Home > Stuffing Her Stocking(9)

Stuffing Her Stocking(9)
Author: Shaw Hart

“It’s time?” I ask, still in shock.

“Yeah, I think it’s time. I called the doctor already and she had me drink some water and relax for a bit to make sure it wasn’t more Braxton Hicks contractions but they haven’t gone away.

“You should have come and got me! I could have rubbed your feet or something,” I say as I hurry down the hallway and into our bedroom.

I grab the hospital bag and the car seat out of the closet and rush back to Holly who is pulling her coat and hat on by the front door.

“We still need to pick a name,” she reminds me as I help her outside to the car.

We upgraded Holly’s old car a few months ago. She and the baby need something safe to get around in and she could barely get in and out of my old truck. I toss the bag in the backseat and snap the car seat in place before I rush around and slide behind the wheel.

The roads are clear and I hold Holly’s hand, letting her squeeze it with each contraction as I drive a few streets over to the doctor’s office. She’s already out front waiting for us but before we can get out of the car, I pull Holly into me and kiss her.

“I love you.”

“I know. I love you too,” she says, giving me a quick kiss back before we head inside to welcome our baby boy.








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Ten Years Later…


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“What is that supposed to be?” Beau asks our youngest son, Milo.

“A dinosaur!” He says excitedly and I try to cover up my laugh with a cough.

Beau grins at me while our oldest son, Nick, just rolls his eyes at his younger brother.

We’re all decorating Christmas cookies and while Nick and our daughter Luna are making the usual trees and angels, Milo is busy making more of his t-rex cookies. He recently became obsessed with dinosaurs so I don’t know why I’m surprised that he would make cookies out of them.

We’ve been married for close to eleven years now and we still live in Christmas, Michigan. Beau runs the mechanic shop across the street and has been teaching the kids a few basic things. They like to pretend like they’re helping him but I have a feeling that’s not the case. I’ve lost count of the number of times Beau has helped me put them to bed before he heads back over there to fix whatever they did that afternoon.

I still run the office and books for him and I took on a few other clients in town. It keeps me busy now that all of the kids are in school.

We decided that three was enough for us. I think Beau was relieved when I said I wanted to stop. He always hated to see me in pain and I know watching me in labor had been tough for him.

Christmas is tomorrow so we have the kids help us clean up the kitchen before we tuck them into bed and read them a story. I make sure that they’re all asleep before we sneak up into the attic to get the presents and start to bring them downstairs to put under the tree.

Ford is asleep in front of the fire and I stop to scratch his ears. He’s getting old and likes to spend his days lying stretched out on the rug in front of the fireplace. He still gets excited about treats and walks though, and I see his tail wag when I tuck his new bone into his stocking.

“Tomorrow, buddy,” I say, scratching his ears one last time before I move to help Beau with the last of the presents.

We get them all situated and I smile when we’re finally done.

“Ready for bed?” I ask Beau with a yawn and he grins.

“One thing first,” he says, pulling a small package out from behind his back.

I know without opening it what it is and I laugh as I tear the paper away and pull out my new pair of fuzzy sucks.

“Reindeer! I love them,” I say as I lean up on my tiptoes to meet his lips.

“And I love you,” he says right before our lips meet.



About the Author



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Also by Shaw Hart



Making Her His


Her Obsession

His Obsession

Baby Mama

Stopping at Nothing

The Billionaire’s Bet

Mine to Love

Mine to Protect

Mine to Cherish

Mine to Keep

Her Guardian Angel

His Firework

My Girl

Every Tuesday Night

His Wish

Her Wish

Fighting for His Princess

Riding His Broomstick

Kidnapped by Bigfoot

Thankful for His FAKE Girlfriend

Snowed in For Christmas

His New Year Resolution

Remembering Valentine’s Day

Finding Their Rhythm

Her Scottish Savior

Stealing Her

Hop Stuff

Dream Boat



Series by Shaw Hart

Telltale Heart Series

Bought and Paid For

His Miracle

Pretty Girl


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Ash Mountain Pack Series

Growling For My Mate

Claiming My Mate

Mated For Life

Chasing My Mate

Protecting Our Mate


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Love Note Series

Signing Off With Love

Care Package Love

Wrong Number, Right Love


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Folklore Series

Kidnapped by Bigfoot

Loved by Yeti

Claimed by Her Sasquatch

Rescued by His Mermaid

Chasing Her Unicorn


* * *


Eye Candy Ink Series









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