Home > Class Zero (Stellar Born #3)(3)

Class Zero (Stellar Born #3)(3)
Author: Viola Grace

 She was supposed to seek out another partner, but green hands turned her toward him, and they started to dance before the song had even started. They were on their third step when the music surged up and around them.

 “Princess, pilot, navigator... what don’t you do?” Yomin was a very good dancer, moving her gracefully in the crowd.

 “I don’t have a good singing voice.”

 The imperial couple swung by, and the emperor mentioned, “She is also not a good example to her younger siblings.”

 Her dance partner grinned. “Not a deal-breaker.”

 Padana got suspicious. “What kind of deal?”

 “Ah, Hredu has some internal conflicts, and we require a negotiator who understands imperial matters. Coming to the royal family here was recommended by several parties in the Alliance.”

 “Well, you are out of luck; all of my brothers have contracts around the empire.”

 “I have been informed I am not out of luck. You are available provided that I am willing to abide by social restrictions.”

 She was stunned. “Like what?”

 “Negotiator armour or something similar to protect you as my folk can be venomous.” He smiled and spun her out before reeling her back in, catching her before she thudded against him.

 She took in the dark green, smooth surface that made up his skin, the golden eyes, and the crest of dark hair.

 “So, my family just agreed to send me?”

 He chuckled. “No, this has been negotiated for the last six months. Your family is very protective.”

 Padana chuckled. “My father is very possessive. I think it was a deep relief to him that my brothers arrived before I did. He got a chance to ease into fatherhood.”

 He chuckled. “Not a bad situation. You received the benefit of his patience.”

 “I received the benefit of him wanting to dress me up like a princess.”

 Yomin laughed. “You look lovely.”

 “Um, thanks, but don’t the women in your courts have to wear masks?”

 “Traditionally, yes. The countryside does not bear the same restrictions.”

 She moved easily with him and spun out and came back, “And yet, I will be in the court or near the emperor, which necessitates my wearing of the mask. I guess it is fine. I have something to wear that is suitable.”

 He was surprised. “You do?”

 Padana nodded. “I do. Every member of the household has a negotiating outfit. We are trained to wear it and move around in it when we gain our full height.”

 “Why is height an issue?”

 She chuckled. “If your negotiations are successful, you will understand.”

 “My negotiations have concluded. I am here to collect you. The emperor would not part with you unless you travelled under guardian escort.”

 “Your Azon companion?”

 He grinned. “No, me. The imperial line has always had an elemental talent. My father protected the Hredu during his reign, and I will do so in mine.”

 She blinked in surprise. “And they let you leave?”

 “We really need a negotiator, so I had to come and obtain the best.”

 “Flattering and not accurate. My mother is the best.”

 He pressed his hand to her back and pulled her against him. “Do you feel your father would part with her?”

 She laughed, and the bright sound made several heads turn. The music subsided for a moment; she stepped back, curtsied, and slipped through the crowd.

 She sprinted toward the doors and the open gardens. Padana knew she was supposed to be inside and working her way through the nobles, but she just needed some fresh air. She headed for one of the marble benches and flopped down in relief.

 Leaving Torgny was what she dreamed of. Helping her mother negotiate minute details of contracts over the last few decades was fun, but she wanted to see other skies and stars. She must have gotten it from her mother.

 Her armour had just been repaired after an attempt on her life, so she was ready to travel. Working for the Hredu imperial family was going to be a welcome distraction, but the crown prince was going to be torture.

 Just looking at Yomin, her palms itched to touch him and stroke skin the colour of gems in shadow. She groaned and covered her face. She could do this. Hell, her mother had even arranged her father’s lovers’ time in his bed before she had completed her term as his negotiator. That had taken nerves of steel to remain professional while her father was sleeping around. Wait, was she going to be in the same position? She really didn’t think she could manage it.

 She had plucked a rose, and she sniffed at the flower that her father had imported from her mother’s home world for their ten-year anniversary.

 “Your mother is going to let me hear about that missing flower. I swear she takes an inventory.” Palden VII sat next to her, and she snorted.

 “Hello, Father.”

 “You can call me Dad, as you did when you were little.”

 She chuckled and leaned against his shoulder. “The corset makes it difficult to shake formality.”

 He laughed. “So, you took off to the station?”

 “There is a Terran baker up there who knew what a Jamaican patty was. They can’t get clearance to run around on Torgny for a day, so I had to go to her.”

 “And protocol meant that when Crown Prince Yomin needed your shuttle, you had to give it up?”

 “Yeah. It’s fine. I offered my services as a pilot.”

 “What would you have done if he hadn’t taken you up on it?”

 “Hired a drop shuttle and been late to the party.” She chuckled.

 “What do you think of him?”

 She shrugged. “He’s a good dancer, a good conversationalist, and he wants what is best for his world. So, you agreed to send me?”

 She stared at her father, and he coloured. “Your mother made me agree. She said I can’t keep you here indefinitely and that she would kick my ass if I tried.”

 “Well, most royals of my age and development are already wed or at least engaged. I don’t mind starting a career out there.”

 “They are a more stringent court.”

 “It’s fine. I guess I am using the armour on duty.”

 “We are also getting you a placement as an ambassador. You can negotiate on our behalf as well.”

 “Only when it isn’t a conflict of interest. The Hredu are able to enact instant justice. He might be charming now, but he isn’t at home and wrapped in his power. I will be on guard.”

 He kissed her forehead. “Good girl. You have made me and your mother very proud. Terrified on many occasions but proud.”

 “Thanks, Dad.”

 He chuckled. “You know that I have already vetted Yomin in every way possible?”


 “And that if you get along, we have agreed to an engagement?”

 She cleared her throat. “I guessed at that part. You haven’t let anyone speak to me in the last ten years, so sending me to an alien world to work in the court had a certain matchmaker sense about it.”

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