Home > Saviour Boy (All American Boy)(16)

Saviour Boy (All American Boy)(16)
Author: S.L. Sterling

“Can you give us another minute?” I asked.

“Geez, no thanks for the juice, bro? What is this?” Chris said, laughing as he set the bottle down on the tray beside my bed and leaned in to kiss my forehead. “I’ll go find out when we can get you out of here.”

I watched as my brother walked across the room and left once again. I placed my hand under Grant’s chin and lifted his head so he could look at me, resting my hand on his cheek.

“What?” he asked.

“I should have told you this a lot sooner, but I love you, Grant. I’ve loved you a long time now, and I realized it when Jace said those words to me.”

He looked into my eyes and slowly brought his lips to mine. I closed my eyes as I felt his lips dance over mine, and I allowed my body to relax as he ran his muscular hands over me. When we parted, breathing hard, I rested my forehead against his.

“What is it?” he asked.

I looked into his eyes and smiled. “You. You are my saviour boy. You will always be my saviour boy. Truth be told, I would be thrilled to be called yours,” I said, leaning in and meeting his lips. When I went to pull away, I felt his arms wrap around me and pull me in a little closer, deepening the kiss.

“Then I’m yours, Becca Scott.”






I stood in the little room looking at myself in the mirror. I could feel my stomach flip as I looked over myself once more, making sure that every strand of hair was perfectly in place, that my makeup was on perfectly. I glanced to my arm, at the scar that stood out prominently. I had never been so nervous, yet I had no idea why because I had never been so sure of something in my life.

I picked up my bouquet that sat on the side table and looked down at the tightly closed pink roses. I brought them up to my nose and inhaled deeply, relishing in their scent. I then ran my hand down the silky satin of my dress, smoothing out any wrinkles, and smiled to myself.

I swallowed hard and brushed away a tear that had slipped down my cheek, then smiled to myself when I heard a soft knock on the door. It was time.

I pulled the door open to see my dad standing there looking as handsome as ever in his suit.

“You ready?” he questioned, holding his arm out for me to slide my arm through.

I nodded, smiled, and bit my lower lip. He kissed me on the cheek, then rested his warm hand over mine. “Let’s go, shall we?”

I allowed memories to run through my mind while we walked down the hall. Memories of the years when we were kids, then the years I had written to Grant while he had been overseas. Then the memories of the last year and half ran through my mind, each one of them producing a smile.

Finally, we stood outside of The Merlot Room at Braun Ranch Vineyards. I could hear many voices on the other side of the door, and then a piano played, and the voices quieted.

“You sure you are ready?” my father said, tapping his large hand on mine. I looked up into my father’s eyes and smiled.

“I’ve never been so sure of anything in my entire life,” I whispered, swallowing hard.

“All right then,” he said, leaning in to kiss me on the cheek.

I lowered my head as the doors opened, and when I felt myself take that first step with my father at my side, I looked up and all I saw was Grant, standing there in his suit staring back at me. I couldn’t wait to get to him, to say I do and become Mrs. Becca Moore.



I hope you enjoyed my book, Saviour Boy, which is part of the shared world of the All American Boy Series.


Want to read all of them? Find them here on Kindle Unlimited.

And thank you for leaving a review - it means the world to me.


Next up…

Sierra Hill The Boy Next Door

Poppy Parkes Boy Toy

Evan Grace The Boy Scout

Emily Robertson The Boyfriend Hoax

Kaylee Ryan and Lacey Black Boy Trouble

Kimberly Readnour Celebrity Playboy

Marika Ray Backroom Boy

Leslie McAdam Boy on a Train

KL Humphreys Bad Boy

Nicole Richard Hometown Boy

Remy Blake That Boy

Stephanie Browning The Boy She Left Behind

Stephanie Kay About a Boy

Renee Harless Lover Boy

S.L. Sterling Saviour Boy



A Note From S.L. Sterling



Dear Readers,


I would like to thank you for taking the time to read Saviour Boy. I hope you enjoyed Grant and Becca’s story. If you did, I would love it if you would drop me a review. Reviews are so important and really help me; plus I love to hear what my readers think.


Coming in 2021



Ace (Book 2 Vegas MMA)

Constraint (KBWorlds: Everyday Heroes)

Blade (Book 3 Vegas MMA)

Boiling Point (KBWorlds: Everyday Heroes)



About the Author



S.L. Sterling had been an avid reader since she was a child, often found getting lost in books. Today if she isn’t writing or plotting, she can be found buried in a romance novel. S.L. Sterling lives with her husband and dog in Northern Ontario.


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Other Titles by S.L. Sterling



It Was Always You

On A Silent Night

Bad Company

Back to You this Christmas

Fireside Love

Holiday Wishes



The Malone Brother Series

A Kiss Beneath the Stars

In Your Arms

His to Hold

Finding Forever with You

Malone Brother Boxed Set



Vegas MMA





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