Home > Picture Perfect Frame (Tourist Trap Mysteries #12)(16)

Picture Perfect Frame (Tourist Trap Mysteries #12)(16)
Author: Lynn Cahoon

   “Honey, do me a favor and try to stay out of trouble while you’re investigating Nan’s murder. Please?” He leaned back into his chair.

   My first thought was to deny the accusation. He might be trying to trick me. Get me to say I’d be careful but then jump and tell me to stay out of this. I hated reverse psychology. I never knew how to react to it. Especially when someone had caught me in a bald-faced lie. “Look, I don’t know what you expect here. There’s no way that Esmeralda killed that woman. I’m not going to let her go down for something she didn’t do.”

   “I didn’t say you should.” He nodded to the brownie in the case. “Do those have walnuts?”

   “Yep.” I plated the brownie and set it in front of him with a fork. “So, you think I should investigate?”

   “I didn’t say that either.” He took a bite of the brownie. “This is the one thing Sadie makes that could turn me into a stress eater. She’s an amazing baker.”

   “Yes, she is.” I thought about getting one for me, but I’d already had a muffin when I arrived at the shop. What could I say? It’d been a stressful day. “We have a plan. If I find something, I’ll let you know. How’s Esmeralda holding up?”

   “That’s what bothers me. She’s calm; too calm. It’s like she knows the community is coming with pitchforks to kill her at any moment.” He sighed, then glanced up to see my face. “I can’t help her if she won’t help herself. She won’t even tell me where she was when Nan was killed.”

   “Maybe she has a secret,” I thought, my brain working slower than molasses.

   “One that’s not about her killing someone? Let’s hope so.” He finished off his brownie in his second bite. “Can I have a to-go coffee refill? I need to get back on the street. I’m interviewing anyone who was in town that night. Well, we’re interviewing them. Toby and Tim already started at the other end of town. I think they went to hit Diamond Lille’s so they could order some food. The pair of them have been running since the beginning of the week.”

   “So have you,” I reminded him.

   A smile filled his just-a-little-too-broad-to-be-regal face. With the dusting of hair on his cheeks, he made me sigh. It was a good thing he was my boyfriend already.

   I shook away the image. It must just be too close to Valentine’s. I needed some fresh air. “Anyway, you’re not getting any closer to finding the killer standing around here.”

   “Yeah, but I know you’re not out there getting into trouble.” He glanced at the door. “I take it Darla was running to the station to try to get one of the guys to talk?”

   “She’s going to be mad when she realizes they’re out canvassing the town.” I sipped my coffee. “I’m taking Evie with me so she can meet Doc Ames and Mary and Bill.”

   “You’re a giver, that’s what you are.” He stood and picked up his coffee. “But actually, knowing you’ll have someone with you makes me feel just a little better. Try not to tick off the bad man, okay?”

   “You tell me who it is and I’ll stay far, far away from them.” I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss. “I’d better get some work done. Aunt Jackie’s working today and if I don’t have my close chores done, she’ll notice.”

   “I think you’re more scared of your aunt than meeting up with a possible killer.”

   I nodded as I took out the close list. “And I think you’re very perceptive.”

   By the time Deek arrived I had all my close chores done and had started on some of his shift tasks. He was going to be alone today and I knew that the shop would be swamped as soon as it got out that Esmeralda was number one on the suspect list. The good news was that people bought a lot of coffee and snacks while they were gossiping. The better news was it wouldn’t be during my shift.

   He came around the counter, took one look at me, and shook his head. “Uh-oh. You’re up to something.”

   “There is no way you can see that in my aura. Who did you talk to?” My eyes narrowed as I watched his reaction.

   He laughed as he put the apron on over his head. “Sorry, Toby told me. I guess Greg told him that you and your new pals were going all private investigator this afternoon and he was to watch over you if he saw you.”

   “That’s a little patronizing if you ask me.” I glared at my barista. “And you of all people shouldn’t go along with it. Especially when your mom is a strong, independent woman.”

   “I think the bigger question is are you going to tell her?” He started counting desserts in the case. “I really don’t want to have to move before I finish this book and the publisher showers advance money on me.”

   “You are such a dreamer. And I should tell your mom.” I shook a finger at him, which I knew he’d just laugh at. No one on my staff took me the least bit seriously and I loved it that way. “Anyway, if Evie comes down before I get back, tell her to wait for me.”

   “Yes, ma’am.” He glanced at the almost-empty dining room. “You sure you don’t want to stay and help with the crowd when it arrives?”

   “Nah, you can do it.” I swung my tote over my shoulder. “If you need help, you can ask Aunt Jackie to come in early.”

   “I’ll be fine.” He glanced at me nervously. “Won’t I?”

   I shrugged. “Maybe, maybe not.”

   As I walked home, I thought about the way the crew had turned into more than just a team. We were a family. And I had three brothers along with Greg to tease me. The shop had turned into more than just a way to make enough money to live on. It had become a gathering spot where people came for a minute of silence or to step out of the heat of the day. We were as much of an institution now as Diamond Lille’s, even though the diner was here long before I’d even visited South Cove the first time.

   Now it was time to add a new member to our family. Evie already had connections with the group. We just needed to make sure she had connections to the community so she’d stay around a while.

   I made a quick turkey sandwich for lunch and, after letting out Emma, I was on my way back into town. This time in my Jeep. We’d walk to Main Street Bed and Breakfast, but Bakerstown was just a little too far to do on foot. Especially if I wanted to be back before dark.

   I parked in my spot behind the shop and climbed out. Coffee, Books, and More shared the parking with Antiques by Thomas. A large panel van sat on one side of the lot and a motorcycle was parked on the sidewalk under the back balcony. Josh Thomas’s Smart car wasn’t parked by the electric supply plug. He must be out for the afternoon.

   I went in through the back door, making sure to relock it as I entered. I didn’t need people coming in the office and getting into things. The worst that could happen was a cheesecake theft, but I didn’t want to hurt anyone with the sugar high they’d get.

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