Home > Eleven Days in Paradise(6)

Eleven Days in Paradise(6)
Author: Jeannette Winters

“I guess I should go and change. I’ll let you know if I hear anything you should be concerned about after speaking to Miss Wellington.”

Bennett nodded. “Don’t take what she says lightly. Remember what I said. Things are different here.”

It was probably nothing-this was a secure facility. From what I understood, no one even left to explore the island. But even though the view was gorgeous and the amenities top-notch, it didn’t mean the resort was safe. If anything, it was the perfect place for a crime. Everyone would be so relaxed and distracted they probably won’t see even coming. I headed up to my room to change. Bennett had been dressed in a suit. I’d brought one with me-I just didn’t want to wear it. Since Miss Wellington was an attorney, I might as well look as professional as possible.

It didn’t take me long to change, but I didn’t bother shaving. She could deal with my stubble. As I headed to the third floor, my phone rang. It was Bennett. If he’s checking on me already, this isn’t just my first day–it’ll be my last, too.

“No, I haven’t spoken to her yet,” I stated firmly. I hoped he could hear the irritation in my voice.

“I figured not. Thought I’d save you some time. She just walked down to the beach. You might want to catch her before she leaves,” he said.

Damn. I should’ve stayed in my shorts.

“I’m on my way,” I said as I got back on the elevator and pushed the button for the lobby. I still had no idea what she’d look like, but I was glad she wasn’t the one I saw on the beach earlier. Once outside, I opted to take a different avenue. It would be unprofessional and time-consuming to go up to each woman and ask her name. I opted to utilize the staff. I saw one of the waitresses carrying drinks down towards the beach. I walked over and asked, “Excuse me, could you please point out Miss Wellington to me?”

The woman turned and looked me over. It was evident that she didn’t recognize me, as I hadn’t been so formally dressed when I arrived. If I had my way, I wouldn’t be now, either. “You may want to inquire at the front desk,” she stated, firmly but politely.

She might not have answered my question, but I noticed that she looked in the direction of a woman who was familiar to me. I wasn’t going to push the subject. If anything, I was glad to know she did not divulge any guest information, not even their names. “Thank you. I’ll do that next time.”

She smiled and continued on her way, ignorant to the fact I had my answer.

As I headed toward the beach, I couldn’t believe it was the same woman I had bumped into twice earlier. Maybe that’s why she had been so irritated by my comments. Then again, maybe that was her normal demeanor. Looks like I’m about to find out.

She glared at me as I approached, crossing her arms. “Are you following me or something?”

I didn’t miss her eyes roaming over me again. Did she think I didn’t own a suit or was it that she liked this look better? I wish I could read what she was thinking right now. Under different circumstances, I’d ask if she was enjoying the view. I knew I was. Her hair practically glowed with the sun hitting it and her lips, looked like they should be kissed. Fuck. I’m here to gather Intel, not hit on her.

I pulled my thoughts back to business and in a serious tone I said, “You can always go to the manager if you think you’re being harassed,” I said, trying to provoke her. Possibly, she was nervous in strange places and was sending Bennett, and now me, on a wild goose chase.

She huffed and added, “I’m very capable of taking care of myself, thank you very much.”

I looked her over, and even with her small stature, there was a confidence about her that was undeniable. How any man could listen to her in court without getting lost in those gorgeous blue eyes was beyond me. They were filled with such passion and fire. I can only imagine what she’d be like in the bedroom. I wasn’t going to find out because I wasn’t here for pleasure. But I have a feeling being with her would be very pleasurable.

“I am sure you are. Before we continue, I’d like to confirm that I have the right person, I’m looking for Miss Wellington.”

“May I ask why?” I could hear the lawyer in her tone.

“Bennett Stone asked me to speak to her. Is that you?” She nodded, and I continued. “He said you’re concerned about a man watching the employees.”

“I’m not sure about all employees, but I know he was watching one in particular. The young woman’s name is Lily. And she seemed to be aware of it as well.”

“Did she mention it to you?” I pressed on.

“No, she did not. But she was suddenly extremely nervous, more nervous than I’d seen her earlier this week. She even spilled a drink on me because she was distracted.”

To me it sounded more like an incompetent waitress than someone in fear. “Did you ask her about it?”

She shook her head. “It wasn’t my place. And actually, I felt as though if I did bring it to her attention, it wouldn’t play out well for her.”

It was a lot for someone to assume from one interaction, but Miss Wellington seemed convinced Lily was in some sort of trouble. What I didn’t understand was why no one else seemed to have noticed. Or maybe, like Lily, they’re all too afraid to talk.

I asked, “And you were able to assess this by seeing him once?” I consider myself good at reading people. Hell, in the field it can mean the difference between life and death. But what are her credentials?

“It’s a learned skill through my job.”

I could see how a lawyer would have to be able to sense whether her client was guilty or innocent. But maybe she wasn’t a criminal lawyer. Maybe she was a divorce lawyer and hated men. But my job wasn’t to question Miss Wellington on anything other than what she thought she had seen.

“Can you tell me what this man looked like? Was he wearing a uniform?”

“No, he wasn’t. Actually, he was dressed all in black, with black hair and piercing dark eyes.”

That pretty much described just about every Tabiqian man. I was going to need a lot more than that to start my search. “He was that close to you?” I asked.

She shook her head and replied, “No, but I have excellent vision, along with an excellent memory, too. Just in case you were going to question that as well. For the record, I’m not trying to cause any trouble for Lily. I’m only trying to help.”

“I wasn’t trying to suggest otherwise. It’s just whatever information you can give me will make it easier to locate this gentleman.”

She added, “I only saw him briefly. I wish I could be more help. If I see him again, I’ll try to gather as much information as I can and pass it along to you, as well as to Mr. Stone. But honestly, I hope that man doesn’t return. Not for me, but for Lily.”

“We will keep an eye on her as well until we get to the bottom of this. And if you don’t mind, please don’t mention this to anyone. We would not want people to panic,” I instructed.

“So, you’re not going look for him?” she asked, sounding shocked.

“You didn’t provide much for me to go on. You don’t have a height, there’s no special markings a scar anything maybe a tattoo? I cannot go and question every man here.”

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