Home > Wicked(12)

Author: Amo Jones

“Told you to be quiet…” I kiss her nose before going back down her body, circling her clit. I nibble my way down to her entrance and suck up the blood that’s dripping out before running my nose over her clit again and suck on it softly. Her back arches and her thighs drip with sweat when her hands fly to my hair to keep me in place.

I chuckle over her clit. “Hungry little slut.” Her body jolts and her legs shake as liquid squirts out of her, and I look between what just happened and her face.

“Wh—?” she asks, muffled by the belt.

“Fuck. I am fucked.” I lean down and lap up all of her release, flicking my tongue around her pussy before making my way up her body again. I reach for the buckle and she breathes out loudly.

“What did I do?”

I run the base of my thumb over the red indentations of the belt over her face. I need to see more marks on her… “Nothing. You’re actually fucking perfect, Ruby Rose…”

Her cheeks turn pink as she lowers herself back onto the bed, her hand finding my hair. “Can you kiss me?”

“You’ll never have to ask me that again. Fuck.” I lower my lips to hers and kiss her. Hard. Then softly. She matches my speed whatever I do, and when her hips start bucking up to meet me again, I pause, inching back to look down at her. “You sure?”

“You asking for consent?”

“I don’t know…” I grin down at her. “Would you rather I didn’t?”

She rolls her lips beneath her teeth to hide her smile, and I swear it’s the sexiest shit I’ve ever seen. “I’d rather you take what you want.”

I press against her and her legs widen. Pushing into her slowly, I hold my breath as she tightens around my dick like a fucking clamp.

“I want it to hurt…” she whispers. “I like the pain…”

“Shit.” I slam into her roughly, grabbing a fist of her hair and yanking her head back. When her face scrunches in pain, I slam my hand over her mouth and draw out before diving into her again, this time so hard her body moves up the bed.

I watch as every thrust, her eyes start to weaken and her body turns limp. Moving my hand from her mouth, I kiss her roughly as I fuck her so hard I feel the insides of her like a map I already know the path to.

She leans up to catch my lip between her teeth when I shove her back onto the bed. “Don’t fucking move.”

She moans, and I lean back onto my knees, lifting her from her ass and directing her on top of me.

“Fuck me until you come.” I bring my other hand behind her neck, pulling her down as she slowly lifts her hips up and rides over my thick cock. “I wanna feel you drip down my dick.”

Her body shakes and she rides harder, her tits brushing against my chest. When her breath speeds up, I bite her nipple into my mouth and reach for the front of her throat. Her pussy clenches and pulses around my cock as my balls tighten and blood turns hot. When I know she has finished, I lift her off my body with the hand around her throat and direct her onto her knees on the floor. Before I can grab my cock and shoot onto her face, she swallows my length whole, and as soon as my tip hits the back of her throat, I lose it. My knees shake and the hairs on my body stand to life as I release.

I drop to the floor beside her, resting my head against the mattress. Silence falls between us both as we try to catch our breath, and fuck. I wish I could say I feel bad, but I don’t. And I thought just having one taste of her would be enough.

It isn’t going to be.

I turn my head toward her, brushing her hair away from her face. “Come. I’ll clean you up.”

She peers up at me with glassy eyes. “You don’t have to do that.”

I scoop her up from the backs of her legs, carrying her to the bathroom that’s adjacent to the bedroom. She laughs against my chest but wraps her arm around my neck.

Lowering her into the shower, I turn on the tap and wait for it to heat up. There are already soaps and shampoos in here, so I pull her under the water and squeeze some shampoo onto my hand.

She stands beneath the hot water, running her hand over her hair to plaster it down. “You’re an expert at this…”

I pause before rubbing the soap over her tight little belly, leaving a trail of soap suds on the way down between her thighs. She sucks in a breath. “Actually, I don’t fuck with anyone after I’ve fucked them.”

“Charming…” she teases but lifts her hips when I circle her pussy.

“Not even close. And let’s be honest, princess…” I bite her lip again, even though it’s swollen from earlier. “You wouldn’t be on my dick if I was.”

Her head tosses back as she laughs, and I back her up against the glass, closing the distance between us. “Good thing you like pain…”

After our second attempt at a shower together, I make my way downstairs and to Victor’s office as Ruby sorts the sheets on the bed. I told her to leave them and that I’d do them later, but she insisted. Something about reading a romance book where the guy fucked her for a bet and showed the bloody sheets to his friends to prove he did it. Sounds like a book I’d read.

“I need you today.” Victor says from his office chair, bringing the glass he’s holding to his lips and swirling the deep amber liquid around.

I’ve given up on trying to get answers. I know it’s all dead ends. When he wants me to know, he’ll tell me why he chose me. But right now, I need to make the decision to comply to keep Poppy safe, and to keep Poppy safe, I need to be away from prison.

“Done.” I lower myself onto the armchair tucked on the opposite side of his desk. His office is painted mahogany, with tarnished wood as a desk and high bookshelves. Their house reminds me of something you’d find on some uptight magazine about architecture and design. All white and black marble, grand staircase, and crystal chandeliers. No doubt the artwork hanging on their walls costs as much as the houses down the street we lived on. They drip money.

Victor moves from the chair to the open fireplace on the other side of the room. He kicks out his leg, keeping his eyes on me as one of his foot soldiers enters behind me. I think his name is Tony. Different from the one who usually drives Ruby around. “They’re ready and waiting.”

Victor leans forward, flicking his fingers over his shoulder but keeps his focus on me. “If you’re in, I need you all the way in.” His tongue runs over his lip.

“I’m not Italian, I have nothing to offer you as far as the outfit is concerned.”

Victor keeps his eyes on me. Ruby gets her green eyes from him, since her mother’s are blue. “That doesn’t matter.”

“Really?” I ask, kicking my foot out. “I find that hard to believe since all of this”—I wave my hand around the room—“feels a lot like old school mafia type shit. Not that new age bullshit.”

A beat of silence stretches between us before he stubs out his cigar and nudges his head out the door. “Guess we’ll find out.”

An old church stands at the top of a hill where thick green grass grows against it. It’s all withered white wood and cracked paint, but I know why he’s taking me here.

Well, I have my guesses. I’ve come to realize Victor is about as consistent and reliable as mob bosses go.

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