Home > Summer Love : A Steamy Small Town Romance Anthology(20)

Summer Love : A Steamy Small Town Romance Anthology(20)
Author: Piper Rayne

“Keva,” I said on a breath I found I’d been holding since I’d seen her last.

Her dark hair went flying as she looked my way, her eyes widening almost comically. I was so starved for her I almost missed the way her eyes were red around the rim. The way the light in her eyes had dimmed to something unrecognizable. Keva from two months ago had been an explosion of color and energy. The Keva standing before me looked insubstantial enough to blow right off the sidewalk with a stiff breeze.

I took a giant step forward, now close enough to touch her elbow. She flinched but didn’t pull her arm back.

“What happened?” I asked, alarmed at the sadness on her face.

She frowned and I winced at the accusation in her gaze. “I think that’s my question. What happened to you?”

Her voice shook, but I had to give her credit for standing up for herself. She was incredible. And probably way too good for me. But I didn’t make it through eight years of the military without being a shade of daring that erred on the reckless side when the occasion called for it.

“I’m so sorry for not calling you. I had to smooth things over with Rocket. Did you know he’s a stubborn son of a bitch?”

Keva huffed out a breath and dropped the frown. She wasn’t smiling yet, but I’d take the small progress.

“Sure you do. He’s your brother. He’s my brother too. Maybe not by blood, but we’ve been through some shit together and I could never betray him.” I tapped my thumb against my thigh, praying like hell she’d give me another chance. “He finally gave me his blessing about an hour ago, so here I am.”

She frowned again. “Why are you here, Linc?”

Here was my chance.

I lifted my hand and cupped her cheek, heart soaring when her eyelids fluttered at my touch. “I want to see you again, Keva. I want to take you out on a proper date, hold your hand walking down the street. I want to meet your friends and family. I want to discover all the little things that make you smile and make sure you have them every single day. I want to play with your mini pig and drive you around the countryside on my Harley. I want to be responsible for every blush that stains your cheeks.” I gripped her tighter. “I want it all with you.”

Her eyes closed and she leaned into me. A single tear ran down her cheek and I caught it with my thumb.

“Please, Keva,” I whispered, inching closer to kiss her cheek, her forehead, her nose. I felt like my entire life hung in the balance. I just needed a shot. One shot to show her we could be good together. We hadn’t even gotten a beginning.

She didn’t open her eyes, but she nodded, her weight falling into me. I pulled her into me, claiming her lips before she could change her mind and voice all the reasons I didn’t deserve another chance. Her lips moved under mine, but she didn’t clutch me to her like I remembered from two months ago.

I’d make things up to her. I’d prove to her I was serious about her. She’d come to trust me again. I just knew it.



Chapter Five






His touch made all the thoughts swirling around in my head scatter to the wind. Linc was back. He wanted me. Everything else could wait. We’d figure things out. Together.

His strong arms crushed me to his rock hard body and I melted. I’d missed him, which seemed impossible with just one day together, but there it was. He was back, and he was offering me all the things I’d been dying to hear. I could admit I wasn’t the best mind reader, but I could tell without a doubt that Linc was genuine about everything he’d said. He even had thoughts of building a mini slide for Spunky, so he’d have something to do while we were at work all day. A man who loved my pig was all right in my book.

Miracles happened all the time. There was no other explanation for him being here after two months of silence. False positives happened too. I couldn’t say anything to Linc yet. He’d just come back into my life and I wasn’t even sure if the pregnancy test had been right. I’d take another one and if that one turned positive, then I’d tell him about it. Later.

Linc pulled back, a smile on his face that made my knees go weak. “How about we get out of here and grab some dinner?”

I swallowed hard and pushed everything else out of my head. “Yeah. I’d love that.”

His grin grew and then he picked me up, making me scream with laughter. He didn’t put me down until he got me on his Harley, a much larger bike than the moped I first rode on with him. He clipped the strap of the helmet so carefully under my chin before pressing a quick kiss to my nose. As my arms wrapped around his waist and the shops of the town I’d grown to love flew past, I knew everything would be fine.

Linc was back and I knew, given enough time, he’d love me.

Because I was already there. Head over heels.



If you liked this quick trip to the town of Hell, grab the FREE novella in the Jobs From Hell series here.



About Marika Ray



Marika Ray is a USA Today bestselling author, writing small town RomCom to make your heart explode and bring a smile to your face. All her books come with a money-back guarantee that you’ll laugh at least once with every book.

Marika spends her time behind a computer crafting stories, walking the beaches of southern California, and making healthy food for her kids and husband whether they like it or not. Prior to writing novels, Marika held various jobs in the finance industry, with private start-up companies, and then in health & fitness. Cats may have nine lives, but Marika believes everyone should have nine careers to keep things spicy.

If you'd like to know more about Marika or the other novels she’s currently writing, please find her on Facebook, or her private Reader Group. Or you can find her in-person, on the beach in Southern California, frolicking like a Baywatch babe.



Also by Marika Ray



Steamy RomComs:

Ridin’ Solo - Sisters From Hell #1

One Night Bride - Sisters From Hell #2

Smarty Pants - Sisters From Hell #3

Ex Best Thing - Sisters From Hell #4


Love Bank - Jobs From Hell #1

Uber Bossy - Jobs From Hell #2

Unfriend Me - Jobs From Hell #3

Side Hustle - Jobs From Hell #4

Man Glitter - Jobs From Hell Novella - Grab it FREE here!


The Missing Ingredient - Reality of Love #1

Mom-Com - Reality of Love #2

Desperately Seeking Househusbands - Reality of Love #3


Happy New You - Standalone


Backroom Boy - Standalone



Sweet Romances:

The Marriage Sham - Standalone


The Widower’s Girlfriend-Faking It #1

Home Run Fiancé - Faking It #2

Guarding the Princess - Faking It #3


Lines We Cross - Nickel Bay Brothers #1

Perfectly Imperfect Us - Nickel Bay Brothers #2



Steamy Beach Romance:

1) Sweet Dreams - Beach Squad #1

2) Love on the Defense - Beach Squad #2

3) Barefoot Chaos - Beach Squad #3

* Novella - Handcuffed Hussy

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