Home > Freefall (The Wind & the Roar Trilogy #1)(7)

Freefall (The Wind & the Roar Trilogy #1)(7)
Author: Cat Porter

I was wasting precious time. More importantly, I was wasting me.

I pushed open the emergency door, and the cold air rushed over my hot skin and filled my lungs. Would I see Beck again? At his mom’s wedding, probably. Would we keep in touch, kiss again, take this further? Probably not. Forever the realist. Our lives were wildly different.

A moment like we had tonight, this sudden, electric intersection, was a once in a lifetime kind of thing, wasn’t it?

I stepped outside into the cold night, and I let go of the handle. Behind me the heavy door slammed shut loudly, and I laughed.



When and how will Beck & Violet’s paths cross again? Don’t miss what happens next in their thrilling and passionate book 2, Whirlwind available on September 29th



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On the final night of my band's sold out world tour my high life comes crashing down on me.

Girlfriend. Band. Best friend. All of it. Blindsided, humiliated, pissed off, I take off and slam right into Violet.

Years have gone by since that unexpected and explosive connection ignited between us. And now? It only burns brighter and hotter. Between us it’s soul-searing and wild, and I can’t get enough of her. And in an impressive twist of fate, she and I are connected in more ways than we know.

The paparazzi are after me for one screw up after the other, the gossip hounds are circling like vultures, crazy rumors are swirling. But all I care about is Violet. I’ll do anything to make her mine.

Beck obliterates all my musts, all my shoulds. And there are plenty. In his arms my haunted past fades away and suddenly anything is possible.

Now he’s a huge rockstar, living the celebrity life of a successful artist. Once again, both of us are going through a personal revolution, and the heat between us is still there, and more explosive than I’d ever dreamed possible.

Beck dares me to escape with him, and I take him up on it. I didn’t expect this kind of wild, decadent, indulgence. Or an amazing professional challenge that he makes possible for me. He supports me, encourages me in my work. I’ve never had that before.

This started out as no strings attached fun. Our lives are so different. It could never work. Only I’m not so sure anymore, with him I feel things I've never let myself feel before. But the one thing I do know is that waiting for me back home in South Dakota is ugly, harsh reality.

- Pre-Order WHIRLWIND -



Beck & Violet’s steamy, adventurous friends-to-lovers romance then concludes in book 3, Whisperwind of The Wind & the Roar Trilogy, available on October 20th



Books by Cat Porter



- Lock & Key MC Romance Series -

Lock & Key

Random & Rare

Iron & Bone

Blood & Rust


Lock & Key Christmas



Lock & Key - The Complete Series Boxed Set

Boxed Set of books 1-4



- Lock & Key’s Legends of Meager Series -

Blast to the past of the Lock & Key series

The Dust and the Roar

The Fire and the Roar

The Year of Everything



- The Wind & the Roar Trilogy -

Friends-to-Lovers Rockstar Romance






Dagger in the Sea

Mediterranean Romantic Suspense Adventure




Historical Romance



About the Author



Cat Porter was born and raised in New York City, but also spent a few years in Texas and Europe along the way, which made her as wanderlusty as her parents. As an introverted, only child, she had very big, but very secret dreams for herself. She graduated from Vassar College, was a struggling actress, an art gallery girl, special events planner, freelance writer, restaurant hostess, and had all sorts of other crazy jobs all hours of the day and night to help make those dreams come true. She has two children’s books traditionally published under her maiden name.

She now lives on a beach outside of Athens, Greece with her husband, three children, and three huge Cane Corsos, freaks out regularly, still daydreams way too much, and now truly doesn’t give AF. She is addicted to reading, classic films, cafes on the beach, Greek islands, Instagram, Pearl Jam and U2, bourbon she brought home from Nashville and whiskey she brought home from Ireland, and reallllllly good coffee. Writing has always kept her somewhat sane, extremely happy, and a productive member of society.

for more more more




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