Home > Lost without You(3)

Lost without You(3)
Author: Lea Coll

He pulled open the door, walking out.

I didn’t follow him. I couldn’t believe Griffin Locke was in my office, lived in our building, and needed my help.

A few seconds later, Dylan appeared in the doorway to the conference room, arms crossed over her chest. “How did it go?”

“Is he gone?” I asked carefully.

She glanced down the hallway toward the reception area. “He just left.”

Technically what we’d talked about was protected by attorney-client privilege, but I could discuss the legal issues of his case with a partner. “He asked me to handle the life insurance investigation, but it sounds like he has a host of other possible legal things going on.”

Dylan’s eyes widened. “You’re going to represent him?”

“Yes. He told me he lives in this building.”

She cocked her head to the side, her mouth falling slightly open. “You’re kidding me.”

“That’s what he said. He got notice of the insurance investigation in the mail and immediately walked to our office.”

Her forehead wrinkled. “He didn’t say anything about the new carpet or paint?”

“Not a word. His brother recently died, so I think his mind is on other things.”

She shook her head. “I can’t believe we’re representing Griffin Locke. I thought for sure we’d be on the opposite side of the courtroom from him one day for a breach of contract case.”

“Me too.” The situation was rattling. Griffin, usually gruff and angry, was unguarded and grieving. I didn’t want to let this side of him change my impression of him, but it did.

I wasn’t sure how much I should share with Dylan, but I had to tell someone. I trusted her as a co-worker not to share any confidential information, but I was a little concerned she’d see how much the meeting affected me. “His brother appointed him as the personal and financial guardian of his nephew.”

Dylan’s brow raised. “Somehow I can’t see him taking that on.”

“He doesn’t want to. He’s looking at other options in the family.” At first, I was upset, but the more I thought about it, he was being prudent, ensuring he was doing the right thing. If he’d never contemplated being a parent or a guardian before, the reality had to be a shock.

She nodded. “Didn’t his brother ask his permission?”

I shook my head. “Of course not. I think they hoped it wouldn’t come to that.”

Dylan rested a hand over her heart. “Griffin Locke caring for his nephew would be sensory overload for my ovaries.”

I hadn’t thought about it like that, but she was right. I was attracted to Griffin, his voice, his confidence, the way he commanded a room, but Griffin, the caring uncle, the one who’d take on his nephew, no questions asked, that was a man I couldn’t resist.

“Did he go back on his threat to kick us out after our lease is up?”

My chest tightened. I was so caught up with why he needed my help, I hadn’t thought about it. “No. He didn’t bring it up.”

“Was it a good idea to help him without an assurance about the lease?” Her soft voice indicated to me she didn’t think I’d done anything wrong. She was curious.

“He was upset about his brother. I couldn’t—I didn’t even think about it. I’m sorry.”

She dropped her hands to her side, shifting on her heels. “No. It’s fine. A client is a client, even if he’s your grumpy landlord.”

I opened the firm a few months ago with Dylan and Hadley. I’d gone to law school with Dylan. We’d asked another law school friend, Taylor, to join us but she’d moved to New Orleans, started dating someone, and hadn’t wanted to move back. Instead, she recommended her co-worker, Hadley. We were equally invested in the firm being a success. It was slow-going until Hadley’s nonprofit, Kids Speak, made the news. We still needed more clients to continue to grow.

“Why did he ask for you?” Dylan turned to leave before pausing.

I wanted to know the same thing. “I don’t know. He didn’t say.”

“Interesting.” Dylan’s eyes were thoughtful.

“Maybe because we’ve spoken on the phone before. He feels like he knows me.”

Dylan’s brow furrowed. “I thought you do nothing but fight on the phone?”

“We do.” I usually avoided confrontational people, but as soon as his voice came over the line, my heart rate picked up. At first I thought it was because he was argumentative, then I realized it was a visceral reaction to his smooth voice. Having a face to go with the voice was going to increase my sexy dreams or make them disappear. I wasn’t sure which one I wanted. “We got along fine today. Maybe because his brother died, he was different.”

I wanted to handle this one thing for him despite how difficult he’d made things for us since we’d opened. I couldn’t without admitting that I was attracted to his voice and now him. He was good looking, gruff, broody, but sensitive, and even if he didn’t want to, he was caring for his nephew. He was trying to fight for Declan’s life insurance. He was protecting him.

“You like him.” There was no playfulness or teasing in her tone. She said it like it was a fact.

There was no way I could admit to liking the man who’d made my life difficult since we opened the firm. “I do not. He’s been nothing but a pain in the ass since we signed that lease.”

“That’s true, but you still like him.”

I didn’t have to admit to how much his vulnerability mixed with his gruffness circled my heart and squeezed, but I could give her a small nugget of truth. “I’m attracted to him. Who can resist that sexy voice combined with his looks?”

She narrowed her eyes on me. “He’s attractive in a ‘I have you by the balls’ kind of way. He can kick us out at the end of the lease. I think this is a terrible idea.”

“What’s a terrible idea?” Hadley walked down the hall with mail in her hand, her briefcase on her shoulder as she was coming from court.

Dylan looked from me to Hadley. “Griffin Locke hired Avery to deal with an insurance issue.”

Hadley’s eyes widened. “Did he come into the office?”

I crossed my arms over my chest, knowing I was outnumbered. “Yes.”

Hadley lowered her voice as if Griffin was still here. “Did he notice the new carpet and paint?”

“No. I think he was distracted.”

“I don’t know if representing him when he hasn’t extended our lease is a good idea.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t even think of it. He was upset. His brother just died. I was busy trying to wrap my brain around the fact Griffin Locke wanted to see me.”

A small smile took over Hadley’s face. “Ah. I get it. You like him.”

Dylan nodded in my direction. “Told you it was obvious.”

“Ugh. You two are impossible. Griffin Locke is insufferable.” I threw up my arms, my voice rising with my last declaration.

A throat cleared from the reception area. I closed my eyes, my face heated. It was him. How much had he heard? I’d made a connection with him before ruining everything with my big mouth.

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