Home > Bring Them Home(6)

Bring Them Home(6)
Author: D. S. Butler

Jenny bit on a fingernail. ‘Like I said, he was angry with me for not letting him see Emily last weekend when he’d been drinking. But I don’t know why he would’ve taken Sian too.’

‘If he did take the girls, where would he have taken them? Would he take them out for something to eat or to the cinema?’

‘I suppose he could have done, though last week he said he was broke and couldn’t give me any money. I was furious cos they were about to cut off our TV and internet. I told him just because he’s walked out on us doesn’t mean he can ignore his responsibilities, and I’d take him to court if I had to. That caused another argument.’

The cheerful ring of a mobile phone sounded from the depths of Jenny’s oversized red bag, and she delved inside before pulling out an iPhone. Karen noticed it was a newer model than her own.

Jenny’s eyes widened as she looked at the screen. ‘It’s him. It’s Dennis.’




Back in the classroom, Scott Morgan was attempting to calm down Leanne Gibson.

‘He’s on his way,’ Leanne said, responding to DI Morgan’s question about her husband’s whereabouts. ‘He was working in Nottingham today, but he’s driving back now.’ She turned her head and looked out of the window. ‘Shouldn’t we be out there searching? I mean, we’re not doing much good just sitting in here, waiting.’

‘Our officers are carrying out a thorough search, Mrs Gibson. I know it’s difficult but I need to ask you some questions. Have you noticed anything strange about Sian’s behaviour recently? Anything out of the ordinary?’

Leanne Gibson frowned. ‘Like what?’

‘Has Sian mentioned any new friends? Is she allowed access to the internet?’

Leanne’s face paled. ‘Oh God, you think she’s been groomed by someone, don’t you?’

‘We just need to get a fuller picture of Sian’s life, Mrs Gibson.’

Leanne clutched her hands together and took a deep breath. ‘She’s got a Facebook account, but she’s not supposed to use it without telling me what she’s looking at. I approve all her friend requests. It’s on the iPad at home. Apart from the iPad . . . she doesn’t have any access to the internet. She isn’t allowed a phone. I try to limit the time she spends on the iPad too. Otherwise, she’d always be on YouTube watching videos. You know what kids are like these days.’ Leanne shook her head and studied her hands. ‘Sian’s a good girl. She knows she’s not supposed to talk to strangers. She wouldn’t just go off with someone she doesn’t know. I’ve told her a million times that she’s not to go anywhere without telling me first.’ Leanne looked up. ‘Do you think it’s possible Dennis Dean has taken them? It’s awful, but I almost wish he has. It’s better than thinking some stranger has abducted them.’

‘We’re just trying to gather all the facts. We don’t even know if the girls have been taken. They could have wandered off on their own.’

Leanne nodded but she didn’t look convinced.

She clenched and unclenched her fists as DI Morgan ran through his questions. Each one made the anguish on her face worse, and he wished he didn’t have to put her through it, but he had no choice. They needed answers.

After a few more questions, tears were trickling down Leanne’s cheeks. At that point, Karen knocked and stuck her head around the door. ‘Sorry to disturb you, sir. But I’d like a word, please.’

Karen gave him a meaningful look, and Leanne turned around in her seat to stare at Karen, watching her with a mixture of hope and dread in her eyes.

‘I’m sorry. I won’t be a moment,’ DI Morgan said, excusing himself and going out into the corridor to talk to Karen.

‘Development?’ He knew Karen wouldn’t have interrupted his interview with Leanne if it wasn’t important.

‘Jenny’s just received a call from Emily’s father, Dennis. He says he doesn’t have the girls and he only just got her message. He sounds distraught, sir. I really don’t think he’s taken them.’

DI Morgan sighed. ‘There goes our working theory. If Emily’s father doesn’t have them, it’s looking like the girls either wandered off on their own, or were taken by a stranger.’

Karen nodded. ‘I agree.’

‘Has anything come up from the searches so far?’

Karen shook her head. ‘I haven’t heard anything, but I haven’t checked in since I started talking to Jenny.’

‘We’re going to need to talk to Dennis Dean as soon as possible.’

‘He’s on his way here. Jenny told him she was at the school.’

‘Fine. We can speak to him here.’ He began to turn away and then changed his mind and turned back. ‘Tell me, Karen, did you notice anything odd about Mr Saunders?’

Karen frowned. ‘Danny’s father? No, he seemed upset. But I guessed that was because he was imagining how he’d feel if it were his son who was missing. Why? Did you get an odd vibe from him?’

DI Morgan paused and then said, ‘It doesn’t matter. Let me know when Dennis arrives.’


At well over six feet tall, Dennis Dean was a big man. His broad shoulders and muscular arms, thanks to his job as a labourer, made him a very intimidating presence. He’d had plenty of run-ins with the police in the past so Karen hadn’t expected him to be cooperative.

She’d been right. It took DI Morgan a good ten minutes to calm him down after he arrived at the school. Dennis interspersed answers to their questions with insults. He was angry, rude and altogether unpleasant to deal with, but Karen couldn’t shake the feeling he was telling the truth when he told them he had nothing to do with his daughter’s disappearance.

‘Can you think of anyone who might want to target your family in this way?’ DI Morgan asked.

The question was like a red rag to a bull. ‘Are you trying to blame this on me? Typical bloody police. Why aren’t you out there looking for them, instead of in here asking me stupid questions?’

‘We have lots of officers looking for Emily and Sian, Mr Dean,’ Karen said, keeping her voice calm. ‘We need to ask these questions. Do you have any idea who could have taken them? Someone who holds a grudge against you, maybe? Or has anything happened recently that may have made Emily want to run away?’

The arrogant, furious expression on Dennis Dean’s face melted away and was replaced by a look of pure fear. ‘I don’t think so. Emily can be a hot-headed little thing, but she wouldn’t worry her mum and me like this.’

‘Has she ever run away before?’

Dennis shook his head. ‘Not recently. I remember once, when she was five, she packed up her dollies and made herself a jam sandwich. Said she was going to live with the Little Mermaid. She was crazy about that film.’ He broke off and ran a hand through his tousled black hair. Then he fixed his bright blue eyes on Karen. ‘It’s not like her at all. You have to find her. Someone’s taken her. I know they have.’

As DI Morgan pressed on with the questions, pushing sensitive subjects, which earned him sharp, unhelpful replies, Karen tried to weigh up the evidence they had so far.

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