Home > Dragon Mage (Dragon Point #7)(14)

Dragon Mage (Dragon Point #7)(14)
Author: Eve Langlais

“Since when?” was the muttered reply. The aunt focused on Daphne. “Any idea where this Azrael character might have gone? Maybe he mentioned an address or a place he hangs out?”

She shook her head, and only then realized she’d been hugging her body the entire time. “I never saw him before last night. And haven’t seen him since this morning at my place.”

“Lovely. Another dead end,” Babette declared.

“Not exactly nothing,” the older woman noted. “We now have a clue as to what he was after. That bottle must have been important.”

“And he has the dagger.” Babette nodded grimly. “We need to warn the others.”

“Others?” Daphne repeated faintly. “Can someone explain what’s happening?”

“Afraid not,” Babette said, not looking one bit apologetic. “Family business and all that. But we do thank you for your aid.”

“I helped you. Now you have to help me. Tell the detectives about Azrael.”

“Eventually. We need to catch that cloaked stranger first.”

“What do you mean, eventually?” Daphne exclaimed. “I don’t belong here. I’m innocent.”

“Like I said, sorry, but not really sorry. We can’t have you jeopardizing our retrieval of Azrael. The fate of the world is depending on it and all that jazz.” Babette patted her cheek as she sauntered past. “Coming, Auntie?” Babette gave a few sharp taps at the door then leaned against the jamb.

“This is so unfair.” Daphne let go of her ribs to rake fingers through messy hair. The sleeve of her orange jumpsuit—courtesy of her jail stint—flopped to her elbow, the button that held the cuff closed missing.

Babette straightened and cleared her throat. “Um, what’s that on your wrist?”

Daphne didn’t have to look. She held out her hand and showed off the tiny tattoo with intricate detail. “It’s a dragon. I got it when I graduated university.”

“Change of plans,” Babette barked as the door opened and her aunt made to leave the room. “The girl comes with us.”

“What are you talking about? We can’t take her with us.”

“No shit, you can’t,” Owen remarked, rudely having returned to let them out. “This little jailbird can’t leave because someone will notice and blame me since I’m on watch.”

“Except, you didn’t process her yet. There’s nothing that says she ever made it here.”

“Joe and Tyrone—”

“Will keep their mouths shut. Or haven’t you figured out yet who told us to talk to you?”

“Taking her wasn’t part of our deal.”

“I’m changing the terms.” Babette dug into the pocket of her sweater and pulled out a thick wad of cash.

Owen’s eyes widened.

“You never saw her,” Babette stated as she handed it over.

“What if Joe and Tyrone cause trouble?”

“Maybe you should talk to them ahead of time. Give them a little something too.” Babette peeled even more cash out.

Owen wandered off, whistling.

But Auntie wasn’t happy. “I don’t know why you went through that trouble. We are not taking the girl. She knows nothing.”

Babette grabbed Daphne’s arm and lifted it. “Look at her wrist.”

“What of it?”

“Elspeth said I should find the nerd with the dragon tattoo. And we have!”

Yolanda’s lips pursed. “We did, and because of that, we now have a name. She’s no more use to us. At this point she can still walk away.”

“Are you sure we’re supposed to let her go? You’re willing to take that chance?” Babette arched a brow.

Auntie’s lips pinched so tight they almost disappeared. “Fine. Bring her. But she’s your responsibility.”

“You heard my aunt. We are ditching this joint.”

A firm, yet gentle grip tugged Daphne, and she snapped out of her surprise enough to say, “Why should I leave with you?”

“Because you’ve seen one of them. The horsemen of the apocalypse,” Babette stated.

“Are you talking about Mr. Smoky?”

“Actually, I meant the guy in the cloak. Elsie says it’s super important we find him and his pals because if we don’t the world will be in grave trouble. Rivers running with blood. Plague. Famine and all that stuff. Which personally sounds like a good time to me, except for the people dying part. I like people.”

“Do you ever shut up?” snapped Yolanda.

“No,” Babette sassed. “What are you going to do about it?”

“I’m going to—” Whatever threat Auntie meant to bestow got interrupted by the sudden blaring of “The Imperial March.” She held up her phone and frowned. “I need to take this. But we’re done here. I’ll meet you downstairs at the car.” Yolanda strutted away, and Babette grumbled.

“As if I am getting into a car again with her. She drives like a maniac. You and I are taking another route.”

“To go where? Where are you taking me?”

“Somewhere that isn’t here. Do you need to pack anything?”

“I have nothing.”

Babette appeared startled. “Well, that’s kind of sad. Everyone should have a hoard.”

“What would I do with a horde of marauders?”

“Not that kind of hoard.” Babette rolled her eyes. “I’ll explain later. We really should go before someone I haven’t bribed notices we’re here.”

“Won’t I be in more trouble if I escape?”

“Probably. Good times, right?” Babette winked. “Now, let’s get our butts onto that roof. I’ll be able to get a better running start.”

“Wait, you’re going to kill me?” It was the only conclusion to draw and suddenly made Daphne wonder who Babette really was, because she talked crazy. And now implied they’d be jumping off a roof. What if Babette were a patient?

A truly insane one.

Daphne ran for the door, only Babette beat her to it.

“Really, Daphne, we don’t have time to play tag. We have to save the world.”

“I am not going anywhere with you.”

“Ah jeez, did I give you the impression you had a choice? Really sorry about that. I’ve been working on my approach with people so they’re not intimidated by me. I mean I can understand why they are, total awesomeness in one tiny package.” She swept a hand at her body.

“I won’t let you kill me.”

“Why would I want to kill you? Elspeth told me to find you. And I did. So I guess now we need to figure out our next move.”

“Who is Elspeth?” And why was everyone concerned with what she said?

“You’ll meet her soon. Maybe.” Babette frowned. “Well shit, did I just make a prediction? Elsie must be rubbing off on me. Slap me with some grease and make me squeal like a thin-skinned newt on a hot volcanic ledge. I don’t want to see the future.” Babette continued to make little sense. “Let’s go. Rooftop time,” she sang, grabbing hold of Daphne by the upper arm in a grip that would require the Jaws of Life to break.

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