Home > Another Motherfaker (The G.D. Taylors #3)(8)

Another Motherfaker (The G.D. Taylors #3)(8)
Author: Willow Aster

“Can’t say I do.” Caden continues eating, completely unfazed.

“The Toussaints and the Dubois are well-known families in France. Old money families with deep roots, if you know what I mean. Have you heard the term old money before?” Beecham says, with zero expression on his face, and I suddenly hope the cognac dijon cream sauce and tartlets will do a number on his stomach. The thought of my pretentious brother-in-law huddled over the toilet with a bad case of explosive shits, praying to the porcelain gods, gives me some pleasure.

Caden finishes chewing and nods. “Of course. But in my world, money is money. Old, new, yesterday’s, next week’s—doesn’t much matter to me. I work hard every day and earn every penny I make. I’m proud of the work that I do. That’s enough for me.”

Juliette gasps and my mother chuckles, and Beecham, well, he’s Beecham. I wish my father was here, because there is a lot of Caden that reminds me of my father.

“What is it that you do?” Beecham asks.

Caden lights up at this question. “My brothers and I moved to New York and started a business together. We’ve renovated a few apartment buildings so far, flipping them into condos that people can purchase. It’s a way to get people into their first homes they might not be able to afford in the city with the prices these days. And now we’ve moved on to The Lux Hotel, which is a huge project for us.”

My mother’s mouth is so pursed I want to offer her a glass of water. My sister studies her French manicure like it’s the most important thing happening at the moment. Beecham suddenly excuses himself and hightails it down the hall with Louie biting at his ankles the whole way. “The hotel is amazing,” I say. “And the condos are gorgeous.”

“Aren’t you going to move into one of those shoeboxes?” Juliette grimaces and I’d love to slap the snobbery right off her face. I’ve often wondered how we were raised in the same household. Besides our pale blonde hair, we look nothing alike and have nothing in common. Never have and probably never will.

“Yes. It sounds like the one available is going to work.”

“I was going to see if you’d like to head over after dinner. I can give you a tour.” Caden wriggles his brows. He’s completely unaffected by my family and I relax just a bit.

“Yes. Let’s do it.”

“I can’t believe you’re really doing this.” My mother shakes her head with disbelief.

“I’m ready for all of it,” I say, glancing over at Caden. He winks at me and my stomach does all these little flips.

Beecham hobbles back to the table, grumbling at Louie, who surprises everyone when he comes around the table and scratches for Caden to pick him up.

The dog definitely has good taste.

“Well, if you’ll all excuse us. We’re going to head to the building to take a look at the condo.”

My mother pushes to her feet. “I need a moment, darling.”

I glance at Caden and he’s on his feet, attempting to clear his place. Nancy hurries over to stop him and I chuckle. Before I know what’s happening, he has Louie cradled in his arms.

“I’ll be right back,” I say, and he nods as he laughs at Louie who is moaning in his arms with pleasure.

We step inside the butler’s pantry and my mother closes the door. “You’ve made your point, Cosi. Let’s move on. Jeremy is ready to change his ways. Sabine gave him a good scolding and we’re all ready for you to get engaged.” Sabine is Jeremy’s mother. I do love her. But sometimes I think even she knows that her son is a bit of a weasel.

“Maman, I’m not trying to make a point. This is not a game to me. I don’t love Jeremy. Not the way I should. I’m with Caden now, and I’m happy. You need to accept it.”

“I won’t. You and Jeremy were always supposed to get married. This isn’t a new idea, Cosette. You’re messing everything up.”

I rear back. Is she kidding me right now? “Messing everything up? Why? Because he’s a partner in your restaurant? I’m your daughter. My happiness should matter to you.”

“Oh, please. Jeremy can give you a nice life. He has a trust fund that could buy this home ten times over. The restaurant is just to keep him busy. What are you going to have with this handyman? What kind of life can he provide? You’re going to live in a condo? You think you can be happy living that way?”

My mom’s view of life is about status, who you know, having someone at her beck and call. Her house is fully staffed and she thinks I should have those same desires too. Where she veers off course with her theories about lifestyle is with her desire to work. Maybe the way she was raised has her always thinking about what could happen if it’s gone. I’m not sure. But I think even she must get bored with being rich and actually enjoys her design company. She certainly never needs to work another day in her life.

I rub my temples and yank the door open. Living away from my family while I was in college was a nice break. This year, being back at home has opened my eyes to so many unpleasant things about the people I love most in the world.

“I’m leaving with my boyfriend, Mother.” I storm out of the pantry and hurry upstairs and throw a few things in a bag. I make my way out to the dining room, and when Caden’s eyes lock with mine, I see all the empathy in the world.

“Are you ready to go?” he asks, and he reaches for my bag and throws it over his shoulder and then takes my hand.

“I am. Oh, don’t wait up. I’m going to spend the night at Caden’s,” I say, before grabbing my purse and heading out the door.

I hear my mother gasp and Juliette whispering all sorts of nonsense.

I don’t look back.

Because Caden Taylor is helping me find my way.

My fresh start.

And I am here for it.



Chapter Five





“Are you all right?” I ask after I slide into the driver’s seat beside her.

“Yes.” She’s got her hands folded together in her lap and she’s shifting them back and forth in frustration.

“Want to talk about it?”

“About the fact that I come from a family of pretentious snobs? What is there to say? Oh, is it okay if I sleep on your couch? I probably should have asked you first.”

I laugh. She’s so … different from anyone I’ve ever been with. “Family isn’t always perfect, but they’re usually coming from a place of care. They want you with Jeremy because he’s got a lot of money, and that means something to them,” I say. “And you never have to ask if you can stay with me. You’re always welcome.”

“They’re so shallow. They want me with a man that cheated on me. Repeatedly. And why? Because he has more money than God? Who cares? My family has plenty of money of their own. I make good money. I’ll make my own way.”

“Of course you will. Tell me about Jeremy. Why do they want you with him so badly?”

“Well, his parents are best friends with my parents. My mom likes the sound of his last name and the attention that it would garner in her social circle, I guess.”

“You dated him for a while?”

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