Home > Surrender : A Lily of the Valley Novella(9)

Surrender : A Lily of the Valley Novella(9)
Author: Evie Kent


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Are you craving more dark warlock action? Stay tuned for the full-length dark paranormal romance novel The Warlock’s Vessel, live fall 2020.


In the meantime, get ready for Evie Kent’s dark debut in May 2020. For a sneak peak at To Love a God, turn the page and read the blurb…




Coming Soon…



To Love a God (Lily of the Valley, #1)



To love a god is to court death…



For the crime of unleashing Ragnarok upon the Aesir, a witch binds trickster Loki to a cave, doomed to live out the rest of his immortal days in painful solitude. Five long centuries pass before believers of the old ways happen upon him, but they are unable—perhaps a little unwilling—to break the curse.

With his powers muted inside his magical prison, Loki does what he does best: he brokers a deal in his benefit. In exchange for village health, wealth, and prosperity, the god demands sacrifice. Material goods. Modern trinkets. Blood. And, in time, companionship.

Three hundred years later, the god’s tastes have become quite singular: women who look like his long-dead wife Sigyn. Raven black hair. Startling blue eyes. Delicate features and full lips and a voice like a songbird. Demure. Submissive. Sweet.

It’s been nearly sixty years since the village’s scouts found a woman who met the trickster’s rigid criteria.

Until she falls right in their laps.

Nora Olsen. Orphan. American. Ballerina. Firecracker.

The spitting image of Sigyn, on a solo backpacking trip across Scandinavia…

Loki must have her.

But unlike all who came before her, Nora isn’t demure. She isn’t submissive. And for Loki, the terrifyingly radiant deity holding her captive, she sure as hell isn’t sweet.

Trapped together in that cave, the game is afoot. A game of wits, survival, lust, love…

And death.



About the Author



Evie Kent is a dark paranormal romance author who loves a possessive anti-hero and a strong-willed heroine. She has been #teamvillain for as long as she can remember, and thinks the dark side definitely has more fun.

Her work errs toward soft dark, and features soulmate-level romances with dubious beginnings, along with a dash of angst and a dollop of kink.


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