Home > Mardon (Pirate Lords #2)(12)

Mardon (Pirate Lords #2)(12)
Author: Elizabeth Rose

“It figures. Just our luck,” mumbled Mardon.

“Still, I willna have stealin’ from God stainin’ yer souls,” retorted Nairnie. “Why does it have to be in a church?”

“If that’s where the treasure is, then we are going there no matter what you think,” snapped Mardon.

“Ye canna.”

“We have to, Grandmother,” Aaron tried to convince her. “It’s the only way to get the treasure.”

Nairnie remained stubborn. “If ye’re goin’ to Canterbury Cathedral to steal a treasure, ye ken the place is goin’ to end up in a shambles, no’ to mention with a lot of dead holy men and women. I’m sorry, but I canna allow it.”

“You don’t have a choice, Nairnie. It’s the only way,” said Mardon.

“I’m sure there is another way to get the treasure and no’ have the wrath of God upon yer heads.” Nairnie’s eyes flashed over to Emmaline. “Aye, I’m sure there is.”

“And what might that be?” Mardon didn’t look happy.

“Ye send someone in to claim it for ye. Someone who willna rouse suspicion, or start a battle over it. That way, no one has to die.”

“Like who? You, Grandmother?” asked Aaron with a chuckle.

“Of course no’,” she snapped. “I’d cause just as much suspicion searchin’ around the relics and tomb of a saint as ye would. Plus, I’m too short to reach anythin’ up high so I’d be of no help at all. I ken I’m a lot worthier of enterin’ a cathedral than ye two, but still no’ worthy enough of bein’ able to pull this off under watchin’ eyes.”

“Then who do you suggest we send in there?” asked Mardon. His eyes flashed over to Emmaline. “Maybe we should just have the nun do it.” He chuckled under his breath.

“Great idea, Mardon!” Nairnie got up and walked around to the other side of the table, putting her arm around Emmaline’s shoulders. “Sister Emmaline can do it for us.”

“Me? What? Nay,” protested Emmaline, trying to dismiss the absurd idea from her mind. She’d just managed to escape Canterbury Cathedral and the nunnery. The last place she wanted to go was back there. She didn’t want to be a nun! Nay, she wouldn’t be caught dead inside Canterbury Cathedral. “I’m sorry, I can’t do that. I won’t steal. I’m a nun.”

“Really?” asked Nairnie, seeming as if she was about to spill Emmaline’s secret. If so, Mardon was sure to recognize her and then she’d never be able to get aboard the ship. “After all, ye said ye were from there . . . Sister,” said Nairnie, putting emphasis on the word Sister. “I’m sure ye’ll be happy to get back where ye belong. No’ to mention, ye’d be doin’ the church a favor and savin’ so many lives. Ye’d be doin’ the work of God in a way. How can ye say no to that?”

“Nairnie, what are you doing?” said Emmaline, half-turning, speaking lowly into the old woman’s ear so the men wouldn’t hear her.

“If ye want me to keep yer secret, then ye’ll agree to this,” Nairnie whispered back behind her hand. “And I have a feelin’ ye have more of a secret than just bein’ a noblewoman tryin’ to escape the convent.”

“What’s going on?” asked Mardon. “What are you two whispering about?”

“Nothing. Nothing at all,” Emmaline told Mardon.

“Should we tell my grandsons and let them decide?” whispered Nairnie.

“This is blackmail,” spat Emmaline from the side of her mouth. “I won’t do it.”

“Then why dinna we just tell my grandsons exactly who ye are? I’ll do it for ye.” She removed her arm from around Emmaline and started to walk away. Emmaline wasn’t sure how much Nairnie knew about her, but she couldn’t take the chance that anything she said would remind the men of the painting or the raid on her husband’s ship. She was in a bind and had no choice but to agree.

“Nay, wait.” Emmaline grabbed Nairnie’s arm to stop her. Her eyes flashed back to Mardon again. “I’ll do it,” she agreed.

“You will?” Mardon looked at her oddly. “Why? Why would a nun agree to help steal from a church, let alone join up with pirates? Something isn’t right here.”

“Like Nairnie said, I’d be saving the lives of many,” said Emmaline.

“Aye. And I’m sure Sister Emmaline also wants ye boys to get what is comin’ to ye,” added Nairnie.

“Aye, of course,” said Emmaline, thinking how she wanted them to pay for raiding her husband’s ship and for stealing the naked painting of her in the first place. “Trust me, that is exactly what I want – for the pirates to get exactly what they deserve.”



Chapter 4



“I’m not sure I like this idea,” Aaron told Mardon later as the crew headed back to the ship with the supplies they’d procured. Nairnie walked with Sister Emmaline ahead of them down the dock, talking nonstop about some nonsense or another. “Bringing another woman on board is only courting trouble. Besides, why would a nun help pirates steal something hidden in a church? Is it really just to save lives?”

“I know. It does seem rather odd. I definitely don’t like the idea,” grunted Mardon, watching the sway of the nun’s hips as she started up the boarding plank, leading to his ship. For a holy woman, she certainly didn’t come across as being very chaste. He could spot an experienced woman in any crowd. This one didn’t act like any nun he’d ever encountered. He was having lustful thoughts about her again, and this bothered him. Mayhap he had just been too long without the pleasures of a woman and that was what brought on this silly infatuation with a woman of the cloth – if that’s what she really was. Part of him wanted to believe it, but he couldn’t shake this nagging feeling that he’d seen her . . . or possibly been with her before, even if he couldn’t place her face.

“So you think she’ll bring us bad luck, too?”

“I’m sure of it,” snorted Mardon.

“Then why did you let Nairnie talk you into bringing her aboard the ship? I’m the best thief we have and you know it. I can sneak into Canterbury Cathedral and back out again with the treasure without anyone seeing me. What do we need her for?”

“You’re right, and I do know it,” agreed Mardon.

“Then you’re afraid of Grandmother and that is why you agreed to this plan.”

“Nay, I’m not afraid of any woman, especially not Nairnie.”

“Really?” Aaron looked over and smiled.

“Well, she is a little intimidating at times, I must say. But that is not why I agreed to bringing the nun on board.”

“Then why?” asked Aaron. “You know the crew is going to hate having a nun around them.”

“I did it because I can’t shake the feeling that I know her somehow.”

“You? You think you know a nun?” Aaron burst out laughing. “And when is the last time you went to church, Brother?”

“Nay, it’s not like that.” His eyes fastened to Sister Emmaline as she boarded the ship. The wind lifted her wimple and he saw a lock of long, platinum hair peeking out before she quickly pushed it back underneath her headpiece and secured her veil. Where had he seen someone with such blond hair before? So blond that it almost looked white? He wracked his brain, but just couldn’t remember.

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