Home > You Make It Feel like Christmas(12)

You Make It Feel like Christmas(12)
Author: Toni Shiloh

“I’m assuming Angel didn’t turn him down?” He peeked at Starr.

She shook her head. “It’s not like we’re best friends or super close as sisters. She’s always treated me as a last-minute replacement for whoever she actually wanted to hang out with. Her time in New York was no different. Her other friend ended up sick, so Angel dragged me all over the city for a shopping excursion.”

“Has your relationship always been like that?”

“Where Angel thinks the world revolves around her?”

He chuckled wryly. “Yes.”


“And your parents never say anything?” Waylon began moving his thumb across the back of her hand. Should he continue holding her hand or let go?

“No. They’re quite happy orbiting her.”

He laughed at the image that painted.

Waylon parked behind the building and turned to Starr. “I’d happily orbit you.” Horror flooded his insides. Not only was that incredibly cheesy, but way to throw his heart at her feet. Not cool! Weren’t you supposed to maintain distance?

Starr’s face flushed, and she dipped her chin. “Waylon . . .”

He sighed. “I understand.”

“No. It’s just . . .” She looked up to meet his gaze. “I’m here on vacation.” Her tongue darted across her lips.

Waylon had to command his brain to return his gaze to her eyes and prevent the image of her lips from looping in his brain.

“Starting something wouldn’t be fair to either one of us,” Starr continued.

“I get that. . . .” He’d told himself those same things. Yet something about her made him want to take the risk.

“But?” She arched an eyebrow.

“How often do you feel sparks with another person?”

She bit her lip. “Please don’t make this any more difficult.”

“Why not?” He cupped her cheek. “I want to see where this goes, even if it means I end up communicating long distance and missing you something fierce.”

“Waylon . . .” she whispered.

“Say yes.” Peace flooded him. This was the right choice. No hiding behind grief, long distance, or any other excuses they could come up with. “Give me a chance. Give us a chance.”

“I . . .”

“The word you’re looking for starts with a y.”

She shoved his arm as a tinkle of laughter filled the interior of the car. Starr looked so happy he couldn’t help himself. His lips were on hers before he could recognize the move, but at her hesitant response, he broke off.

“I’m so sorry.” Heat flooded his neck. “I should have asked permission.”

“No. There’s no need.” She circled her arms around his neck and pressed her mouth firmly against his.

Heat poured through him, but he kept the kiss light, wanting to make sure she was okay with it. A soft sigh slipped from her mouth, and he pulled back some, caressing her lower lip with his own. Her lids fluttered open, and something that resembled surprise filled her eyes.

“Penny for your thoughts?” His voice sounded calm, but the husky tone gave away his emotions. No surprise considering that kiss rocked him down to his core.

A smile teased at the corner of her mouth. “You kissed them all away.”

His grin let loose, unbidden by her words. He’d known the attraction was mutual. At least, he’d been mostly sure. Thanks, Lord, for not making this turn disastrous.

“So now would be a good time to send my subliminal messages through, huh?”

Amusement made her eyes twinkle. “What messages?”

“Go on a date with me.” He kissed her right cheek. “Like me.” He pressed his lips to her left cheek. “Give me a chance.” A kiss to the forehead. “Give us a chance.” He brushed her lips once more, then scooted backward, breaking contact. “Don’t answer now. Tell me tomorrow.”

Her shoulders rose. “Okay.”

“Good.” He didn’t want to rush her response, merely wanted to give Starr reasons to truly consider dating him as an option. “Let’s go put these trees up.”

They brought everything inside, and Starr gave orders of where she wanted everything set up. She set the small tree on the checkout counter, then turned to him.

“I think you should decorate this one with the glass ornaments. That way you don’t have to worry about any kiddos knocking them off. You’ll want your sturdier ornaments on the other two.”

“Makes sense. How about you decorate the baby one.”

“Oh, believe me, I was planning on it.” She did a shimmy.

He shook with suppressed laughter. “Before you start, tell me what to do with the big tree.”

She came around the corner and walked toward the display window. “Put it right in front of here. That way, whatever seasonal ornaments you’re selling will catch the eye of pedestrians. If you have knickknacks that could be set on the ledge, even better.”

“There’s a nativity scene that could work on the windowsill.” He grabbed the tree around the middle and moved it near the window.

“That sounds perfect.”


She snapped her fingers. “Oh, snap.” She giggled.

Had his kisses put her in such a good mood? His chest puffed a little. “What’s up?”

“I knew I was forgetting something. I wanted to buy you better snow. This other stuff makes the shop look dusty.”

He grimaced. “Agreed. It was another thing my mom preferred.”

“Are you good with something different?”


“Then I’ll buy some on the way over tomorrow.”

“Thanks. I’ll reimburse you.”

“You don’t have to. It can be my Christmas present to you.”

He shook his head. “No offense, but fake snow is a terrible Christmas gift.”

Starr doubled over with laughter.

“Why is that so funny?”

“I just pictured you opening a gift and seeing that.” She shook her head, still amused. “And the utter disappointment. You’re right. That’s a terrible gift.”

“Then we’re in agreement. Will you let me reimburse you?”

“No.” She smirked. “But I will get you a better present.”

“Thank goodness.”

“So speaking of things to change . . .”

He hung some ornaments on the tree. “I don’t think we were actually talking about changing things. My mind remembers presents.”

“Oh, but we—” She pinned him with a narrowed gaze. “You’re joking with me.”

“It’s easy to.”

Starr’s lips puckered in a wry grin. “As I was about to say, you need to change the shop name.”

His heart clenched. Making small changes here and there to help the business wasn’t so bad. But the name? It was almost like erasing his mother. “You don’t like Forever Christmas?”

She bit her lip and slowly shook her head.

He sighed. He wasn’t a huge fan either, but it seemed disloyal to admit it. Don’t you want to make the store better? “What do you have in mind?”

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