Home > A Forever Family (Forever #5)(7)

A Forever Family (Forever #5)(7)
Author: Sandi Lynn

“So you’ve made up?”

“Yes. I came to my senses and had a talk with Collin. We’d love for you to join us tonight.”

“That’s okay. Jake isn’t getting home until six o’clock and then he’ll want to spend some time with Brayden before I ship him off to you and Dad tonight.”

“Okay. Then we’ll pick Brayden up after dinner. Thanks, Julia, for letting him spend the night with us tonight.”

“You’re welcome, Mom. I know tomorrow is Denny’s birthday and it’s going to be hard on Daddy. Using time alone with Jake was a good excuse. I think having Brayden there tomorrow with you and Dad, at least in the morning, will help him feel a little better.”

“I think so too, sweetheart. I’ll talk to you later. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

I sighed as I ended the call. Tomorrow was going to be a difficult day for us, but mostly for Connor. He was still mourning Denny’s death and it had been emotionally difficult for him. I was hoping he’d take the day off of work tomorrow and spend it with me and Brayden. He never read the letter that Denny wrote him. He said that he wasn’t ready and some day he would be. I had a feeling that day would be tomorrow.



When Amelia and Collin walked through the doors at Per Se, I stood up and gave Amelia a big hug.

“I’m so sorry, Amelia, for my behavior last night.”

“It’s okay, Ellery. I totally understand. My parents would have been upset too.”

I broke our embrace as I took her hands before sitting down. “I would love it if you’d call me ‘Mom,’ and I’m thrilled to have you as my daughter in-law. Collin couldn’t have picked a better girl in the world to marry. Congratulations and officially welcome to our family, Mrs. Amelia Black.”

“Thank you so much, Mom.” She gave a tender smile.

“Excuse me, Elle; it’s my turn.” Connor smirked.

I stepped out of the way as he hugged her and welcomed her to the family.

“What about me?” Collin asked as he held out his arms.

“We already hugged you earlier.” I winked.

He chuckled and we sat down and ordered a drink. We spent the next couple of hours talking about the wedding reception and how we were going to tell the rest of the family that Collin was already married.



Chapter 7




I awoke to the sound of Brayden crying. Ellery got up to get him and she brought him back to the bed and handed him to me.

“Say good morning to your grandpa.” She smiled.

I took him from her and gave him a kiss. He was happy and full of smiles now that he was out of his crib.

“I’m going to get his bottle. I’ll be right back.” She leaned over and kissed my lips.

As I held him in my arms, I smiled as I thought of Denny. Today was his birthday and I missed him. I missed our talks, his smart-ass comments, but mostly, I missed his lectures. Ellery walked back in the room and handed me Brayden’s bottle.

“Are you okay, baby?” she asked.

“Yeah. I’m okay. I miss him, Elle.”

She reached over and put her arm around me as she stroked Brayden’s head while I fed him his bottle.

“I know you do. I miss him too. But you know, he wouldn’t want you to be sad. He already made that very clear after he died.”

“I still can’t believe he’s gone. God, I would love to know what he would have thought about Collin getting married in Vegas.” I gave Ellery a small smile.

“I know exactly what he would have said. ‘Connor, that boy of yours is exactly like you. Get your head out of your ass and be happy for him. Embrace his marriage and happiness because you know damn well you can’t blame him.’”

I laughed. “You’re right. I can hear those exact words.”

She gave me a squeeze as she laid her head on my shoulder. “I love you more and more every day, Connor Black.”

I turned and kissed her forehead. “I love you too, baby.”

Once Brayden was fed, Ellery took him downstairs so I could take a shower. We were going to spend the day together; just the three of us. Like it was when we just had Julia. After my shower, I wrapped the towel around me and walked over to the armoire and opened the top drawer where I had kept Denny’s letter all these months. I slid my finger under the flap and took out the folded white paper. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, I slowly opened it.

Dear Connor,

My son and my best friend. As you’re reading this, I don’t want you to feel any sadness. I’m in a good place and I’ve been called home to reunite with my beautiful wife, Dana. Your journey to becoming a man was something that I treasured my whole life. You know Dana and I could never have kids, but we felt like our life was full because you were like our son. I know things with your own father hadn’t been easy for you, but as he gets older, you need to forgive him. People make mistakes and you of all people should know that. You’ve made your fair share throughout the years and you were forgiven more times than I could count. Life is all about family and accepting things we can’t control. You need to see the beauty in all things that happen because even the biggest mistakes can turn out to be the best gifts in life. Acceptance, forgiveness, and love prevail over anything that life throws your way. I love you, Connor Black, more than words can say and I think I did a damn good job of guiding you and loving you through the years. You’ve made me extremely proud and I couldn’t imagine a better man who deserved a wife and family as perfect as yours. Take care of Ellery, Julia, and Collin, and do right by them. So far, you’ve done an amazing job and I’ll be watching over you from afar to make sure you continue to do so. Remember, my son, that I will always love you and one day we’ll be reunited in the big sky. Now, toss this letter and be happy. Be happy for me that I’m back home and stop being selfish because you’re sad. Give Ellery a big kiss from me and don’t forget, I’m always around. If you need to talk about anything, just give me a shout. You’ll feel better, I promise.”

Love always,


Ellery walked in the room and stopped when she saw the letter in my hands.

“Is that—”

“Yeah.” I looked up at her.

She walked over to me, set Brayden in the middle of the bed, and wrapped her arms around me.

“I’m confused, Elle. Some of the things he says in this letter about my father don’t make sense.” I handed her the letter. “Denny knew that my relationship with my father was on the mend over the last few years, so I don’t understand what he meant.”

“I don’t know, Connor. Don’t read too much into it. It’s Denny. He’s probably just making sure you stay on the right track with your dad.”

“I don’t know. But something about what he said bothers me. Especially the part about acceptance. Almost as if he knew something I don’t.”

“Sweetheart, seriously, you’re reading too much into his words. Come on and get dressed. Go spend some time with your grandson while I get ready and we can start the day off by going to breakfast.” She kissed my cheek.

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