Home > Fanning the Biker's Flame(6)

Fanning the Biker's Flame(6)
Author: Piper Davenport

“That’s what the report says,” Doom said.

“I’m assuming you already looked at this?”

Doom nodded. “Since I’ve been out of the firefighting game for a little while, I wanted another set of eyes.”

That was a load of bullshit. Although, technically true, Doom was still part of the volunteer fire crew and had a natural affinity toward fire and its nature, so he was often called upon as a second opinion by insurance companies and the like. If Doom couldn’t find an anomaly, no one could.

“Wait a minute,” I said, reading the details. “I remember this fire. Our truck responded to the call.”

“You fought this fire?” Doc asked.

“No,” I replied.

“I thought you said you were there?”

“No. I mean, we didn’t fight the fire,” I clarified. “It was already out by the time our truck got to the scene. I remember that because our lieutenant couldn’t believe a structure of its size and construction could burn so quickly and completely. Engine Seven responded to the second fire, and from the pictures in the reports, the scenes look identical.”

“What kind of electrical fire would cause both buildings to burn up like that?” Doc asked.

“I’m not an expert, but I don’t think anything outside of a heavy-duty chemical accelerant could do this much damage so quickly,” I said. “And there’s no way Saunders would have missed something like that.”

“So, he’s lying?” Doc asked.

I shrugged. “I don’t know, but there’s absolutely nothing in these reports about traces of fast burning accelerants.”

“Why would he leave something like that out?” Doc asked.

“To avoid Homeland Security,” I replied.


“By federal law, any arson investigation which uncovers the use of prohibited substances has to be reported to Homeland Security as a possible terrorist threat.”

“Look at you, Mr. Fresh Out of the Academy,” Doom said, tussling my hair.

I chuckled. “This isn’t anything you didn’t already figure out, is it?”

Doom grinned, shaking his head.

“So, Saunders withheld reporting on the accelerant to avoid the Man,” Doc said. “Why?”

“He’s close to retirement.” I shrugged. “Maybe he just didn’t want the aggravation of governmental oversight.”

“Do you believe that?” Doc asked.

“No,” Doom and I answered in stereo.

“Then, what?” Doc pressed.

“He’s covering up for someone.”

“And Bingo was his name-o,” Doc said.

“It’s gonna fall on us to figure out who,” Doom said.

“And with Rabbit gone, it’s gonna be twice as hard,” I deduced.

“He’ll be reachable,” Doc said. “But, yeah, gone.”

“Leave it with me,” Doom said. “Shadow and I’ll dig a little deeper and see what we can come up with.”

Doc nodded, slapped me on the shoulder, then walked out the door.

“You think you can do a little diggin’ when you’re on shift?” Doom asked me.

“Yeah. I’ll keep you posted.”

“Thanks, brother. Let me buy you a beer.”

I chuckled. “I think I’m gonna need to chase it with a shot.”

“You read my mind.”

I grinned and we made our way to the bar.






SATURDAY ARRIVED AND I had two massage clients in the morning, but one canceled fifteen minutes before his appointment, so I not only had his non-refundable fee, I had the entire day to myself. Quin had sent me all the information for the club’s family party, and I figured I didn’t have anything else to do. Besides, I was horny, and a biker probably knew his way around a vagina.

At least, that was the hope.

I took my time getting ready, grabbed a bottle of wine from my rack, and called a rideshare since I planned to get my drink on. Sterling had sent me the quote for my kitchen yesterday and I was still reeling from the pain, so today I’d drink to forget, and deal with everything on Monday.

The car pulled up to the gates, but the Pitbull manning the front wouldn’t let my driver through, so I had to get out there and call Quin. She let out an expletive, hung up on me, then the gates suddenly swung open and a very contrite looking young biker waved me through.

I made my way down the gravel road but didn’t get far when a golf cart came barreling my way.

Quin was behind the wheel, braking within a few inches of me and grinning. “Get in.”

I did as I was told, and Quin flipped a U-turn and drove back the way she came.

“I swear to god, these new recruits are going to be the death of me,” Quin complained. “It’s family night. They know strangers might be showing up.”

“It’s fine, Quin,” I assured her. “They’re just doing their job.”

“Badger’ll take care of it.”

“Who’s Badger?”

“Sorry.” She chuckled. “Knox. My husband. His club name is Badger.”


She pulled up in front of a giant barn and I could hear loud music practically seeping out of every wall.

“Come on,” Quin said, turning off the cart. “Let’s go party.”

I nodded, and followed her inside, where she took my bottle of wine and set it with the others in the kitchen. “Do bikers drink this much wine?” I asked.

Quin laughed. “Oh, honey, no. That’s for us. There’s a bar at the back of the room that has every liquor and beer under the sun. The men will probably avoid the kitchen, except maybe Doc, Otter, or Shadow. They’re a little more refined than the others.”

“Oh,” I said, but not fully comprehending what that meant.

“Do you want some wine now?”

“No, I’m good,” I said. “I should eat first.”

“Smart,” Quin said. “Come and meet everyone.”

I slung my purse over my shoulder and followed her into the great room, slamming into a hard body.

“Shit, sorry,” I said, my head craning to see who I’d accosted. “Well, hi.”

My firefighter-slash-contractor grinned down at me. “Hey.”

“Is this an apropos time to ask if you’re stalking me?” I joked, stepping back slightly in an effort not to run my hands up his chest.

He grinned and I felt my stomach flutter. “Who invited you?”


“You know Quin?” he glanced her way, but she’d been stopped by Jasmine and was laughing at something.

I nodded. “We went to high school together. Sort of. I was a freshman, she was a senior.”

“You get the quote from Sterling?” he asked.

I sighed. “Unfortunately.”

“How bad?”

“Five thousand.”

“He’s givin’ you a deal,” he said.

I grimaced. “Yes, he is. Still doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.”

“Oh my god, Posey, I didn’t know you knew Shadow,” Quin breathed out as she walked back to me.

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