Home > #Rogue : The Midwest Boys Beginning(15)

#Rogue : The Midwest Boys Beginning(15)
Author: A.M. Brooks

“I can’t wait until we’re in charge and handle these Carson brats once and for all.”

“Same.” Matt grins. “We’re so close. One year of school left then it’s off to the military to get our training, and when we get back, the three of us, we’re taking over the world. We just need the right connections.”

“You really think recruiting from the military is going to be our best bet?” Kelly asks, intrigued. My heart beats faster for how perfect she is for me.

“If I go in and offer them more than what they make to use the same skills and give them the chance to protect innocent people, yeah, I think they will. We could grow this organization bigger than this state. Station guys everywhere around the country.” Matt details his plan. I can see it clear as day in my mind and it’s a beautiful picture. The three of us exchange glances, waiting and counting down the days.

“I’ll be our numbers’ girl.” Kelly winks. “Since you two barely passed math this year.”

“I think,” Matt starts, before his voice trails off. He glances at the house, second floor, third window. “I think Erika might stay on too.”

Kelly’s eyebrows shoot straight up. “For real? Are you serious? I mean that would be awesome. I didn’t know you talked to her about it.”

“Here and there,” Matt answers, his hand rubbing the back of his neck, almost shyly.

Erika would be a great asset. She has firsthand knowledge, and hopefully, when she feels good and healthy, she will want to help make a difference. It wouldn’t be the worst thing. I just hope for my best friend’s sake that she can pull through.



Kelly - 18 years old


We finally made it. We are halfway through our senior year, which was the longest hurdle of my teenage life to date. And now I am technically an adult. Things are changing, and everyone is making plans for graduation in the spring. To me, things are already different.

Jason’s parents’ relationship has gotten worse. He started spending more time at Matt’s home and less around his parents. His mom’s drinking is affecting their lives to the point that Mike had to vouch for Jason’s dad, who was behind on their house payment. I knew the constant arguing and his parents never being home was wearing on Jason. His family wasn’t like mine or Matt’s and I knew he struggled. I don’t know how to help him, other than to let him take it out on me.

We fight every other week. Stupid, petty, childish fights that later I can’t remember half of what was said. Then we make up. Jason quickly learned how to master my body. He knows exactly what I like and what I need. How to keep me balancing on the edge of my climax and he brings me there over and over again, before finally allowing me my release. I constantly bare the marks, bites, and bruises of his love. In my heart, I love Jason more than anything. More than my life, more than anyone. I just wish he would believe me.

“How about the Ferris wheel, baby?” He murmurs next to my ear, causing ripples of heat down my arms. This year the town decided to host a winter carnival in January for the beginning of the New Year. Despite the colder temps, everyone seems to be out.

“Grab the cotton candy,” I remind him, and he holds up the bag. I give him a wide smile, not even sure when he bought it.

“Let’s go.” He takes my hand and leads me over to the line for the ride. I watch his backside in his black snowboard pants and blood red jacket. His gloves are half sticking out of his back pocket, so his hand is nice and warm clutched around mine. My boyfriend looks amazing, and he’s only getting better with age.

I suddenly feel a hot stare on the side of my face. My gaze swings around to look for the source. Across the fair, my gaze collides with Stacy. My eyes narrow and she shoots me a smile that can only be described as sinister. She left Jason and I alone for a long time after we got together. This past year, though, it’s like she pops up wherever we are.

“Your stalker is back,” I tell him, leaning in and brushing my lips across the exposed skin on his neck when he bends to listen to me. Of all things he could do, the dork laughs.

“She’s a clinger,” he tells me. “It’s actually creepy. Just ignore her. Unless you need to punch her, then punch her.”

“I don’t solve everything with violence,” I say, my brow arching.

A cocky grin pulls at his lips. “Baby, you can hurt people with both your words and your fists. It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Stop it.” Matt sounds from behind us. I hear Erika giggle, and my head whips around.

“I didn’t know you guys were coming!” I launch at Matt for a hug, before pulling Erika into a lighter embrace. She’s getting better but is still somewhat on edge about being touched. Unless it is by Matt.

“Matt really wanted cookies,” Erika announces, and Matt shoots her a playful angry look.

“We almost didn’t make it. Your little side project almost set us behind,” Matt says, his eyes trained on me.

Great. I can feel Jason tensing up next to me. Anytime Calvin is mentioned in conversation, things become dicey. I want to be friends with Calvin. He’s always nice and polite to me. Plus, he’s funny and can make an amazing pan of brownies. We agreed that some technologies may not be beneficial to us in the future and that Eminem is better as a solo artist rather than part of D12.

My friendship with him, though, causes huge waves in my relationship with the guys. They both don’t think Calvin is genuine. Jason hates how much time I spend with him. I keep reminding them that even though Calvin is my friend, he is also a target. His safety and any questions he has are a priority and so is his future. We want our targets to excel and if they didn’t want to stay in the business then we made sure they’re comfortable when they leave. The hardest transition for me is coming soon because both Calvin and Lauren have decided to leave the business after the summer and go away for college. Lauren is going to California and Calvin is heading to New York. I didn’t mind staying here for college. My end goal has always been the same: degree, build up Matt’s family business, and live happily ever after with Jason.

“Thanks for trying,” I offer Matt, attempting to end the discussion quickly.

“What did he need this time? Lose his favorite pair of Dockers or forget to buy more hair gel?” Jason’s words bite with sarcasm, his eyes boring into me, but I refuse to meet his gaze.

Matt snorts. “I wish it was that easy. We had to work on securing his apartment for when he moves in August.”

Erika meets my eyes, and I know she feels some sympathy for me. The guys are never easy when it comes to Calvin, and I’ve given up trying for them to get along. In a couple months, he’ll be gone anyway.

“Did you pick up Lo?” I turn, my eyes sliding between Matt and Erika, hoping a complete change of conversation helps.

“She didn’t want to ride the Ferris wheel. Some guy she knows is taking her to get food then they said they’d meet us at the fireworks,” Matt rattles off, before shoving a chocolate chip cookie in his mouth.

I nod and we move forward in the line for the Ferris wheel. The closer we get to the buckets, the more uneasy and agitated Jason gets. He won’t look at me anymore, his jaw stays clenched, and his fists are closed, so I can’t even hold his hand. When it’s our turn, I slide in next to him and wait until we start moving to talk. “Are you mad at me?”

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