Home > Perfect Risk (Mason Creek #1)(2)

Perfect Risk (Mason Creek #1)(2)
Author: C.A. Harms

I nodded because I was afraid to talk. My emotions were getting the best of me, my mom’s struggle, my father’s worry, what happened back in LA, feeling like a failure, all of it came crashing down.

“I’m home,” my words were barely above a whisper.

I don’t know how long we stood there, him holding me and neither of us saying a word. We didn’t have to, the silence said enough for the both of us. We were both happy, settled and feeling like things were now once again exactly as they should be.

“Why don’t we go inside and check on mama?”

Nodding into his chest I gave him one more squeeze and loosened my hold.

Side by side, my arm linked through his, we climbed the stairs and entered my childhood home. I had no idea what was in store for me, but what I did know was I was exactly where I belonged.

Leaving wasn’t the best choice for me, this was, and it always would be.



Chapter Two





* * *


Stretching my arms above my head, I peeked through squinted eyes and groaned. The bright yellow room that was once mine had now been reformed into a guest room. One that in my mother’s words, was like waking up to a bright and shiny day.


Who wants a sun yellow room, with even brighter blue, yellow, and green curtains?

I love my mother, truly I did, but I immediately missed my blackout curtains and dimmed room in LA. I knew that if my parents had it their way I’d be living here forever, but after just one night of being back home I knew I’d need to find my own place and fast. I’d gotten used to having my own space, to do with what I wanted, I’d needed that escape.

A light knock on the door had my entire body turning in that direction just as the door came flying open. No chance to prepare myself, like a streak of lighting my best friend since second grade came barreling into the room and jumped over my body. With a humph I bare the weight of her as she hugged me tightly. “I’m so happy you’re home, I have so much to tell you. Oh my Gosh, Sadie, honestly you are not gonna believe how much you’ve missed.”

Some things never change. Gossip, hair and clothes, Anna was and always will be a crazy ball of energy and sass. She was daring and strong, confident and forward, her strength and determination was something I’d always admired.

“Can I get coffee first?” Did I mention I am not a morning person? Anna, she is an all the time person, a bottle of energy that never goes empty.

“If you must, or you could get up, brush that insane mess you call hair, and we could go to Java Jitters.” She widens her eyes and does this weird little shimmy, still straddling me, only now sitting up looking down at me with the biggest smile. “I bet in that stuffy city you couldn’t find a Caramel Macchiato like Jessie makes.”

It was true Java Jitters opened up shortly before I finished college and I’d only had it a few times during some of my rare visits home. But even with only a few samplings I can definitely say no one has compared. My taste buds love me some JJ’s. Jessie Phillips who was only a couple years older than us took a chance on her own business and it was a hit. That girl knew how to make a killer latte.

“I need a shower.” I could feel the travel grime pouring out of pores. “And to brush my teeth.”

Anna rolled her eyes and climbed off me. “Okay, I’ll wait. But in fifteen minutes I am leaving, and if you aren’t in the car with me, I’ll go have some of the most amazing coffee ever without you.”

I climbed out of bed and tossed a pillow at her, making her giggle and swat at me.

“You do realize I have my own car.” Pausing in the doorway, I looked back at her. “I could just drive myself there.”

“Not without a starter relay you won’t.” Arching a brow, she dared me to argue. The thing was I had no idea what she was talking about. Cars and I didn’t jive. The only thing I needed to know was how to start it and drive it. Whatever it took to operate it was someone else’s expertise, not my own. But Anna, she could change her own oil, a tire if needed, and I wouldn’t put it past her not to know how to drop a motor and put in a new one if pressured to do so.

“You’re an ass.” It was all I had. She knew she had one up on me. It was one of the perks of being married to a mechanic. Beau was a good guy and he made sure his wife knew how not to get stranded without knowing what to do to get herself moving once again. She’d become a little grease monkey, with purple streaks in her hair, and shiny lip gloss.

The best of both worlds, like I said, strong willed and determined.

She held a wild streak, that purple hair of hers. Compliments of herself, next week they could very well be pink instead. She was a stylist at Serenity the local salon in town and her style had really created a name for herself. She’s pretty popular with the younger crowd, wild and adventurous some might say. She had never afraid to try something others may fear. Her hair, or yours was her canvas, it was up to you if you chose to give her free rein in order to get creative and daring.

“Fine, but I’m taking these.” I reached out and snagged her keys off the floor where she dropped them in her hurry to tackle me. “You won’t be leaving me without these.”

With her mouth hanging open she remained seated on my bed and scowled as I swiveled around and walked to the bathroom feeling as if I’d outwitted the wittiest woman I know.

God, how I’d missed her.



Walking into Java Jitters, there were several familiar faces sitting around enjoying their morning brew. All offering smiles and a wave, some saying it was nice to have me back home where I belong. Others, those closer to my parents, hugged me and mentioned my arrival had brightened my father’s mood tremendously. I laughed a little because to me, my dad was nothing more than a kind soul. Granted to others, he was stronger, firm, and very direct. Not everyone knew exactly how to take him. He took some warming up to.

Anna and I stood in line, breathing in the aromas of blended coffee and sugary sweetness. The vanilla, hazelnut…I was a coffee whore, I loved it so much.

“What can I get for you ladies?” Jessie looked a little different from what she did back when I was still living here. She was a very pretty girl, always had been. I’d been a little envious of her auburn hair, it was the perfect color and always looked so soft.

“I’ll take a double chocolate blended iced mocha.” Anna was bouncing on the balls of her feet like a schoolgirl. Both myself and Jessie looked her over. Her son was just like her, wired and spunky.

“Love the enthusiasm.” I looked back to Jessie finding her smiling at Anna before turning her attention to me. “And you?”

“Caramel macchiato.” Granted my order was a little less enthusiastic but definitely desired. I’d been practically salivating since we walked in and I smelled the scents engulfing me.

We paid, and then moved off to the side to await our order. It didn’t take long before Anna was in full-fledged gossip mode. Whispering about this person and that person, who married who, who had a one-night stand, and who got left at the altar. Secrets of alleged affairs, and so much more, it was a bit overwhelming.

I was so wrapped up in her whispering and trying to focus and keep up I’d missed the newest customer who entered the coffee shop. Suddenly I was lifted off my feet, spun around in a circle and the surprised squeal that ripped from me could have woken the dead.

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