Home > Consumed (The Driven World)(8)

Consumed (The Driven World)(8)
Author: Elizabeth Knox

“So, dumb this down for me. What is it you want from me, Keira?” I think I know what she’s about to say, but I need her to vocalize it. After all, I’m not a mind reader. If I was, I’d be working in a totally different industry.

Keira’s eyes drift down to the floor as she mulls over what to say, but just as she speaks, she looks me right in the eyes. “I want to go on a couple of dates. We’re compatible, Gemma, and I don’t want to throw that away. I think we could be really good together, if you just give us a chance. I’m not normally so straightforward, but for some reason I don’t want to pass this up. I can’t bear the thought of letting you slip through my fingers.”

This is beautiful, the romantic movie stuff that you think isn’t real. But it is, or it wouldn’t be happening to me right now. I try to fight back the smile tugging at my lips, but I can’t. “Yeah, I think I’d like that, to see where this leads and whatnot.”

Keira is a beautiful woman, and I mean naturally beautiful. Out here in California it’s standard to find women pumped with Botox, fillers, and implants, but not her. Her face has a bit of innocence to it. Heck, she might be one of those women who uses coffee ground face masks once a week to help keep their skin tight and firm, while giving them a youthful glow. I tried them one time back home with a friend, but they weren’t my cup of tea.

Keira smirks softly, “Awesome. Would you like to go out and get some food, or?”

Food? We’ve been drinking for hours on end. To be honest, I’m surprised I’m even standing up straight right now.

I shake my head, “Nah, let me see what you have in this kitchen of yours. I’ll whip something up.” I walk past her into the living room and go left, right into her small kitchen. It reminds me of the homes back in Louisiana, super small kitchens with large living areas and dining rooms.

I go up to the fridge and just as I place my hand on the door, I see a photograph of a child. She can’t be more than three, or maybe four if I had to guess. Her caramel brown eyes are mesmerizing and compliment her chocolate brown hair, though her skin is fair.

“That’s my daughter, Kaia.” Keira tells me from behind.

I turn to look at her, “She’s gorgeous. So, I guess this begs the question. Are you bisexual?”

Keira nods, “Technically, yes, but my ex-husband ruined men for me so the ladies are what I prefer these days.”

“Ugh, sounds like a total tool.” I comment, pulling her fridge door open. I see milk, some eggs and I get a splendid idea. “Get me a whisk, bowl, and by chance do you have some pancake mix?”

“Sure, and yes, it’s the third cabinet on the left.” Keira tells me while I’m pulling the milk and eggs out onto the counter. I shut the refrigerator door and go to the cabinet, grabbing a medium sized red box. I pull it down and spot Keira smiling at me while she leans against the wall.

“What?” I question, pouring some of the mix into the bowl she set out for me. I crack two eggs and add a splash of milk as well.

“I’ve never seen someone make pancakes the way you are right now for one, and secondly, I’ve never had someone make me pancakes before.”

I stop exactly what I’m doing and stare at her in complete disbelief. “Tell me you’re kidding.”

She shakes her head, “Afraid not. I’m usually the one cooking everything for people, considering I have Kaia.”

“Well, I’ll have you know I’m a damn good cook. I have some bangin’ southern recipes I can cook up for you.”

Keira giggles lightly, “I’d really love that.”

I grab hold of the whisk and start mixing the batter up until it’s an even consistency and I see no visible chunks of flour. “If you had pumpkin and cinnamon, I’d make you my famous pumpkin pancakes.”

“God, don’t say that when Kaia is around. She’ll devour anything pumpkin.” A kid I know I’ll be able to get along with easily.

“Good, ‘cause I’m a super pumpkin fan, too. I’m one of those people who bake loads, stuck up in my kitchen for hours on end.”

“I never took you as a baker.”

“Bet you never took me as a lesbian either,” I laugh at the end, enjoying my joke.

“Actually, I didn’t. I thought you were just some super lovely woman who came in to save me from that creep, Dick, or whatever his name was.” I want to laugh at the fact she can’t remember his name, but I don’t. Instead, I nod and keep listening, “I’m sad to say I’ve been caught in situations like what you witnessed tonight a few times, and every time some woman saves the day I end up finding they’re waiting for their boyfriend. But, today my luck has changed, obviously.”

“Like you said, it’s your lucky day. Let me whip us up some pancakes and then hit the hay. I have a conference tomorrow morning back at the hotel and I wanna get some sleep.”

“Man, you have no idea how frustrated I am at myself that I said I didn’t wanna fuck shit up with you.” Keira admits, taking a step closer toward me. I dart my eyes over in her direction and see she’s gnawing on her bottom lip, probably horny as can be. I know how she feels ‘cause I’m having a really hard time holding things in right now. I want to just go straight over to her and plant my lips on hers.

Hell. What’s the point in waiting?

I release the whisk and turn my body toward hers, grab the back of her head and firmly grip her hair before brushing my lips against hers. Just as I thought, they’re soft and delicate, like a velvet material in a sweet pastel pink shade. She isn’t even tense as her lips are fluttering over mine. Instead she’s relaxed, kissing me sweetly but giving me every indication, she’s loving what I’m bringing to the table.

Keira’s the first one to pull away, biting her bottom lip and staring into my eyes. “I don’t want to stop, but I know if I don’t, I’ll keep you up all night long and you’ll be one crabby woman tomorrow.”

I nod, “Yeah, you don’t wanna see me when I don’t have any sleep.”

Keira cackles ridiculously, like an adorable hyena. “Looks like we have something else in common.”

She hands me a skillet and I put it on the stove and turn on a burner, adding a little bit of oil into the bottom so it doesn’t burn. I can feel Keira’s eyes on my body and I’m thanking my lucky stars things have progressed so well tonight. I only hope things continue to keep going well. Maybe tomorrow I can see her after the conferences. I’ll have to ask in the morning if she’s up, but I’ll make sure tonight we exchange numbers, ‘cause while I might be standing beside her right now, I know for a fact I’ll want to see her again.



Chapter Ten




I wake up to the feeling of pressure around my midsection. I stir slightly and grip the edge of my bed, pulling myself out of her grip. I sit on the edge for a few moments, taking her in, her blonde hair cascading over my pillows. Gemma ended up borrowing a pair of pajamas since she came over in her dress, and man she makes pastel green look amazing. If only they looked that good on me.

I pick my phone up from my bedside table and see it’s a little past ten. Oh my god. Immediately I shake Gemma’s shoulders, knowing she had to be at the conference this morning. “Gemma, wake up, it’s 10:10.” I say, trying to be soothing while I’m shaking her violently. God, that seems crazy.

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