Home > Ancient Enforcer (Ancients Rising #3)(4)

Ancient Enforcer (Ancients Rising #3)(4)
Author: Katie Reus

“You look like you’re doing well.” He looked around the house, a gleam in his eyes.

Eyes that were unfortunately the same pale green as her own. Ugh. She hated that she looked more like him than her beautiful mother. Hated that she’d gotten anything at all from him.

She knew what he was seeing: the huge two-story Creole home, the wide foyer, the big chandelier hanging above them, which she’d restored herself. Real wood floors, local art on the walls and in the sitting room—which had furniture her mom had left her in her will. All classic, solid pieces that meant something to her. During the day, the whole house was filled with natural light, but now, with the sun going down and Shep in her personal space, the foyer seemed tiny and…foreign. It jarred her, having him here in her home, talking to her. He didn’t belong and he was marring this wonderful place with his mere presence.

“The family home was destroyed…when everything happened,” he said.

“Everything” meaning The Fall, when a bunch of power-hungry dragons had outed themselves and other supernaturals to the world and nearly destroyed it in fire. Well not nearly—they’d actually destroyed more than half of it. New Orleans had gotten caught in the fray as well, but thanks to a whole lot of badass supernaturals, the city and surrounding areas had been mostly saved. But not all the structures, and the city was definitely still rebuilding. Hell, it hadn’t even recovered from the last hurricane, let alone a bunch of evil dragons.

The world was a new place, with no currency system right now. It was…interesting, to say the least. She was embracing this new chapter, however. What she wasn’t embracing was her bastard of a father. Hate was a very strong word but she hated him with the passion of a thousand fiery suns, as cliché as that sounded.

She wasn’t going to let her rage take over, however, so she forced herself to take a deep breath. “I’m working, Shep. What do you want?”

“Look… I’ve lost everything,” he started.

Boo freaking hoo, Avery thought as she stared at this man, this monster in human skin. She didn’t respond, kept her expression stony, completely unmoved.

He cleared his throat and looked around again. “This is a really nice house.”

Yes, it was. She continued staring. She could wait him out because she had nothing to say to him. She wasn’t that little girl who needed his approval any longer. She didn’t care what he thought. He’d killed all of her love for him in one awful moment.

“I’m living in a two-bedroom condo.” The way he said it, it was as if that was the worst thing in the world.

“And?” she asked against her better judgment, scorn dripping from the word.

“And, it’s awful. I’m surrounded by simply awful people.”

Translation: he probably had perfectly friendly neighbors but he was just a dick. Anyone her father thought was awful was probably lovely. “If you’re being harassed or abused in any way, then you need to report it to the Alpha of the territory.” She kept her words even and monotone.

“I know that!” he snapped. “What’s the matter with you?”

She stared at him, her mouth falling slightly open. Was he really this lacking in self-awareness? What was the matter with her? “You need to leave. I seriously don’t know why you’re here. And really, I don’t care. Because if you think I would let you live here, you’re out of your mind.”

He took a step toward her, putting his palms up in a placating gesture. “No, I just…I know you’re friends with that wolf.” The way he said wolf was almost…derogatory.

She lifted an eyebrow. “Do you mean King?”

“Yes, yes. I know you’re doing a lot of work for the city. You can ask him for a favor, get me better accommodations. I’m living like…” He cleared his throat. “I need something better.” There was a desperation in his voice.

She couldn’t help herself, a burst of laughter exploded from her. “Are you serious right now? You think I would waste a favor on you? You’re more delusional than I ever could have imagined. I’m not going to ask King for anything. And for the record, I could,” she added, because she was feeling petty. She didn’t like this side of herself, this angry ball of rage, but years of suppressed anger were rolling to the surface with no warning. “I’m afraid what you’re figuring out right now is what it’s like to be part of the working class, actually having to contribute to society. I’m sure that’s a huge revelation to you, but deal with it.”

He stared at her, and for a moment raw fire flickered in his pale eyes. But just as quickly he smothered it and it was replaced by an emotion she couldn’t quite define. Calculation, likely. “She left me,” he whispered in a way that was supposed to sound sad and pathetic.

Okay it did sound like both those things. Because he was pathetic. “Who?” She knew exactly who—his wife. But she wanted him to say it.


“She left you? Bet that feels like crap, huh?” Avery didn’t like this anger that was pouring out like a geyser. This was…not her. But at the same time, she couldn’t stop herself. Couldn’t stop the venom if she’d wanted to. It felt good to let it free.

“You don’t have to gloat over it,” he snapped.

“I’m not gloating. I would have to feel something for you to do that. And now it’s time for you to go.” She stepped toward the front door, exhausted just from this interaction. And she needed a shower, needed to erase the last few minutes from her mind.

He stumbled toward her, his eyes wide and manic as he suddenly grabbed her wrist. He might look fragile, but his grip was strong, making her cry out in surprise and a little pain. “You have to get me better living accommodations! I’m working in a food center!” he snapped, his voice trembling and out of control.

Before she could respond, the door swung open and Mikael and her two brothers strode in.

Avery met Mikael’s eyes. She thought she’d seen him angry before, but she realized that she hadn’t. She’d only seen him annoyed. Now…his dragon stared back at her, then he turned to her father, who was still holding her wrist.

She wasn’t afraid for herself, but her father should be very, very afraid. Mikael’s dragon peered out, his eyes a smoky gray of swirling color. He was…not happy. He’d gone still in a way that was eerie, watching her father as if he was a bug.

“Take your hand off her now.” The words were spoken so quietly, Mikael’s voice a deadly sharp blade.

Her father dropped her wrist immediately and held his hands up. “I am just talking to my daughter.”

“You’re not our father.” Anthony stepped forward, the anger in his normally affable expression out of character as he glared at Shep. “You’re just a sperm donor and a pathetic excuse for a human. Get the hell out of here!” He and Riel stormed into the foyer, planting their bodies in front of Avery protectively.

It was incredibly sweet even though it was unnecessary.

Mikael, however, wasn’t nearly as patient. His gaze pinned to hers, he grabbed her father by the back of the neck. “I’ll take the trash out for you.” Then he dragged her father out the front door in seconds, slamming it shut behind him.

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