Home > Coming in Hot : Mission : Marie(14)

Coming in Hot : Mission : Marie(14)
Author: Jessika Klide

But this with Gabriel is different. This is fireworks, and it’s … belonging.


Both Gabriel and I jump as the loud noise of a cowbell breaks the peaceful silence. He jumps out of bed. Unstraps his knife grabs his jeans, pulls them on commando, tells me to get dressed, straps the blade back on, and heads out the front door.

I run to my swimsuit and put it on as the headlights of a vehicle glide over the house. Then I run to the built-out closet next to the bed and grab one of Gabriel’s shirts. Throw it on and look around for something to tie around my waist to keep it on. I spot a dog collar and leash hanging behind the door. I take the leather leash and wrap it around a couple of times, then hook the latch into the loop.

I walk to the window to see who is here. Standing off to the side, I peer around the sill. It’s Roberto. He’s talking with his head hanging down, and Gabriel is watching him with his hands on his hips. His body language is neutral, so I have no clue what’s going on. But it can’t be good because it’s in the middle of the night.




“Looks like he wants to see you.”

“The King?”

“Yeah, man. The King himself.” He hands me a sealed envelope.

I look at it. It’s a simple white envelope. “Why do you think it’s from The King?”

“Because The Wicked One gave it to me.” He frowns. “That can’t be good.”

“You’re worried because I took the girl?”

“Yeah. Some of the guys were bragging that you stole her from The King.” He shakes his head. “It’s either excellent news or really bad news.”

I pat his arm. “Let’s see what it says.” I open the envelope and hold the letter in the car headlights to read it out loud. Honoring his loyalty and proving I trust him. “Alejandro, Impressive haul. Going the extra mile has rewards. But taking a prize without permission is forbidden. Report to the hangout at 9:00 AM. I will hear your request. Your King.”

Roberto studies my face as I reread the letter to myself. “I’ll call the crew. We’ll meet you there.”

I look up at him. “No. You guys weren’t involved in my decision. I won’t have you punished if that’s what this is. Plus, if we show up as a crew, he might interpret it as a challenge to his authority.” I look at the note. “Thanks, though, for offering, but I got this. It reads like he just needs me to ask his permission to have her.”

He nods his head. “Okay, but what about the girl? Do you want me to guard her while you’re gone?”

“You’re the only one I would trust her with, but I’m taking her with me. It wouldn’t look right if I don’t bring her and ask him for her.”

“But he may want to keep her.”

“If he wants her, he can have her.”

“You sure? She’s pretty sweet on you,” He looks up at the house, and I turn toward it too. Marie is standing away from the window, watching, twirling her hair around her finger. It’s a nervous gesture. “Coming home to a willing woman in this business helps with the pain.”

I press my lips together, hearing his confession that he’s affected by it too, and I admit. “She is pretty sweet.”

He offers, “I tell you what, I’ll bring my baby mama to the hideout to eat breakfast around eight. Just in case.”

I hold my hand out, and he takes it. “You’re a good man, Roberto.”

He laughs. “My woman keeps telling me that.”







Gabriel stands with the letter in his hand, watching Roberto leave. Then he turns his head to look at the house. I walk to the window so he can see me. He gives me a head nod, then walks back.

“What’s happened?” I ask as soon as he comes through the door.

He doesn’t say anything. He just opens his arms, and I walk inside his embrace. He kisses the top of my head and says, “Sit down.”

I sit on the sofa and hug my knees. While he goes into the kitchen and takes the bottle of whiskey out of the cabinet. He pours two lowball glasses, then walks over and hands one to me. “Drink.”

I take a sip as a lump in my throat begins to form. He slams his back, then sets the empty glass on the table and asks, “Did you not understand the word, drink?”

The lump in my throat forms fully with his stern tone. There’s a slight frown on his brows, and his eyes are serious.

I bring the glass to my lips and slam the liquid back. It burns so much I lose my breath and cough.

He asks, “What’s the right answer, Marie?”

I set the empty glass on the table and say, “Yes Sir, Mr. Daddy.”

He says, “That is always the right answer; remember that.”

I nod.

“I’ve been called out on taking you.”

The blood drains from my face, and my spit dries in my mouth.




Dammit. There was no easy way to say it. I pour us both another shot but wait before I tell her to drink it. I stare at the clear amber liquid running through the options before I speak.

“What does that mean?” She asks, unable to wait. “Are they going to punish you? Do you have to give me back?”

I smile at her. “You’re forgetting I’m Gabriel Managus, a U.S. DEA Special Agent.” I look out the window. “And I nearly forgot that too.” I stand, “Come on. It’s time to go home.”

Her head tilts suspiciously. “Just like that?”

“Affirmative.” I hold my hand out to her. She takes it, but she holds back.

“I don’t understand.” She frowns. “If it is that easy, then why didn’t we leave yesterday?”

I look down on her as a rush of emotions crash my system, and I clamp my jaw to stifle them.

“Answer my question, Gabriel. Why didn’t we go right away if it is that simple?”

“Truth is, I was selfish. I wanted one night with you. I have a rendezvous with my handler this morning at eight. I was going to take you in then, but I won’t have time now.” I pull her hand to help her stand, she resists me.

“Why not?” She eyes the letter I tossed on the counter in the kitchen. “What does the letter say? How have you been called out? What are they going to do to you?”

Her sweet, concerned expression is almost more than I can bear, so I look out the window until her barrage of questions is over. Then I simply state, “Marie, don’t.”

“Don’t what? Care?” Her tone is hard. “Too fucking late, asshole! I’m invested.” She pulls her hand out of mine, reaches for the whiskey, and slams it back. Another slight cough, then she says. “I’m not ready to go.”

“It’s not your choice.”

“The hell it isn’t. I’m an American Citizen, and thanks to you, I’m free to continue to make my own choices. I don’t belong to Alejandro. You can’t tell me what to do, Gabriel Managus.”

It feels like I’ve been bitch slapped.

“Answer my fucking questions. There are twenty-two girls that won’t be going home if I do.”

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