Home > Harmonize Hostilities (The Exceptional S. Beaufont Book 7)(4)

Harmonize Hostilities (The Exceptional S. Beaufont Book 7)(4)
Author: Sarah Noffke

Hiker didn’t seem to buy this as he slipped into his chair at the head of the table. “When I find out what you’re up to, there’s going to be hell to pay.”

Quiet muttered something as Ainsley brought another covered dish from the kitchen. She laid it down in front of the leader of the Dragon Elite and looked at the gnome. “I agree, Quiet, but most of the time, some people can’t see what’s right in front of their faces because their dumb egos block their sight.”

Hiker narrowed his eyes, but they softened as his olfactory senses took in the dishes in front of them. “What’s all this?” He swept his hand at the table.

“Food.” Ainsley swept back around and trotted for the kitchen.

“It would appear that Ainsley has made your favorites, sir.” Wilder pointed at the largest dish. “Roast beef. And I think that’s mashed potatoes.”

“If the next dish is roasted asparagus, then we know there’s something going on,” Evan added.

Sophia guessed roasted asparagus was another of Hiker’s favorites. “Maybe she’s helping us to celebrate. The press conference was a success.”

Hiker nodded but didn’t look convinced. “It was, but as I was telling Mama, we could use another advantage. I’m having trouble getting the Foreign Nations to enter into an agreement with us. They say they need time.”

“And as I said before, I’m not coming out of hiding and standing in front of a camera unless George Burns is right beside me,” Mother Nature declared.

“Who’s that?” Hiker asked as the last dragonrider, Mahkah, quietly slipped into a seat next to Wilder. “I’m sure we can make arrangements.”

“He’s dead,” Sophia said.

Hiker nodded. “That seems about right.”

“You’ll just have to iron out these peace agreements on your own, son,” Mama Jamba offered. “It is your job, after all.”

He sighed as Ainsley came through the door, carrying another dish.

“Is that roasted asparagus?” Evan asked, eyeing the dish.

“How did you know?” Ainsley pulled the cover off the bowl to reveal little green sticks of veggies.

“What’s going on?” Hiker demanded, a skeptical expression on his face.

“What do you mean?” Ainsley questioned. “Can’t I make all of your favorites, knowing how much you like them?”

He gave her a measuring glare. “No.”

She threw up her hands and stormed back to the kitchen. “I can’t win for trying. I’ll just go and fetch the hot rolls and chocolate cake.”

“More of your favorites, sir,” Wilder observed.

Hiker narrowed his eyes at the largest platter. “I realize that. Evan, you should taste my food for me.”

He gawked in response. “With all due respect, sir. I don’t think Ainsley would try and poison you—” He broke into laughter before he finished his sentence. “Sorry, sir. Yes, she absolutely would. And although I would rush into a burning building for you, I’m not going to take this one for the team.”

“Oh, don’t be absurd,” Mama Jamba said, and pulled the lid off the mashed potatoes. Steam rose up, happy to be finally freed from the covered dish. “Ainsley might have a death wish for Hiker, but she doesn’t want the rest of us dead.”

“Coming from the entity that was never born and can never die, that doesn’t make me feel all that much better,” Evan stated sarcastically.

“I for one,” Hiker started, his eyes swelling with hunger as he pulled the cover off the roast and took in the sight of the hunk of meat, “can’t wait to have a real meal. It feels like ages.”

“I served you breakfast this morning,” Ainsley argued, as she deposited a basket of rolls on the table.

“The bacon was raw and the eggs were runny,” Hiker spat. He cut into the roast but seemed to have trouble with it.

The elf watched, a sneaky expression on her face.

No one took a bite of their food, all of them sensing what was about to happen next.

Hiker laid the knife down and gave Ainsley an annoyed expression. “The meat is overcooked.”

She threw up her hands. “Well, either it is overdone or underdone to your liking. I can’t win.”

He shook his head, pushing the tray to the side and picking up the potatoes. “What’s wrong with these?”

“Nothing,” Ainsley sang, a sly look in her green eyes.

Evan dropped his spoonful of potatoes and grabbed for the pitcher of water to fill his glass. “If by nothing you mean they have a pound of salt, then sure. Nothing.”

The shapeshifter giggled with evil delight.

Hiker shook his head, looking at the asparagus. “And I’m guessing those are ruined somehow and the rolls overbaked. And the chocolate cake?”

Ainsley turned for the kitchen. “You’ll have to find out for yourself.”

Hiker pushed up from the table, his face red with anger. His hand went to his pocket, where Sophia knew he kept the golden harp. Hopefully, it would calm his temper and keep him from exploding, as was its job. “Well, maybe you all can salvage some of this meal, but I’m done.”

“Sir, can’t you fix things with Ainsley?” Evan asked, disappointment on his face as he looked around the table at the food none of them, with the exception of Quiet, dared to eat. The gnome was already working on his second helping of potatoes, the high sodium levels not bothering him in the least.

“I’m working on it,” Hiker muttered, giving Sophia a pointed expression.

She nodded slightly, knowing he meant for her to “fix” things since he didn’t think he was capable.

“In the meantime,” Hiker stated, “I’ll simply not eat at these meals, so the rest of you aren’t punished for the grievances Ainsley has with me.”

Everyone blinked, surprised by this selfless act.

“You can’t not eat,” Ainsley said, peeking through from the kitchen door, her face suddenly ashen.

He glanced over his shoulder at her. “I’ll manage. Despite what you think, I’m not completely inept and can fend for myself. I would just prefer not to when my time is so valuable trying to lead the Dragon Elite.”

The housekeeper disappeared back into the kitchen without another word. It was a first, Sophia realized. Hiker had made her speechless by not playing into Ainsley’s games. Maybe he was maturing and the golden harp was helping. The shapeshifter would persevere and find a way under his skin unless Sophia could figure out how to get her memories back and cure her. Then, at last, the elf could leave the Gullington and have the freedom she’d been deprived of for so many centuries.



Chapter Four



“I really don’t know what to say,” Sophia muttered, holding up the t-shirt Lunis had gotten her. Well, by gotten her, he’d ordered it on her Amazon account and had it shipped to the PO box in town since packages couldn’t come to the Castle directly.

You’re speechless because you love it so much, right? Lunis asked, a hopeful expression in his eyes.

They stood on the Expanse, outside the Nest, the waves of the Pond crashing against the shore in the distance, creating gentle music.

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