Home > Ladon's Desire (Paranormals of Avynwood # 8)(9)

Ladon's Desire (Paranormals of Avynwood # 8)(9)
Author: Michelle Dare

“Do you like living here?” I ask.

“Do you mean in the pack or in Pennsylvania?”

I shrug. “Either. Both.” We talked about a lot but not the pack so much and how Ladon feels about being a human among them. He doesn’t have any powers. Nothing inherited from his mom and no vampires have bitten him.

“I like the area we live in. It’s nice and quiet here. When we were in California, there was always the beach nearby, but I think I love the woods more. Besides, the Jersey Shore isn’t too far away, so if I feel a need to put my feet in the Atlantic, I can do so.”

“And the pack?”

Instead of answering right away, he starts walking. I take a few quick steps to catch up and fall in stride beside him. I’m not sure if he has a destination in sight or would rather walk while he talks. Maybe he doesn’t want anyone to hear him. Although, I have a feeling nothing is secret when you live with a pack of wolves.

“I don’t keep quiet about how I feel,” he begins. “Everyone who knows me has heard me say how much I wish I were a paranormal. It’s not that I don’t love myself for who I am. It’s that when you’re surrounded by beings who can shift, perform magic, and are incredibly strong, you feel less. I’ve made friends with local humans. I’ve dated. Fallen in love.”

Something in my chest constricts at his words. The thought of him with another female and not here talking to me right now doesn’t sit well.

He continues, “I’ve had my heart broken. Worked different jobs for the pack. Traveled with Ari to various places. My life isn’t dull, but it’s not what I want it to be. I still have to figure out what I’m doing with my life.”

“You want to be a paranormal,” I say, understanding. I can’t begrudge him for that. If I didn’t have the power I do and knew it was out there, I’d want it. I’m faster, stronger, more resilient than most. I can easily protect myself. Take down any opponent, except maybe my cousins when they try to roughhouse with me. We usually have multiple matches because we each want to be the best.

He nods. “I do. It sounds like a bad thing. I have a great life, but it feels lacking to me. If I didn’t grow up with a mom who is a shifter, then move out here with her once she met Merrick and got to experience life with a pack, I’m sure things would be different. As it is, I want that. I want power and strength. I want a long life.”

“Sol or Ford haven’t offered to gift you powers?”

“Sol has. I never discussed it with Ford. He’s more reserved with his abilities.” That’s true. Sol’s a whore about biting others and offering up his powers. Like he’s building his own army of followers. Ford takes it more personally. Everyone he bites is someone he cares deeply about.

“Why haven’t you taken Sol up on it?” I ask.

He kicks a stick out of the way. “Mom and Merrick don’t want me to. Mom is of the mindset that if I’m meant to be a paranormal, I will be. Fate will put me on the path to get there.”

“I understand and firmly believe in fate, but we also can take things into our own hands. If you want those powers, she can’t stop you. You’re old enough. Wait. You are older than eighteen, right?” Fate, I hope he’s at least eighteen.

“I’m nineteen.”

“You’re a baby.”

Ladon stops and looks over at me. I don’t miss the way his fists clench. “I’m not a baby.”

I reach out and put a hand on his shoulder. It’s the first time I’ve touched him. Luckily, he has clothes on and neither of us are shifters, so if we happen to be mates—which I shouldn’t even be thinking about, but I can’t help it when I’ve been surrounded by a bunch of them all night and my family also put thoughts in my head—we can’t tell this way. “I didn’t mean it the way you think. Just that you’re younger than I am. I’m like an old hag compared to you.”

He chuckles. “Yet you look like you’re in your twenties.”

“Thank fate for that. Could you imagine if paranormals looked their age?” I shiver. “It would be like my skin is melting off.” My breasts would probably be to my knees. No. Not thinking those horrible thoughts.

“That wouldn’t be a good look.”

“No, it would not.” Talking to him is so easy. So comfortable. “Where are we going?”

“I have no idea. I just wanted to go for a walk.”

“Want to see Italy?” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I want to take them back. Not because I don’t want Ladon to see where I live, or because I don’t want him in my space, but because I don’t want him to get the wrong idea. “Not to do anything,” I rush to add. “Just to get a change of scenery.” If I’m not mistaken, the smile he flashed me when I asked the question falters a little. As quick as it does, it’s back to where it was.

“I’d like that. Just let me text my mom.” He pulls his phone out of his pocket and starts typing on it.

“Do you always have to check in with her?” He’s old enough where he shouldn’t have to.

Ladon finishes typing and pockets the phone. “No, but after all we’ve been through, our pack, Ari’s as well, we like to know where everyone in the pack is. It’s not because we don’t trust them or Mom doesn’t trust me, but there is a lot of danger out there. This way, if I don’t show up, they know where I am and don’t send out a search party in the form of many angry paranormals.”

“Good point. I didn’t think of it that way.” I should have. The life we lead is a dangerous one. Well, not mine lately. Unless someone is going to break into my home while I’m streaming on my couch, chances are slim of me finding danger. And whoever thinks to enter my home uninvited better be able to run fast because I’m going to kill them.

“I know I’m younger than you but that doesn’t mean much, given the lives we lead. I’ve seen a lot. I’m not a child who needs someone supervising them or making their decisions for them. I’m my own person, even if I am human. If that’s how you’re going to view me, I’m going to go back inside.” Ladon turns away and I stop him by reaching for his wrist and hold it gently.

“Stop,” I tell him. He turns to face me. “If we’re going to be friends, then you can’t walk away from me every time I ask a question or assume something wrong. I may be paranormal; however, I make mistakes. I’m so far from perfect it isn’t funny. I tend to run my mouth without thinking. It’s just who I am. I’ll try and be better.”

Ladon steps close. Only a foot separates us. He tugs his wrist from my grasp but then catches my fingers to loosely hold my hand. It causes my breath to falter. No, it’s not overly intimate but there’s something very personal about it.

“I don’t need you to be anyone other than who you are,” he says. “I want us to feel comfortable to be open with one another. That’s how friends should be. If we are friends, that is.”

I nod, unable to speak. I’m not sure what’s going on with me. One thing I’m very sure of is I don’t want to let go of his hand. I thread my fingers with his and without another word, I teleport us to my home in Italy.

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