Home > Promise Me Forever(4)

Promise Me Forever(4)
Author: Layla Hagen

"It's just me." His tone was clipped.

"Okay." I was curious to know more, but I didn't want to push. Was he divorced? A widower? Well, clearly he was a single dad. But it was none of my business to know the rest.

I noticed a hint of vulnerability in his gaze. It contrasted so starkly with his tough exterior that I didn't even know what to make of it. It was gone the next second, though.

“Look, I'll be honest. I'd love to have this job because I love kids. The second I got out of the Uber and saw the house, I had all kinds of activities in my mind to keep Paisley busy. It's an amazing space to raise children. Not to mention that you have the lake nearby.”

He looked pleased that I had already planned things for his daughter, which I was glad for, so I continued. “I'm not sure how long it might take you to find a permanent nanny. I honestly can't imagine there are too many people with a formal education in child development looking to do this as their full-time job for a prolonged period of time. But I could do it until you find someone who can."

His frown deepened even more. Damn, this man knew how to brood. My heart was beating faster. How could he look even hotter when he was frowning?

"I'll think about it. My daughter gets attached to the people she spends time with. I'm not sure if that’s a good idea."

My stomach bottomed out. How did I miss that this wasn’t a summer job? Regardless, I didn't want to press, because his daughter's well-being came first. If she didn't like changing nannies, it would make more sense to hire someone who wanted to stay longer from the start.

"Okay. Well, do you have any more questions for me?" I asked.

"No, it was all on your résumé. Do you have any questions for us? I mean, for me?"

That was encouraging. Maybe he was still seriously considering me after all. "Yes. How many hours a day would I be here, and what would you like me to do with your daughter?"

"I'm at work about eight or nine hours a day, so I would need you here in the morning. I always prepare breakfast for Paisley and me, and we eat together. Otherwise, you can do whatever you feel is best for her. I'm not one to think that every moment has to be a teachable one for kids. I think they should be allowed to play."

My face exploded in a grin. "Oh my God, I think you're a species that's about to disappear. I have not heard those words from a parent in forever. Thank you for thinking that. I’m on the same page. Playing is how they discover the world. It's their way of learning. And not many people believe me, but what they learn from having fun sticks with them more than book learning does sometimes. It's the way they absorb it, and it's natural."

For the first time today, the corners of his mouth tilted up in a small smile. He had two dimples. My heart rate intensified. Seriously? Why is he so hot? I never thought dimples would work on this man, but they so did. I had a hunch anything would look sexy on him.

"I like you, Ms. Langley."

"Well, I love to teach kids. It's why I became an elementary school teacher. Do you often go out of town for business? I mean, would it require me to sleep here or anything?"

"I do go out of town sometimes. But when that happens, my parents or my grandmother usually spends the night with Paisley."

"You have extended family close by?" I asked, a bit envious. My parents were in another state. I felt a bit lonely this summer. My best friends, Jenny and Ella, weren’t in the city. They were both working at a language camp in Louisiana. "That's great."

"Yes, it is."

He didn’t expound, so I had to ask, "How come they aren’t spending the summer with Paisley?” Then I cringed. “I'm sorry if I'm overstepping my boundaries."

"You're not. They did offer, but Paisley is energetic—like all children, I imagine—and no matter how much my parents and grandmother think they can keep up with her, they actually can't."

"That makes sense," I said with a grin. Typically, kids will take advantage of family members, whereas with a nanny, they tend to behave more. "May I meet her?"

He hesitated. "It's best if she doesn't meet all the candidates." Of course he was right, and I should have thought of that. “And considering that you don’t want to do this long-term, it probably won’t work out, so it doesn’t make sense.”

"Oh, okay." I deflated a bit but tried not to show it. I pushed a hand through my hair, crossing and uncrossing my legs. Despite the icy chill inside from the AC, my skin was a bit clammy from the heat outside. I raised my eyes to his and, to my astonishment, caught him looking at my legs. Goose bumps broke out on my skin—because he was looking? Okay, maybe it was for the best if I didn't get this job. If I needed to fan myself when he checked me out, I couldn’t imagine how I’d feel if I were around him for too long. Perhaps it was best not to find out.

"I’d still like to know a bit more about the job. When would I have to be here?"

"From nine in the morning until six in the evening. I come home then and eat dinner with Paisley."

"Would you like me to cook too? My skills aren’t fancy, but I can make simple meals."

"No, that's fine. I always make our dinner."

I had no idea why, but the thought of that made me swoon. I could imagine this guy in the kitchen, sleeves rolled up.

"Okay, then, I think that’s everything, right?" I asked.

"What would you do with my daughter?" he said abruptly.

"Well, first I'd get to know her a bit and see what she likes to do in her free time and find out if she enjoys books, or going out in nature, or staying indoors. Every child is different. I haven't had the chance to focus on just one until now. But I'd love to." My words faded as the patter of feet reverberated from the spiral staircase to our left. I instinctively looked in that direction, noticing a lively nine-year-old girl descending them in a rush.

"Daddy, can I go in the backyard?" she exclaimed, her dark brown hair floating around her. She was wearing pink cotton pajamas with nothing on her feet. She skidded to a stop when she saw me, eyes wide. "I'm sorry, Daddy, I didn't know you were with someone."

"Hey, Paisley," he said.

Oh my God. I felt it in his voice that he was smiling.

When I turned to look at him, my heart went into overdrive. He was completely transformed. His face lit up completely. His eyes weren't intense now. They were happy.

Yeah, broody Tate was hot, but smiling, happy Tate was drop-dead gorgeous.

Paisley ran up to the TV console, and though it took me a second to realize it, he was playfully trying to block her way.

“What do you think you’re doing?” He grabbed her around the middle, tickling her little tummy.

Good God, this is too much for my hormones.

“Getting chocolate, Daddy." Her innocent green eyes looked pleadingly at her father. The whole scene was adorable.

He looked at the console over his shoulder. "You're stealing chocolate every morning?"

"I am not stealing it. I'm eating it. You never told me I’m not allowed to eat chocolate in the morning when you aren’t looking."

“No, I wasn’t that specific. My bad.”

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