Home > Angels In The City(4)

Angels In The City(4)
Author: Garrett Leigh

“So we must pretend we have done this before?”

“Done what? Dated? Yes, I suppose. Hmm. Maybe. I didn’t really think it through.”

“Then don’t think. Let it happen.”

“You don’t know my mother. I told her I was coming alone. She’s going to be hopping mad that I kept you a secret.”

“Maybe you didn’t know I would come. Perhaps I surprised you after telling you I would not be free tonight.”

“That could work. But she’s going to ask a thousand questions.”

“So we answer them.” Sacha glanced around the entrance hall, taking in the glamour, breathing the scent of inherited money. “A truth can be stretched.”

Jonah inhaled a breath that was shakier than his cool exterior.

Sacha didn’t care. He didn’t know this man—only intrigue had lured him this far—but he put his hands on Jonah Gray all the same. One hand, at least, at the base of his spine. “Do not worry. If the questions are too much, I will pretend I don’t understand.”

“Your English is flawless.”

Sacha snorted. “You are too kind. My words flow only when I’m in a good mood. My accent thickens when I’m not. I drop words and make myself sound stupid, which irritates me as it is stupid people who put me in bad moods.”

“So now I know your tells if you’re upset. Noted.”

“You think you could upset me?”

Jonah appraised Sacha with his wide, emerald gaze. “I don’t think so. You have hard edges.”

“Do I?”

“Yes. I can’t tell what you’re thinking.”

“We just met.”


“Oh yes, I forget.” Sacha guided Jonah closer to him and brought his lips low enough to barely brush Jonah’s ear. “How well are we supposed to know each other? How long?”

“To bring you here?” Jonah murmured. “More than twenty minutes. And they’ll expect us to be more than friends. I have plenty of those I could’ve brought tonight.”

“You have no friends with benefits?”


Sacha smiled to himself, though he couldn’t say why. “You promised me champagne.”

“I did. We have a gauntlet to run first, though, unless you’ve changed your mind. The fire escape is to your left.”

“I haven’t changed my mind. Where is this gauntlet?”

“Heading straight for us.”

Sacha glanced up in time to see a regal couple fast approaching them. The man was as tall as Jonah, but with sandy hair, not red. He had the same wide eyes, though, and strong jaw. And he moved the same too, with the quiet confidence that came with more privilege than most people could ever dream about.

Jonah’s mother carried the auburn hair gene. Hers was long and swept up in an elegant twist at the nape of her neck. She wore a long green dress that complimented her husband’s eyes, and pearls collared her throat. “Jonah,” she called. “There you are. You’re late.”

“I’m sorry.” Jonah winced as he leaned forwards to greet his mother with a kiss to each cheek. “We had some lift trouble at the office.”

“The office?” Jonah’s mother cast a curious glance to Sacha, clearly absorbing the possessive hand on her son’s back. “Is this…a friend from work?”

Tension rippled through Jonah. He is not a good liar, Sacha surmised. That pleased him too. And stirred him to take the heat for his cringing companion. He reached for Jonah’s mother’s hand and clasped it firmly, the way Russian women liked. “We met at work, yes. Our offices are in the same building. I am Sacha Ivanov. I am very pleased to meet you.”

Jonah’s mother glowed. “And I you. I’m Jonah’s mother, Eleanor. This is my husband, Ralph.”

Sacha shook Jonah’s father’s hand too, then stood back in the hope that he’d gifted Jonah enough time to gather himself.

“You didn’t tell us you were bringing someone,” Eleanor chastised Jonah, ruffling his already unruly hair. “In fact, you didn’t even tell us you were dating anyone, though I can understand why you’d want to keep this one hidden away. How long have you been seeing each other?”

“A while,” Jonah said. “I, uh, wasn’t sure Sacha could make it, so I didn’t want to get your hopes up.”

“Is my fault,” Sacha supplied. “I have been away on business a lot this month. It finished earlier than I thought.”

“What do you do for business, Sacha? Do you work in advertising like Jonah?”

“No. Software development. Apps and social media.”

“He works at Blutecc,” Jonah said. “I can see him from my desk.”

Sacha slid his arm around Jonah’s waist, pulling him closer. “You never told me that.”

“You never asked.”

Eleanor Gray laughed and offered Sacha her gloved hand again. “Well, isn’t this nice? Did you know, Sacha, you’re the first date my son has ever brought to this party? You must be very special to him.”

“I hope to be,” Sacha said.

“I’m sure you already are,” Jonah’s father chimed in. “Now, don’t let us cramp your style. Go and mingle and drink. We’ll catch up later.”

Tension melted from Jonah’s tall frame. He kissed his mother one more time, then grabbed Sacha’s hand and tugged him into the glorious ballroom the Dorchester was famous for. It was decorated for the festive season, draped in gold and twinkly lights. A live jazz band played at the front where an area had been cleared for dancing. The rest of the room was filled with round tables and rich people. Wait staff floated around with trays of champagne, cognac, and orange juice.

Jonah grabbed two flutes from a tray and pressed one into Sacha’s hand. “The first of many.” He tipped his own glass to his lips. “You’ll need to be drunk to get through this nonsense.”

“Nonsense? You don’t like this crowd?”

Jonah kept moving until they came to a vacant table. On the way, he waved to people who called his name, but didn’t engage. “It’s not that I don’t like them. I don’t know ninety percent of these people.”

“But they know you.”

“Of course they do. Famous, remember?”

“For what?”

“For being rich. It’s not an accolade I’m proud of.”

“Cursed by nepotism?”

“Not exactly, but my company is housed in a building my family owns and I only started paying the full rent last year, so make of that what you will.”

Sacha smiled and took a healthy sip of champagne. “You mistake me for someone who does not understand privilege.”

“Are your parents billionaires, Sacha Ivanov?”

“Not quite. But I am from a wealthy Russian family. To be rich is to be born, yes? But you knew I would speak that language or you would not have asked me to accompany you tonight.”

Jonah took a seat at the table and gestured for Sacha to do the same. Once they were both seated, he angled his chair, pointing his knees at Sacha’s. “I was mostly joking. It didn’t really cross my mind that it would happen.”

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