Home > The Bargain(22)

The Bargain(22)
Author: R.G. Angel

“Ah, I see you’re in denial,” She nodded. “Fine. We’ll discuss this when you’re ready to accept it.”

Anger built inside of me. “You seem to forget that you’re my little sister.” I pointed at her coldly. “If I hadn't stepped up when I had if I had not made the sacrifices I made, you wouldn’t be who you are. Remember your place.”

“And I'm grateful for what you did, Deano. You know I am, but don’t start with that shit either. You enjoyed taking over when you did. You like control. You want to control your universe and that woman upstairs.” She pointed up. “She is a variable you didn’t consider. An anomaly in your normally so carefully planned life.” She shrugged. “And I’m not sorry about that.”

“I think you’ve overstayed your welcome for the night. Goodnight, Lea.”

She stood up, unfazed by my rude rebuttal. “Goodnight, Deano. I’ll see you real soon.”

I ground my teeth as I sat on my own. Why had that sounded like a threat?

I was beyond furious now, and I knew it was almost exclusively due to the harpy sharing my home.

“Send her to my office!” I barked to the butler as I walked past him stiffly. I didn't need to use her name. Only one person had the power to put me in such a dark mood and she was living under my roof.

“Want her.” I snorted. Now that she’d put on a few pounds, her curves were becoming far too distracting. Jeremy and Phil certainly thought so too. I’d seen it in the way Jeremy had looked at her and the lewd glint in Phil’s eyes.

But I knew who she was despite Lea's words. I knew what she’d done to Edward.

She was no saint despite her air of innocence and ingenuity. Both of which I was sure were acts for her clients.

Maybe I just needed to fuck her once. Fuck her into submission, show her I was the boss and that I meant business. Maybe once I had her sloppy cunt, I wouldn’t be so distracted.

She’d forced me into celibacy after all. There was no way I was going to leave her alone at the estate and there was no way I was going to let one of my squeezes come here. She’d caused the dry spell; she had to take care of it.

“Mr. Beaumont?”

I looked up to find her leaning a hip against the doorframe, her plump bottom lip, painted red, caught between her teeth.

“You’ve been particularly rude tonight.”

“Have I?” She walked towards me, her hips swaying with each step she took in her red stilettos. She’d really stepped up her game tonight, looking like a sexy secretary - tight black pencil skirt, red shirt matching her stilettos and lips. She’d clearly checked all of the male fantasy boxes.

“Maybe you’d like to punish me?” she purred, her voice lower, sexier.

My dick immediately hardened. At least she was done playing innocent. She was finally acting like the vixen I knew she was. That, I could somehow respect.

“Don’t push me, Ms. Collins, or I’ll bend you over this desk and fuck you into tomorrow.”

“Oh, will you?” She came closer and bent over the desk, putting her ass in the air, a lustful smile on her lips. “Maybe you should. Maybe I deserve it. You should show me my place.”

I jumped up from my seat, uncaring that my erection made a tent at the front of my pants, showing her the effect she had on my body.

“You asked for it,” I growled. I pulled her skirt up roughly, revealing her perfectly shaped ass and red thong. Of course she’d worn the fucking thong.

I tore it from her. She hissed as it bit into the soft flesh of her hips and left angry red marks before ripping free.

“Bend over more. Part your legs,” I ordered, not recognizing my own voice by how deep it sounded.

She executed the order immediately, giving me a better view of her wet pussy. I could see it was drenched even in the low lighting of my office.

“You’re enjoying it,” I said out loud. Her physical reactions couldn't lie.

She turned her head toward me and licked her lips. “Aren’t you?”

I smirked at her. She was in for a treat.

Undoing my pants, I released my raging erection and slammed into her at once. She gasped as I groaned. She was tighter than I’d expected a woman selling her body to be.

I grabbed her hips tightly, threw my head back, and started to piston inside of her. Hard and fast, I chased my own release, not caring about her own pleasure. Her moans though confirmed she was enjoying it too.

“Dean! Dean! Mr. Beaumont? Mr. Beaumont?”

I blinked, looking at the closed door.

Was I daydreaming? I looked down at my dick, firmly held in my hand. I’d barely had the time to roll my seat forward before she opened the door.

I took a deep breath, hoping she couldn’t see on my face what I'd been doing. I laid my hand on top of my desk as my still fully erect and extra sensitive cock brushed painfully against the underside of my desk.

“You requested my presence?” she asked, resting by the door.

“Took you long enough.” I snapped, both angry and frustrated with the woman who had caused me to masturbate and then hide it like an embarrassed teenager.

“Come in and close the door,” I barked, gesturing her forward.

She shook her head. “No, there’s no one around. It's not necessary.”

“You’ve been particularly rude tonight.”

“Have I?”

Was my dream becoming a reality?! My dick was already out and ready for it.

“Leaving like that was particularly rude and uncalled for.”

She nodded. “I see. Well, I guess it is to be expected from a low-class whore, isn’t it?” She cocked her head to the side. “Just so I know for future reference, did you send a group email explaining my previous field of work to all of your contacts?” She gestured to her clothes. “Why did you even bother with the clothes and hair? Let me be the wreck you want people to see.”

“It has nothing to do with you being a wreck. It’s about authority and respect.” I leaned back in my chair, mostly in an attempt to ease the pressure on the head of my cock. “You are not dismissed until I tell you that you are.”

“I see.”

I raised an eyebrow in incredulity. She was giving in way too easily, and it infuriated me that she was not willing to come into my office. “You do?”

She nodded. “Yes, of course. It won’t happen again. Please accept my apologies.”

I narrowed my eyes in disbelief. You could apologize by wrapping your lips around my cock and taking care of the problem you’ve created. I thought so loud it felt like I’d said it out loud.

“You’re dismissed,” I said waving my hand. “And close the door as you leave,” I added.

As soon as she’d closed the door, I leaned back in my chair and started to masturbate again. But this time I imagined it was her mouth around my dick and not her cunt. As I came all over my hand, I vowed that before her six months were up, I’d have her lips around my cock.



“Honeybun! Long time no talk.” Dee’s voice had the ability to warm me even through the phone.

I could almost feel her pulling me into a hug and smell her patchouli perfume. I felt guilty that it had been over a week since I’d spoken to her but I’ve been busy with Timmy, his tests, Dean Beaumont.

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