Home > Playing a Player (Sweet Cravings #1)(4)

Playing a Player (Sweet Cravings #1)(4)
Author: Ivy Smoak

I just finished moving the rest of my bathroom stuff to my bedroom when I heard a knock on the door. My heart was beating fast. I glanced in the mirror. I was wearing my nicest pushup bra with a low cut tank top and a pair of jean shorts. Maybe I could change Rory's opinion of me. I didn't really want that stupid pact.

A few seconds later I opened the door. Rory was holding a large box and his two friends were hidden behind boxes of their own.

"Hey," Rory said as he made his way into the apartment. He put the box down in the middle of the living room floor. "Keira, this is Connor and Jackson." He gestured to his two friends.

"Hey," Conner said. "Rory, you didn't tell me that your new roommate was smoking hot."

I could feel myself blushing. "Do you guys need help with anything? I cleared space for you in the kitchen and bathroom cabinets."

"We have a lot to bring up. Maybe you could help me unpack?" Rory asked.

"Sure, of course."

I walked over to the boxes and sat down. I pulled the tape off the first one and opened it up. It was full of boxers. I lifted up a pair. A box of condoms was underneath of it. A huge box. Does he buy them in bulk? Who needs this many condoms?

Rory cleared his throat.

Shit. I threw the boxers down on top of the box of condoms.

"Maybe the one marked kitchen?" Rory suggested before heading back out of the apartment.

I quickly closed the box and pulled the tape back over it. Why did I touch his boxers? What is wrong with me? I found the box labeled kitchen and started to unpack the glasses.




By the time they moved the rest of Rory's stuff in, my apartment had been transformed into a bachelor pad. My small couch had been pushed to the side and dark leather furniture had replaced it. There were beer mugs lining the counter and a dartboard hung up on the wall.

I turned my head when I heard the door creak back open. The three guys were carrying a case of beer and a few pizzas.

"Did you want to join us, mademoiselle?" Jackson asked. He had a kind smile. The three of them sat down in the living room.

"No, that's okay, guys. I'm just going to hang out in my room."

"Don't be ridiculous," Connor said. "We're going to be over a lot. We need to get to know you better." He tapped the seat between him and Rory on the couch.

"Um..." I looked over at Rory. He was smiling at me. He had such a sexy smile. "If you're sure I'm not imposing."

Connor popped the top off a beer and held it up for me. I walked over to the couch, sat down, and took the beer bottle. Jackson was sitting in a chair across from us.

I could feel Connor's eyes on me as I leaned over to grab a slice of pizza. "So you guys are going to be over a lot, huh?"

"Well, Rory always hosts poker night on Tuesdays," Jackson said.

I looked over at Rory. He shrugged his shoulders.

"And he throws a hell of a party," Connor added.

"He forgot to mention that." What had I gotten myself into?

"Actually, we were thinking about doing a kind of housewarming party. If that's okay with you, Keira?" Connor asked.

"Sure. When were you thinking?"


"Do you need me to do anything?"

"No, we've got it covered. Just wear something sexy." Connor's hand brushed the side of my arm.

I gulped. I didn't want Rory's friend to like me. I wanted Rory to like me. I shifted slightly closer to Rory on the couch. But Rory responded by scooting away from me. Jackson smiled at me. I could tell he wanted to laugh. He had seen me move away from Connor and then Rory move away from me. Geez, why is this so awkward?

"So, Keira, tell us about yourself," Jackson said.

I finished chewing a bite of pizza. "I'm a freelance writer for The Post."

"That's a stimulating job. Do you enjoy it?" Jackson asked.

That was a strange way to describe my work. Stimulating. "It's actually a lot of fun. I basically write about whatever I like and sometimes they'll pick up the story."

"That's considerably better than pushing paper all day." Jackson smiled. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy.

"And what does your boyfriend do?" Connor asked.

"Really smooth," Jackson laughed and leaned back in his chair.

"Um...well...he isn't, I mean, I don't..." I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "I'm not seeing anyone right now."

"Single and sexy? Rory, you were really holding out on us," Connor said.

I looked at Rory out of the corner of my eye and saw him shrug. He didn't mention it because he doesn't think I'm sexy. I was suddenly very aware of the fact that I was alone in my apartment with three men I barely knew. I stood up. "I've never played darts before."

"I can show you how," Connor said quickly, and got up off the couch. He walked over to the dartboard and picked up the darts off the table.

I sighed and walked over to him. He handed me a dart. I threw it toward the board and the dart sunk into the wall. "Oh, shit."

Connor laughed. "Here, let me show you." He placed a dart in my hand and got behind me. He put one hand on my hip and the other around my hand that was holding the dart. I glanced over my shoulder at Rory, but he was talking to Jackson. If anything could come out of this, I was hoping to make him jealous. But he wasn't even looking at me.

"I'm going to put the rest of the beers in the fridge." I shimmied out of Connor's grip, grabbed the case, and walked into the kitchen. I opened up the fridge and let the cool air hit my face. I took a deep breath. I needed to get a grip.

"Ahem." I looked up and Rory was leaning against the side of the fridge.

"Oh. Hi." I put the carton of beers down in the fridge. "Your friends seem...nice."

He leaned in close. I could feel his warm breath in my ear. It made chills shoot through the rest of my body. "Connor only does one night stands, Keira. Just a heads up. One friend to another." He leaned back against the side of the fridge and regarded me. I wanted his warm breath against me again.

"And what do you do? I mean, just one friend curiously asking another."

He laughed, grabbed a beer out of the carton, and headed back over to his seat.

He really doesn't like me. He was looking out for me, one friend to another. Or was he trying to make me avoid Connor? I closed the refrigerator door. I was now even more uncomfortable. And I suddenly remembered Emily joking around about Rory being a serial killer. A chill ran down my spine.

"You know what, I'm pretty tired," I called to them from the kitchen. "I'm going to go to bed."



Chapter 6

I sat down at the kitchen counter with my bowl of cereal. The pizza boxes were still on the coffee table and beer bottles were scattered around the living room. I wasn't used to living with a guy. And Rory's friends would be back tonight for their weekly poker night. Emily had been right. Living with a guy was very different than living with a girl. I was a little sloppy, but at least I didn't leave trash all over the apartment.

The bathroom door creaked and Rory walked out. He was wearing boxer briefs. And nothing else. I spit out my bite of cereal.

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