes with the woman while saying, “I’ll see you at school tomorrow, Brie.”

“Okay,” Brie murmurs before disappearing into the house.

I keep my eyes on the woman’s, hoping to all that’s holy she can read between the lines.

I know. I fucking know.

She begins to shut the door, and unable to stop myself, I step forward. Placing my hand against the wood, I stop her. My voice is a low rumble of warning, “I saw what you did.”

For a moment, surprise widens her eyes, but then they narrow on me while a sneer pulls at her mouth. She leans forward and hisses, “And? What are you going to do?” She lets out a chuckle then slams the door shut.

My body begins to tremble with anger as I whisper, “I’m going to help Brie.”



Chapter 4




Cleaning my room, my movements are frantic while my eyes keep darting to the door.

She’s going to be so angry!

The lump in my throat grows impossibly big, and a strangled sound escapes as I suck in a painful breath. My body trembles so severely, I keep dropping things.

A terrified breath shudders over my dry lips.

I can’t believe Colton was here.

Like things weren’t bad enough. How did he even know where I lived?

She’s going to freak out.

I don’t have time to wonder about his sudden appearance or what trouble it caused me because my mother slams my door open. My heart sets off at a maddening pace.

There’s a cruel sneer around her lips as her eyes lock on me, then she snaps, “Who was that?”

“Just a boy…” I sputter. “From school.”

She stalks closer until her breaths waft over my face. “He’s trash. I won’t have you slander my name by screwing someone like him.”

My body trembles, and I’m filled with desperate anguish. I squeeze my eyes shut and draw a little back, but it only makes her grab hold of my arm.

Her nails dig into my skin as she hisses, “That boy better not come here again, or they’ll find you at the bottom of Devil’s Bluff.”

My chin begins to tremble from holding back the tears. I bite my bottom lip hard and nod.

“You hear me!” she shouts. “Make sure he stays away.”

“I-I… will,” I stammer, beside myself with fear.

Letting go of my arm, she walks back to the door. Absentmindedly, I rub over my arm where it hurts.

She glances back at me, a cruel gleam in her eyes. “The next time you shower for longer than five minutes, I’ll drown you.”

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