Home > Simple Math(12)

Simple Math(12)
Author: Loni Ree

When I drive up, the house is dark, and I wonder if she fell asleep waiting for me. Another side effect of hormones. My wife can nod off at the drop of a hat. Last week, I found her sitting at the breakfast bar snoring away.

I rush into the darkened kitchen and call her name. When she doesn’t respond, I head up the stairs. My heart races as I push our bedroom door open. Coming to dead stop inside the doorway, I blink several times as my cock turns to stone in my pants.

My stunning, naked wife continues sliding her finger through her wet center while I stand frozen. “You took too long. I had to start without you.” My mouth waters as I watch her swollen tits swaying with her movements. Her adorable baby bump is growing bigger each day. Pulling myself together, I kick my shoes off as I watch her pleasure herself. “Hurry up.” Hormones have eaten away at her patience. “Before you miss the party.”

Falling over my own feet, I tear my pants off and throw them to the side. My cellphone clunks against the hardwood floor, but I don’t care if the fucker is destroyed. Forgetting about everything else, I prowl over to the bed. “I like the way you welcome me home.”

As I step next to her, she takes the hand wet with her own juices and reaches for my cock. “You haven’t seen anything yet.” She leans over and breathes against my sensitive tip. My eyes roll back in my head when her luscious lips close over my cock.

She wraps her soft tongue around me and sucks while her warm hand slides up and down. Locking my knees, I throw my head back and groan, “Fuck.” My hips jerk in time with her movements, and all too soon, I feel an orgasm blasting up my spine. I pull away from her mouth and push her back onto the bed. “I need you.”

“About time,” she grumbles. I roll to my back and pull her to straddle me. “I love running the show,” she whispers against my lips before kissing me. While our tongues brush, she slides down onto my aching cock. Lights flash behind my eyes as her tight inner muscles squeeze my hardness. My wife drags her sharp nails across my chest and rolls her hips, forcing me deeper into her wet pussy.

Reaching up, I pinch her sensitive nipples between my fingers. “I love your pregnant body.”

“I love you.” She throws back her head while tremors begin deep in her core. Her orgasm drags mine from me, and I grasp her luscious hips and hold her still as I empty into her.

After she falls across my chest, I whisper against her sweaty forehead, “I love you, too.” Damn. I freaking love second-trimester pregnancy hormones. “I might have to keep you knocked up if this is what it’s going to be like,” I tease.

“If it keeps going like this, we’re going to need a bigger house.” She kisses my throat, and I throw back my head and laugh.






Standing in the doorway, I watch my twin daughters sleeping peacefully in their cribs for a few moments before I slip out the door. I glance down at my watch and see I have an hour until my afternoon meeting begins.

The first few months were hard. Although they were full-term, our girls were still tiny at birth. Their small stomachs required frequent feedings, and they didn’t sleep for more than a couple of hours at a time. Even taking turns caring for them, both Lexi and I were walking zombies trying to survive on minimal sleep. After reaching four months old, the girls suddenly began sleeping through the night, and we’ve all settled into a comfortable routine.

Lexi attends classes in the morning while I stay home with the girls. She’s back at lunchtime, and I work through the afternoon and evening.

“Sorry, I’m late.” She walks in the kitchen door and wraps her arms around me. “I had to talk to Professor Mills after class.” Lexi ended up taking an entire semester off when the girls were born. Her new advisor has been helping her arrange her last year of classes.

“How did it go?” I open the refrigerator and grab her lunch.

“She thinks I’ll be able to finish up next semester.” Lexi reaches for the sandwich after I place it in front of her.

“That’s great.” I smile. After she graduates, my wife already has a job lined up with one of the daycare centers in town. They are going to allow her to do most of their accounting work from home and only go into the office for a few hours a week.

“Oh, I ran into Nick earlier, and he said he’s going to show up and kick your ass if you don’t answer his freaking calls.” Lexi laughs. Shit. My best friend called me last night and twice this morning, but I had my phone on silent and missed all his calls. He met a new woman a few weeks ago, and I have hope that he’s finally getting over the past trauma.

“I’ll call him after my afternoon meeting,” I promise her.

“How were the girls this morning?” Lexi asks. I forget all about my best friend’s threat as we discuss the twins and our plans for the weekend.

“We went for a stroller ride around the park, and they both fell asleep in the car on the way home.”

“Fun.” Her eyes sparkle. “Did Sammie let you put her in the stroller?” Our oldest daughter is headstrong. She wants to be held all the time, and we’re attempting to break her of this habit.

“She strongly objected at first, but I finally convinced her to ride.” I laugh and glance at the time. “I have a meeting in ten minutes.” Standing, I pull my wife into my arms.

Lexi smiles up at me then yawns. “I’m going to take a quick nap while Sammie and Marcie are still sleeping.” She leans up to kiss my lips, and I pull her close and feel her soft curves against my body.

“Sleep well, Love.” I watch my luscious wife walk up the stairs, and happiness flows through me. It took an accounting student to teach the mathematics professor simple math. One plus one equals four. I’m the luckiest man in the world.



Thank you very much for reading Simple Math. I hope you enjoyed the story and will consider leaving a review.

Check out my new paranormal series, Celestial Falls.



Cupcakes & Brimstone (Celestial Falls Book 1)



Honey & Growls (Celestial Falls Book 1)



Hexes & Howls (Celestial Falls Book 3)



Whispers & Wings (Celestial Falls Book 4)



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Also by Loni Ree



*Books written under the pen name Loni Ree contains adult language and sexual situations



Loni Ree BOOKS on Amazon






Cupcakes & Brimstone

Honey & Growls

Hexes & Howls

Whiskers & Wings

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