Home > Meant to Be(12)

Meant to Be(12)
Author: Jude Deveraux

   Kelly shook her head. “How about you and Vera?”

   “In Africa—” He waved his hand. “I’ve never asked a girl out to dinner or a movie. Except Vera and that was more—”

   “I know,” Kelly said. “You don’t ask. You just say, ‘Which movie do you want to see on Saturday?’”

   “Or ‘Wanna eat at the diner or the burger place?’”

   They were quiet for a moment.

   “If Pauly and I are broken up, how do I...?”

   “Get into dating?” he asked.

   “Yes. I admit that I’ve wondered what other boys are like. All through high school my girlfriends would fall in love one week, then break up the next. I was always glad that I didn’t have to go through that.”

   “You couldn’t have done that and worked with Dr. Carl and studied so that now you’re the top of your class.”

   Kelly smiled. “That’s true. Pauly never complained when I canceled something because I was helping his dad.”

   “And besides, he had his tree obsession to occupy him.”

   “And I never had to worry about him and other girls. Although I did have a few moments of jealousy when the trees were in bloom and he wouldn’t leave them. One time I wore a very short dress that was the exact pink of the flowers.”

   “Did he notice?”

   “I think so, but he didn’t say anything.”

   He was looking at her. “Are you a...?” He didn’t finish.

   “A virgin? No, I’m not, and if this gets that personal, I’m leaving.”

   “Sorry,” he mumbled. “How are we going to solve your problem? Other than marrying Robbie, that is. I can’t see him as husband material.”

   She looked at him. “I don’t know. I bet Robbie could teach me a few tricks about boys and girls. Or maybe you could explain things to me. I’m quite curious. Which animals do mating humans most imitate?”

   “Well... I, uh...” He saw the light in her eyes. “You brat! I’m not about to explain the facts of life to you. Ask Vera.”

   “Oh, so you taught her and now she’s to tell me?”

   Adam laughed. “We were talking about you, not me. And I agree that if you tell Vera that Paul isn’t going to be part of your future, she’ll panic.”

   “I know. She and Mom think my graduation is the moment all problems will be solved. I’ll marry Pauly, we’ll move in with Mom and I’ll become a partner with Dr. Carl.”

   “And Vera will leave with me for Africa.”

   “Everybody gets a happily-ever-after.”

   He looked at her. “Think Vera will agree to leave if you and your mom are alone? Can just the two of you take care of the farm?”

   “I don’t know. It was all planned so perfectly. Pauly is good with numbers. He was going to keep the books.”

   “In exchange for how many acres given to him to plant his old trees?” Adam’s disgust was evident.

   “Heritage,” she corrected. “His business is called Heritage Harvests. And we agreed on twelve acres.”

   Adam whistled. “That’s a lot.” His head came up. “Wait a minute! You worked all this out but he never officially proposed?”

   “We did.”

   “This is a problem,” he said.

   “Not for you. You’ll leave and—”

   “Stop saying that! It’s thrown in my face every three minutes. That I left! That I’m going to leave! When I first went away, it didn’t matter. My father was the ruler. He treated me like a kid and always would. I needed...” He couldn’t go on.

   “I know you loved him. A lot of people said bad things after you went away, but I never believed any of it. Burke Hatten had to have his own way. That’s hard to deal with. Who else worries you?”

   He laughed. “How’d a kid like you get so smart?”

   “May I remind you that I am only eleven and a half months younger than you?”

   She had on wet clothes that clung to her body. She certainly didn’t look like a kid! He looked away. “I always think of you as Vera’s pest of a little sister.”

   “We’ll hire someone to help Mom and me.”

   “Some hippie who’ll grow Mary Jane in the far fields?”

   “I’ve got all summer to find someone.”

   “You’ll search while you study and work? You’re not going to have a minute to yourself. And as soon as this town hears that Pauly is going away and the perky little Kelly Exton is unchaperoned, every man for fifty miles will come running.”

   Kelly could feel blood creeping up her face. “I don’t think so!”

   “Dances, hayrides, barbecues by the dozen. They’ll take you to make-out places. They’ll send you flowers and burnt ends. The smart ones will show up with birds with broken wings.”

   “I could stand that,” Kelly said. “First one who brings me a sloth and I’m his.”

   Adam didn’t laugh. “Robbie will sleep on your doorstep.”

   “He already does.”


   “You haven’t been back long enough to hear all the gossip. Vera should have told you. Unless you two were too busy to talk.”

   Adam gave her a look to cut it out.

   “Mom and Forey cooked for him, listened to him and generally adored him. He was quite happy.”

   Adam was frowning. “So maybe he thinks he’s in love with you because he doesn’t want to give up your home life. Your mom and Forey are great cooks.”

   “Take that back. Now!”

   “What did I say that was wrong?” He looked perplexed, then smiled. “Oh. Right. Sorry. I’m sure Robbie fell for you because you’re the prettiest girl in the county.” His eyes were twinkling.

   “Pretty doesn’t last.”

   “You’re also talented and a hard worker. Of course he’s crazy about you.” He shook his head. “Does Vera know what you’re really like?”

   “She has no idea. She thinks I’m a helpless child.”

   “Hmm. If she thought you were settled, she would leave with me. She just has to believe.”

   “So Robbie and I should pretend that we’re a couple and madly in love?”

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