Home > Promise Me Forever(16)

Promise Me Forever(16)
Author: Layla Hagen

"Yes. I speak to Paisley every evening, and she’s talked my ear off about you. That's a good sign. I think she likes you more than anyone who's ever watched her."

"Really?" My heart swelled. I was already starting to care about Paisley too, and I was happy that she liked me.

"It's a pity you can only stay until the summer ends."

My smile faded a bit. "Yes, Tate and I talked about that, but I’ll help him find someone else."

"I told him I can watch Paisley, but he insists this old bag of bones can't keep up."

I glanced from Tate to Beatrice, searching for the right words. I needed to put it delicately, but I was with Tate on this one. "Well, Paisley is very active. We bike a few miles every day."

Gran shuddered. "Good Lord. What is it with kids these days? They have more energy than I ever remember."

I couldn't help but laugh.

"You know what? I don't think it's just Paisley who's happier since you came around.” She leaned in with a conspiratorial whisper. “Tate is too."

"Oh?" I asked, hoping I sounded innocent and that my face wasn't red, though it felt suspiciously warm.

"Yes, he's cheerier. I can’t explain it. Maybe he’s at ease that he finally found someone who knows how to interact with Paisley so well. Ever since Nora left, he's closed himself off," she added.

"A divorce does leave scars," I murmured. “I’ve seen the results on the kids I teach, and it does have its impact.”

"It's not that. He blames himself for the marriage ending."

"Oh no! Why?" I shook my head, realizing what I'd asked. "Sorry. I didn't mean to intrude."

"Not at all, my girl. They were never a match. When I first met her, I remember thinking that she wasn't a bad person, but she and Tate... I couldn't see it working. Imagine my surprise when they got married. She was seduced by the family name, I think.”

"Some things aren't obvious from the start."

"That's true. But with some things, you know. You don't need to see them. You don't need someone to tell you it's there. You feel it.” Narrowing her eyes, she added, “Tell me a bit about you.”

"About me?" I asked blankly.

“Tate said you're helping your parents pay off some medical bills."

"Yes. They had a hard time, so I'm hoping what I contribute will help a bit."

"Do you have other siblings?" she asked.

“No, it’s just me. I’m an only child.” When I was younger, I always wanted a sister, and Mom and Dad wanted more children, but things didn’t turn out the way they’d hoped. And I’d planned to have at least three kids, but, at thirty-one, I wasn’t sure I had enough time for three. But I’d be happy even with one little bundle of joy.

Beatrice was looking at me intently. “I think it’s wonderful that you’re helping your parents.”

"Thank you," I said.

“My parents were also sickly in their old age, but I have two sisters, and we helped them together.”

“Did your husband also have siblings?”

“Yes, three. And everyone had many kids. I always dreamed about having at least four kids, but I only had two. Tate’s dad and his brother.”

“Where is his brother?”

“He moved to London after we sold the bookstore business. My two boys gave me a lot of grandchildren, though. Loved looking after them when they grew up.”

“Six is quite a bunch.”

“Eight, including my granddaughters, Kimberly and Reese. They were at our house so often that they were practically all siblings. And now Tate thinks I can’t look after Paisley."

I pressed my lips together, sensing that was for the best.

"Tate wanted a lot of children too, but things didn't work out. I can’t believe he thinks I can’t watch my great-granddaughter. I’m still fit enough to run a bookstore, am I not?”

“Are you there every day?” I asked in surprise.

“Well, not a lot. I go there a couple times a week, and the manager I hired handles the daily tasks.” With a wistful smile, she added, “It was the first building my late husband bought, and we opened the bookstore when my sons were young. I feel closer to him when I’m there.”

Oh, Beatrice. She was such a lovely, warm person.

“My grandkids also spent a lot of time there growing up. I liked having them in the bookstore. Everyone knew Declan was going to be a lawyer even before he knew it. He was the most outspoken, always getting the rest out of trouble or at least trying to. Once, the school caught all of them smoking under the bleachers.” She chuckled at the memory. “Declan tried to convince them it was a science experiment.”

I burst out laughing. “He didn’t.”

“No one believed him. The most I could get out of them was that they did it on a dare, but they wouldn’t tell me who dared them. My hunch is it was probably Luke. He always liked his dares, and the fun in it was riling up everyone to join him. Tyler was also into dares, but his were more along the lines of physical activity. He walked around bossing them into workout sessions after reading that it prolonged your lifespan. Sam was his most arduous listener. Then he went on and became a doctor.”

“And Travis?” He was the brother I knew the least about.

“Oh, my Travis took after his grandfather in a lot of ways. Always fearless. A bit terrifying for everyone else. Had a mind of his own. Whenever he didn’t like someone, he’d put frogs or insects in the pockets of their coats. Scared them off for good.”

“Very efficient.”

“But don't let me keep you with my tales. Fill your plate again. They just made the grilled corn, and it's fabulous for everyone who still has their real teeth. Take advantage of it," she said.

Laughing, I stood up. "It was nice talking to you, Beatrice."

She winked at me. "You're good for Paisley.” After a brief pause, she added, "And for Tate."

I felt my cheeks heat up to my ears. I walked away quickly, heading to the grill.

Tyler was operating it this time. I held out my plate and asked, "May I have an ear of corn?"

"Yes, ma'am," he said, putting one on my plate. He looked up at me with a twinkle in his eyes. "I'm putting it out there that you can always ask me stuff about my brother. I promise 100 percent honesty.”

"Does he know you're going around offering information about him?"

"I bet he does.” He smirked. “In my defense, I don't do it often, just for the people I like. And I like you, Lexi."

I grinned, liking the ease between us. I didn’t feel like I was working but rather like I was part of the gang. It felt like they were embracing me as one of their own.

I looked around for Reese but couldn’t see her anywhere.

“Where is Reese?” I asked Tyler.

“She just left.”

“Oh, okay. I’m going to check on Paisley, then.”

She was at the other end of the yard, sitting next to her father. "What are you two chatting about?" I asked as I approached.

"I was telling Daddy I want to watch The Jungle Book today."

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