Home > Elvenking : Leonard the Great, Book Three(5)

Elvenking : Leonard the Great, Book Three(5)
Author: Roger Eschbacher

The cavern pulsed with colorful patterns of light, which Leonard remembered meant Eater was happy. “Oh, thank you, Ronald. You’re too kind. Now, Leonard, imagine my surprise when, after several days of talking—” Eater paused. “You know, you really are a delightful conversationalist.”

Sir Ronald smiled. “Thank you, Eater. Now you’re the one who’s being too kind.”

Merlin threw his hands up and stalked off toward the other side of the cavern. As he passed Leonard, he heard the wizard muttering something about being on the verge of being “too unkind.”

Eater either didn’t hear or chose to ignore Merlin’s outburst. “You can imagine my surprise when we discovered that we both knew you and that Ronald was your former master. I told him about our apple arrangement and about how you were due back with your next delivery at the end of the warm season—”

“And I was so pleased, Leonard, because you’re so clever, and if anyone could help me get out of my little predicament, that anyone would be you,” Sir Ronald added.

There was a long pause where everyone, everyone meaning Sir Ronald, Merlin, and, in his own way, probably Eater, were all staring at him as if waiting for an immediate and brilliant suggestion. The way people did when they were in a highly dangerous predicament and decided Leonard was the one to come up with a plan. The only problem here was that this was not a highly dangerous predicament so nothing came to mind. “Um, yes, well, I . . . think Merlin is the man to talk to right now.”

Merlin frowned. “Do you now?”

“Yes. Now you know how it feels when you turn to me and say, ‘Luckily, we have Leonard with us. Leonard, how do we get out of this mess?'”

Merlin sighed. “Very well. Allow me to share my thoughts. We need to get to the Kingdom of the Northern Lights. With Sir Ronald’s arrival, we have learned that Eater’s cavern, the back of it anyway, is, in actuality, a portal to Niflheim. In other words, a shortcut to Svartalfheim, the kingdom of Claws Crimson.”

“You just lost me,” said Leonard. “How is Niflheim a shortcut to the land of my grandfather?”

“We were going to have to find a portal to Niflheim anyway because, as far as I know, there are no direct portals to Svartalfheim, leastways from our world. The Dark Elf king closed them all up years ago when his son, your father, Leonard, ran away from home and married your mother.”

Leonard shook his head. “Still lost.”

“Well, I wasn’t finished yet,” said Merlin, in a huff.

“Well then, please, get on with it.”

“The bottom line is that we need access to the World Tree to gain access to Svartalfheim—”

“Still lost.”

Merlin ignored Leonard. “The World Tree or Yggdrasil, as it is known by the Norsemen, provides access to all of the nine worlds—”


This time it was Sir Ronald who jumped in. “Leonard, please allow Merlin to finish the details of his plan. I want to find out how I can get to heaven.”

Leonard looked downward. “Yes, sir.”

“The nearest portal that I was aware of is on the island known as Fron. My original plan, the long way, was to book passage on a fishing vessel and sail there at the earliest opportunity.” Merlin glanced at Leonard to see if he was going to interrupt, but, when he didn’t, continued on, “Anyway, that is why I am calling the portal at the back of Eater’s cavern a shortcut to Svartalfheim.”

It was Sir Ronald’s turn to raise his hand, which he did timidly.

“Sir Ronald?”

“And how is all of this is going to help me get to the Pearly Gates?”

“You will accompany us back into Niflheim and act as our guide. You do remember the way, don’t you?”

“Well, yes, but—”

“As soon as we get through Niflheim, the likelihood of finding a Valkyrie will increase greatly, and I’ll simply ask whomever we find to take you up to Asgard, home of the Norse gods.”


“Odin, their king, is an old friend. He can get you back to the central place of judgement where you should be able to clear things up.”

Sir Ronald relaxed and sat back on Eater’s treasure hoard. “Well, if it takes me going back through that horrible place to help you and Leonard with your task and get me a little closer to my final judgement . . . then I’ll do it.”



Chapter Six



Getting Ready

A t Sir Ronald’s suggestion, Leonard and Merlin outfitted themselves with as much cold weather clothing as they could find.

“Although it never bothered me, the guards in Helheim were always complaining about the bitter cold,” the knight said.

Leonard had brought a heavy cloak and some good, thick boots from home and was able to augment them with mittens made out of some furred creature and a densely woven wool cap that, compared to every other cap he tried on, smelled the least like a rotting corpse. They also chose weapons.

“I’m glad to see that you’re able to make use of my old sword, Leonard,” said Sir Ronald with a shy smile.

Leonard unsheathed the sword and gave it a few good swings. “Yes, sir. It’s a good and strong sword and is my prized possession . . . since it reminds me of you. I would never throw away such a fine weapon.” Leonard shot a pointed glance at Merlin, who pretended to ignore it.

“Thank you Leonard,” said the knight, quietly. “I do wish I would’ve been able to stay around for a bit longer . . . to see you thrive and prosper in person as you obviously have done. I trust the half-castle is in good shape.”

“I’m glad you said something, Sir Ronald! The half-castle is now fully a three-quarters castle and is well on its way toward becoming a full castle in its own right!”

Sir Ronald clasped his hands with delight. “You don’t say!”

“Yes! And Glennys and I are to be wed as soon as we are finished with this mission to the north.”

Sir Ronald beamed. “I am so proud of you, my boy, and would hug you were it possible. Glennys as your bride. You shall have a strong marriage as two perfectly matched helpmates.”

“Did you tell your old master the name of your much improved home?” said a fur-clad Merlin, joining them.

Leonard grinned. “I’m hoping you won’t mind that we named it Castle Ronald.”

Sir Ronald began to fidget, opening and closing his mouth as if trying to say something, but no sound came out for several moments. “I don’t know what to say, Leonard,” he finally managed to croak. “I’m honored that you would think enough of me to do such a wonderfully thoughtful thing.”

Now Leonard was the one who wanted to hug his old master, but since he couldn’t he had to settle for words. “I always think only the best of you, Sir Ronald, so the naming of your former home came easily to me.”

“Are you ready to go, Leonard?” said Merlin, picking up and examining a large gemstone before discarding it almost immediately.

“I thought it might be nice to have a stout spear,” said Leonard, “but I can’t seem to find any.”

“The spears are all gathered on the far wall,” said Eater, pointing ten of his tentacles at an area directly behind Leonard. “After poking myself on them for the umpteenth time, I decided to gather them all together and get them out of the way.”

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