Home > The Dangerous One(2)

The Dangerous One(2)
Author: Lori Foster

   Making a sound of disgust, Hunter weighed his need for detachment with the natural inclination to defend. Turned out he didn’t need to do anything at all.

   “Huh-uh,” Jodi murmured, stepping closer, taking Worth by surprise and putting Hunter on alert. “I’m not prettier, definitely not nicer, because Trent put up with this sh...” She stopped herself, then corrected with, “Baloney, and I won’t.”

   Trying not to curse? Amused, Hunter silently wished her luck. Dealing with Worth could test anyone’s resolve.

   Taking a step back, Worth scowled. “I have no idea what you—”

   “Trent and everyone else in town—” she glanced at Hunter “—might let you bully them, but that’s not in my DNA.”

   Now, wait a minute. She thought he’d put up with Worth? Not likely. “If you recall,” Hunter pointed out, “I only allowed you to go first.”

   She smiled, and damn, that smile had a kick. “So you would’ve done some insisting of your own?”

   “Notice his car is still on my trailer.”

   “Yeah? That’s his?” Her gaze slanted back to Worth, and now she was so close, she nearly bumped into Worth’s gut. “Guess you’ll have to meet all obligations today, huh?”

   “I’ll have you know, I—”

   Again she interrupted Worth, saying, “I’m not budging without my pay. Is this really how you want to spend your day?”

   Hunter turned to Worth. “What’s it to be?”

   Blustering, Worth again tried to give her the money. “This is what I have. Now take it and go before things get ugly.”

   Unperturbed, she asked curiously, “What do you know about ugly?”

   “I know little girls shouldn’t go around issuing half-baked threats.”

   Damn it, Hunter did not want to get involved, but if Worth didn’t let up, he’d—

   “Little girls?” Her lips twitched, like she just might smile. “This little girl did her part, exactly as described. This little girl isn’t going anywhere until she’s paid. This little girl never gives in to bullies. Now, be a good boy—can’t say the ‘little’ part, can I?—and pay up before we draw more attention from the masses. Won’t bother me, but I have a feeling your reputation is already on the dirty, dingy side.”

   Furious, Worth glared at the onlookers, more of them than Hunter had realized. No one budged.

   Hell, it was all pretty entertaining.

   Jerking a few more bills from his wallet, Worth handed the money to her.

   Now she counted it, gave a nod of satisfaction and shoved the money into a small pack strapped around her hips. With all signs of animus gone, she said, “Thanks. Enjoy the rest of your day.” She turned to go, but hesitated, then glanced at Hunter again. “You gonna need any help?”

   Amazing. Deadpan, he said, “I think I can handle it.”

   Her distrusting gaze went to Worth for three heart-stopping seconds. Then she rolled one shoulder and dipped her chin in a barely there nod. “I bet you can.” She replaced her sunglasses. “Later, gator.”

   Without her standing so close, Worth growled, “You just lost this job, girl!”

   Hunter watched her freeze, saw her shoulders stiffen and then her neck. Predictably enough, she pivoted back around.

   Funny, but despite the lack of expression, anger emanated off her in dangerous waves.

   “Damn, Worth, you don’t know when to leave well enough alone.” Hunter found himself anticipating what she would do. The sleepy little town had never been this exciting.

   Unfortunately, Worth had found his gumption and he stepped toward her. “You’re rude and I don’t want you back.”

   Unmoved by his statement, she ambled closer. “Here, you mean, because everyone else was pleased with my work. But no problem. I’ll just cut around this area and leave your part to grow. I’ll even have the contract adjusted to take you off it—since I’ve been hired for the whole season.”

   “I’ll see you’re fired.”

   As if in pity, she gently smiled. “Nah, you won’t. I mean, you would if you could, I get that. The thing is, I know how to set up a contract, so you’re pretty much screwed on the whole firing threat. But why don’t you go ahead and try? Won’t bother me.”

   Too dumb to quit, Worth growled, “I’ll make you miserable. When I’m done, you won’t want this job. You won’t even want to be in Triple Creek!”

   Up went the sunglasses again, and holy shit, unmistakable fury lit her eyes.

   “Hey,” Hunter said, concerned with the way she stared at Worth, as if sizing him up for demolition.

   Jodi ignored him, but she did take a breath, then whispered calmly, “Do your worst. I don’t care, and it won’t run me off. If anything, it’s going to make me dig in.” Her smile was slow and mean. “But you might want to keep in mind that if you mess with me, I have the nasty habit of messing back.”

   Done with all the theatrics, Hunter pointed at Worth, who stood there blustering. “Don’t disappear. I’ll be back to get my pay in ten minutes.” Then he strode to Jodi. “I’ll walk you to your truck.”

   “Is that code for something?” Without any sign of that impressive anger, she fell into step with him. “Because, see, my legs work just fine and I know how to walk. I’m not a dog on a leash and I—”

   “Yes,” he said, thoughts churning. “It’s code.” Hunter didn’t touch her. He didn’t even look at her, and still he felt the energy all but bouncing off every small, dynamic inch of her.

   She had presence big-time.

   Who is she? Not a mere landscaper. Not by a long shot.

   He had a nose for danger. Right now that danger was about five foot three inches, midtwenties and full of brass. Just what he didn’t want or need in the backward town where he’d settled to get his fill of mundane, normal life.

   Glancing at him, she said, “It’s not a long walk, so if you have something to say, you might want to get to it.”

   “Who are you?” Not what he’d meant to say, but damn. He shook his head. “Not just your name—is that your name?” Somehow he doubted it.

   Openly grinning now, she shared her amusement. “I had a feeling, you know? That you’d be something different, too.”

   Ah, hell. That was an admission if he’d ever heard one. He was different. Too different. That was his secret, though, one he’d planned to bury here, where no one would ever find out.

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