Home > Pieces of Us (Second Chance Sinners #1)(2)

Pieces of Us (Second Chance Sinners #1)(2)
Author: Claudia Y. Burgoa

“Even if you never see me, I’ll be right beside you. I’ll be holding your hand.”

I stare at my hands, wishing she was here.

But she left me just like Dad did before her.

What would she say if she knew I’m not who she wanted me to be?

I remember her words so well. I didn’t know how to read, but she made a list of the things I should accomplish. Mom wanted me to be a lawyer. “Practice family law. That’s where you’ll make a difference. Do it for love and not for money.”

I guess she had no idea what would happen to me after she died. Is she aware that nothing has gone as planned?

After her death, I was supposed to live with her friend, Lucy. I don’t know what happened to her. One moment we were in the cemetery, and the next, social services was picking me up. Since then, I’ve been moved around from one foster home to the next—and now it’s group homes. Well, not anymore. I decided to go solo. Being on the streets is safer than living in any of those shitholes.

Sure, idiot, but now you’re going to end up in jail.

Shit, I fucked this up. I don’t even know what I should do. The silence inside of this fridge is deafening. I press my forehead to my knees, press my chin to my chest, and cover my ears. If I don’t move, they won’t see me.

Are they coming soon? Will they shoot me?

I imagine the sound of police sirens approaching. They’ll be knocking down the door, searching throughout the place until they find me.

Being tall was fine up until now. If only I could disappear. I don’t have Jedi powers, a cloak of invisibility, or the strength to fight anyone who finds me. I’m tall but weak.

The silence is killing me. I hold my breath for a few beats praying that no one can find me. There has to be a way out of here. Maybe I can drop all the shelves, create a commotion, and jet out of this place. If I run fast, they won’t catch me.

This isn’t an episode of Scooby-Doo, you idiot.

As I’m about to make my way out of the metal ice cube, I hear a loud bang. My heart rate speeds up. This is it. I’m fucked.

My first experience with the legal system isn’t going to be in college but in front of a judge. Dying of hypothermia might’ve been better.

There’s another loud thunk against the metal wall. This one makes me jump and lose my balance. Thankfully, my back hits the wall, and I don’t push the shelf in front of me.

“The police are gone, kid. You can come out,” a male voice orders.

My stomach drops.

Are they talking to me?

“I know you’re here,” the man continues. “Don’t make me search for you!”

“Why did you tell the police that the CCTV didn’t record?” A female voice asks. “What are we going to do with him?”

The guy mumbles and then she says, “I’ll make the call then.”

My body begins to tremble. They’re going to kill me, or worse, sell me. But to who?



Chapter Two






“Come out here,” the man orders. “We just want to talk to you.”

“I-I swear. I didn’t steal anything,” I mumble.

Slowly, I unfold my body and stand up. Two people are standing by the entrance. The man is tall, maybe as tall as I am—but muscular with tattoos all over his arms. She’s small in comparison.

“Jesus, you’re just a kid. What the fuck were you thinking?” he says, watching me intently.

I stare at him, speechless.

He orders, “Make the call, Hummingbird.” His voice makes me shiver even more.

What are they planning on doing to me? It’s not like I stole their flowers.

They both look intently at me for a couple of beats, then the woman turns around and walks away.

He narrows his gaze, and I’m seconds from peeing my pants. “Why are you here?”

I can’t form words. He’s going to beat the shit out of me. His people will be here soon to take my body and dump it in Lake Washington. They’ll probably chop me into pieces so no one will recognize me. I should tell him that no one will even care. It’s not like I have a family who’d claim me.

The lady enters the fridge again. She holds a navy-blue blanket. As she approaches me, she extends her hand and smiles. “Here, you must be freezing.”

Hypnotized by her tenderness, I do as she says. I almost smile. Her voice reminds me of Mom—it’s sweet, firm, and loving.

When I grab the blanket, our hands touch, and she gasps. “Oh dear God, you’re cold.” Her attention turns to the man. At the same time she wraps me with the blanket, she says, “Kade, find him a jacket.”

“Seriously?” The guy scowls. “Would you like me to find him some slippers too? You know, to keep him warm.”

“It’s not the time to be making jokes. This kid is going to end up in the hospital if we don’t take care of him soon.”

He huffs and walks away.

“Why don’t we sit down?” the woman suggests, leading me out of the industrial fridge.

She guides me to the bench that’s outside the room where Mr. Kade is coming out. He hands me a jacket. “Here. You’re lucky I always have something in this place.”

The woman rolls her eyes. “Lucky me. You always leave your clothes laying around.”

Kade gives her a humorous look. “So now I’m the one in trouble and not the trespasser, huh?” Then he looks at me and asks, “Where do you live?” At the same time, the woman questions, “Why are you here?”

I press my lips tightly. Maybe if I don’t speak, they’ll let me go. I try to stand up, but the guy pushes me slightly, placing my ass back on the bench.

“We’re not done with you. I’m guessing you’re a runaway,” he states and looks at the woman. “Did you make the call?” She nods. “Call them again and ask where they are at. In the meantime, I’m going to have a chat with this guy.”

“It’s going to be okay,” she reassures me before she stands up and leaves.

Who are they calling?

I guess it’s not their cronies to erase me.

Run, Zeke, run.

I wonder what Mom would say if she knew I was waiting for the police to drag me to jail.

I stare at my cold hands, wondering if she still holds them, if she’s still by my side as she promised before she died. I bet she doesn’t care. Who would want a kid who’s always causing trouble? Someone who…no one has ever cared about. If she had stayed, maybe I’d be a different child. Perhaps I wouldn’t be stupid.

At least she’s in heaven. I remember her telling me it is a place where there are rainbows, everyone smiles, and the grass is always green.

“This would go a lot easier if you tell me who to contact,” Kade looks down at me. “We just want to help.”

“I didn't do anything,” I say, staring at the floor. “It wasn't my intention to steal anything. I just wanted a place where I could stay for tonight.”

“Trespassing on private property is enough,” he states, “What would your parents think if they knew what you're doing.”

Let me die so I can ask them. I stare at him with defiance but remain silent.

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