Home > Last on the List(7)

Last on the List(7)
Author: Amy Daws

Mr. Fletcher gave me a tour of the Fletchpad last night, and my eyes were in a constant state of orgasm. First of all, this giant house is located just minutes from downtown, but it’s tucked away on this private cul-de-sac decked out with mature trees and a creek out back right by the tiny house I’ll be living in for the foreseeable future. The location couldn’t be more amazing.

While my cottage is white with a splash of adorable Southern charm, the main house has a rustic cedar wood siding. It’s quite striking as far as curb appeal goes. The inside maintains that rustic mountain feel with knotty wide-plank flooring and cool modern contrasts like bright white walls, exposed wooden beams in the vaulted ceiling, and unique bronze light fixtures. There’s even this ridiculous brick triple fireplace in the main living area next to a bank of sliders that overlooks the pool. Off the living room is a freaking library with a ladder.

A Library. With. A. Ladder.

Upon first glance, most of the books appeared to be boring business books, but I spotted some cozy mysteries in there that makes me think maybe Max Fletcher does know how to relax on occasion. The cutest part is that one giant section of shelves is dedicated to all of Everly’s books. It looks like Max has kept them from when she was little because the top shelves are these tiny cardboard baby books and as you progress downward, they mature in age to Judy Blume books, Babysitter’s Club books, and even Harry Potter books. It’s adorable that in this sexy, masculine library with a pool table in the middle and a wet bar on the side, he has an entire section dedicated to his kid with room to grow.

I may have swooned a bit.

The kitchen is on the opposite side of the living room, and it should come as no surprise that it’s a chef’s kitchen with glossy white backsplash tiles and a giant bronze hood over the oven. Cute barstools nestle against the white marble island and a matching bronze farm sink. Honestly, this whole house is so extra, and I’m obsessed with absolutely every bit of it.

A wrought-iron spiral staircase leads upstairs to Everly’s bedroom and another spare room—both with an en suite, of course. The basement has a workout room with mirrors and all the equipment one could want, plus a couple of more bedrooms and a theater room. The only part I didn’t get to see was the master bedroom through the kitchen, which is apparently where Mr. Fletcher’s office is as well.

That’s probably for the best. I had a hard time not staring at his sculpted forearms beneath those rolled-up sleeves during the tour. When my nose almost brushed with his ass as we climbed the spiral staircase to Everly’s room, I knew I needed to get out of this house as soon as possible. Visions of his abs have been haunting me since I started internet stalking him after Dakota left my room the other day. Those pictures coupled with his seriously expensive-smelling cologne are sending me into a bit of a state. I need to be focused on his daughter, not him. Damn Mercedes Lee Loveletter for stoking my smutty thoughts.

However, his bedroom has a slider that opens to the large back deck that overlooks the pool. When Everly and I came out here this afternoon, I caught a glimpse of him through the window at his free-standing desk talking on his phone. He has a perfect view of everything we’re doing back here, and it’s unnerving. I swear I can feel him watching.

I’ve felt so awkward that I haven’t been brave enough to take off my swim dress and get some sun on my pasty skin. Which is weird because I’ve never been one to feel self-conscious about my body.

I’ve always been on the bigger side, but I’m somewhat proportional, save for my DD breasts, so I still wear the clothes I want and rock a two-piece when the mood strikes me. I’ve never really been self-conscious with the guys I’ve been intimate with, so it’s unsettling that stripping down to my swimwear in front of Zaddy is freaking me out so much.

Luckily, Everly doesn’t seem to mind me not being in the water, so I’ll keep my jiggly bits to myself for now.

Everly swims over to where I’m perched on the edge in the deep end. She treads water in front of me and says, “Do you have a boyfriend, Cozy?”

“Ha!” I bark out a laugh. “That’s a big fat no.”

“Girlfriend?” she asks, completely straight-faced.


“Which do you like? Boys or girls?”

I smile at her adorable inclusivity. “It’s always been men for me.”

She nods thoughtfully, her blue eyes matching the color of the water perfectly. “Why don’t you have a boyfriend?”

I frown and hold my foot out to her. “Will you come hold on to the edge of the pool? Watching you tread water like that makes me nervous.”

“I’m fine,” she says with a laugh but listens to me like the sweet little kid she is.

I exhale heavily and try to come up with an answer to her question. “I haven’t been back in Boulder very long, so I haven’t really made time to find a boyfriend.”

“Have you ever had a boyfriend?” she asks, her voice rising in pitch.

“I’ve had a few, yes.”

“Did you loooove any of them?” she inquires in a sing-songy voice that makes me want to squeeze her.

“Probably not,” I reply honestly. “I was too busy working to fall in love.” Too busy to fall in love. Too busy to dream. Too busy to even have thoughts of my own.

“You sound like my dad,” Everly harumphs and rests her chin on the concrete.

I poke her shoulder. “What about you? Are you old enough to have a crush yet?”

Everly’s eyes go wide, and she glances over toward her dad’s bedroom. I can see the outline of him standing at the window, looking in our direction while he holds his phone to his ear. “Don’t tell my dad, but I have a boyfriend.”

“You do?” I ask dramatically before whispering, “What’s his name?”

“Hilow. He lives down the street from here. Dad cannot know. He will flip out.”

My chin lowers conspiratorially. “Are you not supposed to have a boyfriend?”

Everly shrugs. “I’ve never asked, so I wouldn’t know.”

I laugh at that very creative logic. I’ve used it myself from time to time. “Well, I hope Hilow is nice to you.”

“Oh, we don’t talk,” she says like it should be obvious. “We are just boyfriend and girlfriend.”

God, I want to pinch her cute cheeks so bad right now. “Non-talking boyfriends sound like a great idea. I should try to find me one of those.”

“I could help you. I found my best friend Brooklyn a boyfriend.”

“Well, aren’t you a little matchmaker.”

She nods and frowns down at my dress. “Do you have a swimsuit on under that?”

“Yes, why?” I ask, clutching my chest self-consciously, worried my tits are hanging out or something, and I’m scandalizing my new charge.

“Because…it’s time to swim!” Everly squeals and grabs my legs. She presses her feet to the sides of the pool, and before I can brace myself for what I realize she’s about to do, she yanks me straight into the water.

My fingers grasp at air as I try to reach out and catch myself. The blue sky fills my vision as a sharp pain strikes the back of my head. I cry out the moment I’m enveloped by the water and stupidly inhale a large gulp of water to a place that water is not supposed to be in my body. I try to cough it out, which is obviously a bad idea when you’re…under water.

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