Home > Take Me A Dark Billionaire Mafia Romance(16)

Take Me A Dark Billionaire Mafia Romance(16)
Author: Faith Summers

I scan over the area, looking past the podium of topless dancers but I don’t see him anywhere, what I see is more people having sex.

My gaze lands on a bartender with blond dreadlocks making a bright blue drink. He hands it to a lady and as she steps away, I see Christian leaning against the wall in the corner.

I can’t help the little flutter that ripples through my stomach at the memory of last night and what I did with him. Everything from the way he kissed me to the way he claimed my body comes rushing back to my mind. The memory never actually left. I just wasn’t thinking about it. Now that I’ve seen him, I wouldn’t be able to resist the thoughts even if I wanted to try.

He looks at me like he was watching me the whole time.

Pulling in a deep breath, I make my way over to him and the corners of his mouth lift into a smooth sexy smile. As I approach, I notice a bruise over his left eye that looks like he was hit with something.

He gives me a cocky grin and taps the edge of the bruise when he sees me looking. “Tough day at the office, you should see the other guy,” he mutters.

Over here the music is low, even though we’re technically still on the dance floor.

“Are you hurt?” I ask carefully, feeling like I’m overstepping a boundary by asking the question. It’s the look in his eyes that compels me to want to know.

“No, Lilly St. James. I’m not hurt,” he answers in a smooth voice and gives me a weary smile.

He then surprises me by leaning in close and stopping a breath away, crooking his finger for me to come to his lips. Unlike that guy previously who did the same thing, I don’t have the urge to flee. I go to his lips and give him a brief kiss that warms my cheeks.

Christian moves to my ear and his hot breath caresses over my skin. My whole body comes alive with fire when he runs his thumb over my left nipple, fondling me in public.

“You look beautiful,” he whispers.

“Thank you,” I answer. The combination of his closeness and the way he’s touching me makes knots coil my stomach. My lungs clench when attraction knifes through me and it’s only when he drops his hand back to his side that the constriction in my lung’s releases.

“Ready for tonight?” he asks.

That’s a really good question. Am I? I don’t know. It’s clear I’m completely out of my league here. A fish out of water. What’s worse is he knows.

“Yeah,” I lie. “What are we doing tonight?” At least if I have some idea, I can prep my mind.

“I’m not sure yet. I thought I’d take you on a walk on the wild side and try you for size. See how far you’re willing to go and what I can do with you. So far all I know is you don’t like group sex,” he states with a smirk confirming he was watching me earlier and would have most definitely seen how uncomfortable I was when I was watching the group having sex.

I’m grateful for the darkness to hide the crimson sweeping over my cheeks.

“Am I right, Angel?” he asks. “You don’t like to be shared?”

“No… I don’t.” I know I signed up to anything, but I can’t imagine being taken by two men, even though those women look like their having a good time. I just have my fingers crossed that I won’t have to be in any situation where I have to have sex with more than one guy.

“Well that works fine since I have no plans to share you. Come, let’s go,” he stretches his hand out to take mine and I take it.

We go through the glass doors and the music fades. When we make our descent down a set of stone steps, it reminds me of something you’d see in a European castle.

I wasn’t really given much of a tour of the place, but I know what’s down here. The sex dungeon, and special rooms for those with different types of fetishes. I read about it in my employee pack in prep for what I might encounter.

When we get down to the bottom of the stairs Christian leads me around the corner to another set of glass doors. Inside the light has an infrared glow.

“What’s in there?” I ask curiously.

A sexy grin spreads over his face but he doesn’t look back at me. “You‘ll see.”

He opens the door and I do see. My mouth drops and nearly hits the floor when I see several women laid out on rows of tables covered in cream and an assortment of fruit while both men and women feast on them. Or, have sex with them. It’s like a massive orgy, but with food involved.

There’s everything happening in this room.

When I look at Christian, hoping he doesn’t mean for us to do this, I note he’s assessing me.

“Not to your liking?” he asks.

Embarrassed I shake my head. “No,” I answer.

“What if I wanted to do this to you?”

“Do you?” I realize I must sound more braver than I feel.

“Yes…what if it was just me? What if I wanted to cover you in fruit and eat it off you? Would you allow me to do that?” Mischief dances in his eyes and I see he really is trying to figure out what I like and what I’ll do.

My cheeks burn when I imagine him doing that to me. He chuckles when I don’t answer.

“Okay, let me phrase that differently, Angel. Let’s rewind things back to when you ran your car into me. Before you knew who I was there was definitely this chemistry.” He motions from him to me and I find myself biting back a smile at his confidence.

“Are you sure you didn’t just imagine that. The way I remember it was you looking like you were ready to blow my head off.” That’s the real me talking.

He smiles wide and reaches out to touch my face. “Sassy and sexy, I like it,” he states. “And for the record I’m right. There was chemistry. So back to the question, imagine we meet here, and you don’t work here. And, I wanted to do that to you. Would you let me?”

He looks at me now like he’s staring straight through me, looking through the crevices of my mind. I should lie. I’m tempted to, but I think he’d know.

“Yes,” I confess much to his satisfaction and that look of mischief turns into something sinful that makes my pussy clench with need.

“Then maybe I should add that to my to do list,” he says with an edge of a promise for more. That he might book me again. I hate that I find myself wanting that. I shouldn’t. I should just count myself lucky for tonight.

“I have one more place to take you then I think I’ll have you figured out.”

My nerves spike when he places his hand to the small of my back and he ushers me through a pair of wooden doors that lead straight into the sex dungeon.

Heat streaks through me from the chorus of sexual moans that echo across the walls.

The room is full of people dressed in all sorts. Anything from full leather, to Victorian wear, to nothing at all. There are men and women chained to the walls, or bound to metal crosses, people being whipped, spanked, or tortured in some way. Most of the women have collars around their necks and submit to their men.

The dungeon is exactly what I expected. But what’s different is I thought BDSM would be painful. These people, however, look like they’re experiencing unimaginable pleasure.

We walk slowly, looking around like we’re browsing for a movie. I can’t seem to tear my eyes away either. My gaze settles on a couple kissing in the corner of the dungeon. The woman kisses the man with a passion that makes me want to stare. My fascination with their passion snaps though when he pulls hard on her hair. She winces with pain, but he plants kisses along her neck, soothing her.

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