Home > Taming Her Beast(8)

Taming Her Beast(8)
Author: Shaw Hart

He organized an office for us in the west wing. This way, I get to pop out and see my two favorite people whenever I want. The commute is great too.

Our business is doing great. A lot of Harry’s contacts were at the Halloween party and Harry was all too happy to recommend us. Between him and Dash, we’re now booked six months out.

I head into the living area and smile when I see all of the little kids dressed up in their costumes. I still need to head upstairs and slip into mine and I do a quick check that everything is out before I signal to Gracelyn that I’m headed upstairs for a minute. Mrs. Porter and Mr. Rogers are helping her corral all of the little ones so I know that she’ll be alright for a few minutes.

I’m just about to close the bedroom door when Harry slips through. Our daughter is resting in his arms and I feel tears fill my eyes when I see how sweet they look together.

“Whoa, what’s wrong, Bella?” Harry asks, sounding alarmed.

“Nothing, you two just look so sweet together. Sorry, it’s just the hormones,” I say, wiping the stray tears away as I give him a watery smile.

“Hormones?” Harry asks, his wide eyes going to my stomach.

“Surprise,” I whisper and he grins at me.

“We’re having another baby?” He asks, wonder in his tone.

“We’re having another baby,” I confirm and I’m crushed to his side in the blink of an eye.

“I love you, Bella. So much,” he says as Rosie starts to stir against my chest.

She wakes, blinking her dark eyes open and gurgling when she sees mommy and daddy above her.

“That’s right, little one. You’re going to be a big sister soon.”

Rosie seems to like that idea and I grin at her as she starts to kick her little legs.

“Happy Halloween,” I say as I look up at Harry.

He doesn’t answer me. Instead, he seals my lips with his and shows me just how happy he is.



Chapter 10





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Ten Years Later…


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“Ready?” I ask my wife as we herd the kids into the hallway.

It’s Halloween and they’ve all been anxious to leave and go trick or treating. Our youngest, Carlton, is bouncing up and down, impatient to get his candy.

“Ready,” Bella says and we head out to the car.

“Wait! I wanted to get a picture!” Mrs. Porter says and I grin when I turn to see her fiddling with a disposable camera.

The kids have been trying to show her that she can just take pictures on her phone but she still prefers the old fashioned camera. We all line up on the front porch and smile. Carlton is dressed as Batman, Rosie as Cinderella, and our middle child, Rylan, as Spiderman. Bella dug out her old Belle costume and got me a new Beast one and I had just smiled when I saw it.

The kids all say cheese and then I take the camera from Mrs. Porter, urging her and Mr. Rogers to join the kids. The two of them are as close a thing to grandparents that the kids really have and they still live with us even though they retired a few years back.

We’re going trick or treating with Gracelyn and Dash in their neighborhood. It’s been a tradition the last ten years. We do Halloween and Thanksgiving at their house. Christmas and New Years are at ours.

Gracelyn and Bella are still running their party planning company and it’s only grown each year. They had to hire more staff to take over so that they could accept all of the jobs that they were getting. I know that she loves it and I’m so proud of her.

I all but retired from my company. I’m still in charge but I work from home and take more time off. I’d much rather spend it with my kids and helping out Bella than cooped up in my home office.

We wave goodbye to Mrs. Porter and Mr. Rogers and take off down the driveway. The kids are arguing about who is going to get the most candy and I smile at their bickering.

A small hand slides against mine and I flip my hand over without taking my eyes off the road, intertwining my fingers with my wife’s.

“I love you, but I’m not sharing my candy with you,” she says and I grin.

“I’m sure I’ll be able to change your mind,” I say back quietly.

“Are the costumes bringing back old memories?”

“Oh yeah. The best memories,” I say as I bring her hand to my mouth and kiss it.

“I love you, Harry.”

“I love you more,” I say as I pull into Gracelyn and Dash’s neighborhood and park in their driveway.

“Are you ready for this?” She asks as the kids excitedly clamber out of the car and up to the front door where Dash and Gracelyn’s kids are already waiting.

“With you by my side, I can handle anything.”

She squeezes my hand and climbs out and I grin as I climb out and join her.

Bella has always been the only thing that I wanted, but she’s shown me that I should have been dreaming of more. She gave me a home, a family, and the happily ever after that I wasn’t sure that I would ever get.

She is my little rose, my beauty, and I am proud to be her beast.


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Ready for Dash and Gracelyn’s story? It’s coming in November. Preorder Hungry For Dash today!



About the Author






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Also by Shaw Hart



Making Her His


Her Obsession

His Obsession

Baby Mama

Stopping at Nothing

The Billionaire’s Bet

Mine to Love

Mine to Protect

Mine to Cherish

Mine to Keep

Her Guardian Angel

His Firework

My Girl

Every Tuesday Night

His Wish

Her Wish

Fighting for His Princess

Riding His Broomstick

Kidnapped by Bigfoot

Thankful for His FAKE Girlfriend

Snowed in For Christmas

His New Year Resolution

Remembering Valentine’s Day

Finding Their Rhythm

Her Scottish Savior

Stealing Her

Hop Stuff

Dream Boat



Series by Shaw Hart

Telltale Heart Series

Bought and Paid For

His Miracle

Pretty Girl


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Ash Mountain Pack Series

Growling For My Mate

Claiming My Mate

Mated For Life

Chasing My Mate

Protecting Our Mate


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Love Note Series

Signing Off With Love

Care Package Love

Wrong Number, Right Love

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