Home > Vengewar(9)

Author: Kevin J. Anderson

“Fulcor Island is your home now,” Klea said.

“I was not part of the garrison here,” the soldier said. “I accompanied Konag Conndur on his diplomatic mission. I wasn’t supposed to be left behind during the fighting.”

Klea frowned, hearing the criticism in his voice. “I am certain there will be supply ships soon as well as other war vessels, but for now we must hold the island. You should be pleased to serve among the Fulcor defenders.”

“But this place is just … a cold and windy rock,” the soldier sneered. “No resources, only rainfall for water.” He shook his head as he looked at the imposing garrison walls. “Why must we fight so hard to defend it?”

Klea scowled. “Because the Isharans want it, and they have always wanted it. They stole Fulcor from us many times, but we always captured it back.”

“But why?” The soldier’s words had a whining tone. “Why is it so important?”

“This is a strategic island, halfway between the old world and the new. When the first colonists sailed away in search of a new home, it was their stopover point. Olan led his group of Brava colonists here on his way to establish Valaera.” Her lips twisted to remember that old tragedy, and the wind felt colder around her face. “All those hopeful colonists, following their dream, harming no one…”

“I was trained as an officer in Convera, and even there no one could explain why Fulcor Island is considered strategic. We’ve shed so much blood over this worthless rock…” He looked up to the gray skies.

“It is not worthless,” Klea snapped, struggling with her own thoughts and angry that she had no ready logical answer for him. “This island belongs to the Commonwealth, and the Isharans are willing to sacrifice many lives to seize it back. Therefore, we need to hold it.”

When he continued to argue, she silenced him and sent him off to his duties.

The next day, the stink of the piled corpses finally became too much inside the garrison walls. Klea commanded the Isharan captives to carry the bodies up to the wall and throw them without ceremony over the cliffs to where the sharks could devour them. This was not beautiful like the legacy ceremony she had given her fallen comrades. This was just disposing of garbage.

The crippled prisoner was carried up to the wall, still moaning in pain, sweating and feverish. He had endured the agony for more than a day. Klea nodded, and two of her soldiers tossed him over the wall. He did not start screaming until he was halfway down the cliff, as if he didn’t realize what was happening.

As her black cape rippled behind her, Klea raised her voice. “In response to the crimes you committed, I sentence you all to death.” The murder of Konag Conndur gave her more than enough reason, but Isharans also bore their ancestors’ guilt for massacring the innocent Brava colony of Valaera. “Your bones will be scoured by the reefs. Your legacies will be forever forgotten.”

The Isharan captives were angry, but their hands were bound, rendering them helpless. “Godless bastards!” one of the Isharans snarled. Some screamed and struggled, while others accepted their fates with straight backs. Klea had no more and no less respect for any of them, no matter what they did.

At swordpoint, they were driven over the cliff edge, one after another.

When every captive was gone and the foaming waves erased the blood, Klea turned to the remaining soldiers in the garrison. “Fulcor must never again feel the poison touch of an Isharan. This island is ours.”




WHEN Suderran lookouts saw the sandwreth party riding their reptilian mounts toward the walled city of Bannriya, King Adan ordered the entrance to be swung open. He remembered all too well when Queen Voo’s brother had battered his auga to death against the barricaded gate, just because he was impatient.

Hale Orr joined the king and scowled as the gate opened. “Are you just going to let them in, Starfall? You know we cannot trust them.”

“No, but we don’t want to declare war, at least not yet,” Adan said in a low voice as the sandwreth riders approached. “We are smarter than that. Let them think we are all good friends.”

Queen Voo rode to the gate, sitting high on the tooled leather saddle. Beside her rode her lanky, aloof brother Quo and the craggy wreth mage Axus. Voo looked at him and said with a sniff, “King Adan Starfall, why do you even bother with these walls? You know I could turn them to dust if I truly wished to see you.”

Adan looked regal in his formal garments as he returned her gaze. “There are other enemies and dangers in the world. These walls have stood for almost two thousand years. You told us we should learn how to fight and defend ourselves.”

She considered, then nodded. “Indeed, a weak army is of little use to me.” She gestured into the city. “We will go to your palace! It has been weeks since our dragon hunt, and we must begin arming your people against the frostwreths. I intend to make this alliance strong. We are partners.”

Though bile rose in his throat, Adan kept his expression calm. “Of course. Follow me.” He knew Penda was already at work, rushing the staff to create a reception that would not insult the capricious queen.

Knowing Voo would never leave her entourage outside the walls, Adan and Hale mounted their horses and rode off, accompanied by an escort of Banner guards. They guided the party through the winding streets of the old city. Curious observers peeped out of windows, watched from doorways, or stood under colorful awnings.

Outside Bannriya Castle, Queen Penda had erected an Utauk-style pavilion and a wooden table spread with a colorful variety of foods. Near at hand, the weathered statue of an ancient wreth man, long ago salvaged from the ruins, lay toppled on the ground.

As they arrived, Penda waited beside the old statue, smiling. She had chosen this location intentionally, to subtly remind Voo of her fallen race. She looked beautiful in a fine dress that mixed casual Utauk practicality with more formal Suderran attire, allowing for the swell of her belly. Hale Orr dismounted and stepped up protectively beside his daughter, who was perfectly capable of protecting herself.

Her two skas perched on a single crossbar in front of the yellow pavilion. Seeing the wreths, the skas clicked and hissed. Adan’s squire Hom tried to calm the reptile birds, but jerked away in fear when they snapped at him.

As Voo came close to inspect the toppled wreth statue, her lips quirked in a smile. “We have historical records back in my desert palace, but this worthless man was nothing of note.” She tossed her long hair, making the little metal ornaments jingle. “I am glad you found some use for him.”

Ignoring the selection of drinks, candied fruits, and sliced meats on the table, Queen Voo approached Penda. “I can sense the life growing within you.” Boldly, she reached out to touch the curve of her belly.

The Banner guards raised their spears or rested gauntleted hands on sword hilts. The wreth warriors accompanying Voo were alert but confident that no human could pose a threat. They seemed amused at the defensive posture of the guards.

When the sandwreth queen touched her, Penda’s expression changed to one of pain or fear, as if a knife twisted in her gut. She jerked away and spoke in a cold, commanding voice. “Please don’t touch me.”

Adan stepped between them. “Some might consider that a threat to my wife.” His voice held controlled fury and firm command. “Step away.”

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