Home > Cabin Fever(13)

Cabin Fever(13)
Author: Pandora Pine

“I’m confused.” Archer shook his head. “If you both like each other, why are you sitting here miserable?”

“I don’t know.” I really was an idiot. Kodi had given me his card because he wanted me to call him.

“You must have hit your head harder than you thought.” Wells shot Archer an uncertain look. “What’s your middle name? Who was your crush freshman year? Name your favorite episode of Star Trek.”

“Chisholm, Bobby Wayne McRay, and the one where Kirk fights the Gorn.” I rolled my eyes. I didn’t have a concussion. My brain was fine. My judgment was suspect.

“Your middle name is Chisholm?” Cabot grimaced.

“How the hell would you have known if I was concussed or not if you didn’t know my middle name?” I found my first smile since arriving back at the hotel.

“I figured you’d look at me cluelessly.” Cabot shrugged. “Anyway, how do we get you and your hero back together?”

I opened my mouth to protest that Kodi was not my hero, but he was. I might be able to spin anything else that happened after he rescued me, but him saving my life was undeniable. “I have his number.”

“So then call him.” Archer wore a perplexed look, as if to say if he were in my shoes, he would have already punched in the number.

“I need a little time to myself. How about we meet for lunch around one?” I was exhausted. A few hours to myself might help unscramble my brain.

“Sure.” Cabot gave me a final squeeze before standing up. “If you need anything before then, text me.”

The others made similar offers before they finally left me alone. I couldn’t believe how quiet the hotel was. There had been total silence last night at Kodi’s cabin, but for the crackling of the wood in the fireplace. That silence had been warm and comforting, while this one felt like fingernails scraping down a chalkboard.

I got up from the couch and paced to the window. The top of Mount Washington was obscured by clouds. Yesterday was really a once in a lifetime moment, being able to see the summit clearly. I should have taken more pictures, even though I’d always remember it in my mind.

“If I lived here, I could see the mountain every day,” I said aloud to myself.

Where the hell had that come from? If I lived here? Jesus, I didn’t even know if Kodi liked me more than a one-time lay. How ridiculous was it of me to think about living here?

I needed a nap. Everything would be clearer after I got a little sleep.

Setting the alarm on my phone, I laid down and closed my eyes. All I could see in my mind’s eye was Kodi.





I was certifiable. Absolutely out of my fucking gourd. Crazy like a fox. One McNugget shy of a Happy Meal. If I were going down, I was going down swinging.

After I’d gone back home and cleaned up, I headed to work. All of the field agents were there. Someone brought a cake, and I was hugged and back-slapped more times in the space of an hour than I had been my entire life. I had to admit it felt damn good, even though I’d used my bear rather than my five human senses to find Tanner. A win was a win.

Once the hubbub calmed and the cake was gone, I’d sat down at my desk to write out the report from last night. I mentioned finding Tanner by seeing one boot sticking out of the snow and how I dragged him back to my cabin, leaving out that I was a bear at the time and I’d run back with his limp body clamped in my powerful jaws.

The minute I hit the button to submit my report, I knew what I had to do. Crazy or not, I jumped in the truck and drove straight toward The Presidential. I had no idea when Tanner and his friends were scheduled to check out. After what happened yesterday, I wouldn’t be surprised if Tanner decided to go home early and sleep in his own bed.

It’s what I would have done. Or, rather, it’s what the old me would have done. This new, invigorated Kodi was going to get Tanner back or go down swinging. There was no third option.

Parking the truck in the visitors’ lot, I checked myself in the rearview mirror. Aside from the dab of white frosting on the side of my cheek—how long had that been there?— I looked okay. A little worn down, but okay. I headed toward the front portico of the hotel.

I ran up the stairs and through the revolving door into the lobby. The brightly colored sign for the gift shop caught my eye. Stopping short, I ran into the store and found the perfect make-up present. After waiting for what felt like hours, the clerk wrapped my gift, and I beat feet out of the store.

Now came the hard part, finding out which room Tanner was staying in. Dressed in my Fish and Game uniform, I approached the front desk.

“May I help you?”

“I wanted to check on Tanner Reign. I was the warden who found him in the woods last night.” There were other ways to find out which room was his, but I figured honesty was the best policy.

The clerk’s eyes widened. “You’re the one who saved him? We were all so worried about Tanner. I’m so glad he’s safe. It’s room 410. Do you want me to ring him and see if he’s accepting visitors?”

Accepting visitors? What the hell was he, the queen? “No, that’s okay. If he doesn’t answer the door, I’ll just leave my gift and wish him well another time.” My stomach pitched at the thought of him not answering the door.

I took the stairs two at a time. When I reached the fourth floor, I took a minute to catch my breath. It was pitiful enough showing up here unannounced, but to be breathing heavy on top of that would be too much.

Tanner’s room was on the left side of the hall. My hand shook as I raised it to knock on the door. This was the moment of truth. My stomach tossed and turned harder than before. I hoped the giant slice of cake I had at the office stayed put.

“You forgot your phone, Cabot,” Tanner said as he opened the door. “Oh!” His green eyes widened at the sight of me. “You’re not Cabot.” He shook his head. “Come in.”

Was it my imagination or did Tanner seem flustered by my appearance? My gut hurt as my mind started playing the what-if game. The time for that had passed. I was here to tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may from here. “I brought this for you.” I handed over the bright-red giftbag. Thankfully, my hands were steady.

Tanner took a seat on the sofa and gave the bag a little shake. He pulled out the red tissue paper and then the gift. “It’s a teddy bear!” Tanner’s eyes danced with laughter. He gave it a cuddle before setting it on the table next to him.

I crossed the room in three steps, taking the seat next to him. “I don’t know what happened this morning, but things between us didn’t go down the way I wanted them to.”

Tanner looked from the bear back to me. “How did you imagine this morning playing out?” He wore a curious look.

“There’s something about you, Tanner. Something I can’t explain.” Shit, that didn’t sound right. “From the moment my bear spotted you in the snow, I knew…” For fuck’s sake. This was the most important thing I would ever say in my life, and it was turning into a complete and total cock up.

I opened my mouth to start again when Tanner kissed me. Moaning against his lips, I framed his face in my hands. That pull of attraction was stronger than ever. I couldn’t get enough. I would never be able to get enough of him. “I know it’s crazy, but I need you in my life.” There. That wasn’t so hard.

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