Home > The Billionaire’s Second Chance(13)

The Billionaire’s Second Chance(13)
Author: Kimberly Krey

The last ten years had been good to her. Very good. A fact made all the more impressive when he considered her status as a single mom all these years.

Dang, he was intrigued by that woman. Always had been. Even back then, Vivi harbored a lot of passion—it was something he liked about her. Only now it seemed she had added layers to it. More life lived. Lessons learned. Love lost, perhaps.

It made him wonder how many relationships she’d gone through. How many hearts she’d broken. Or had she been on the opposite end? Had the twins father abandoned her and the boys?

A deep ache settled into his chest at the thought. Duke hated the fact that he’d hurt her. Deeply. He’d seen it in her eyes. And boy, did he long to make up for it somehow.

He only hoped that—beyond the interview—she’d give him the chance to do just that.



Viv stood on her balcony in the morning sun, taking in one of the most stunning sights she’d ever seen. Lush green leaves gave way to clearings of sun-glistening sand and water that looked more turquoise than blue.

For just a moment, she let her eyes drift shut while lifting her chin to the sun. Viv never had placed much value on what money could buy, but this—taking in beauty like she’d never seen it, sights she’d never otherwise have the chance to see—it truly was a gift. One that only money could afford.

Still, another vision threatened to rival the view before her. It was one she’d stashed into her memory from the night before—Duke’s face when she’d told him about the twins. You’d think the guy had been told he was the father himself.

She had not expected that. And to think she hadn’t planned to tell him so soon. Thank heavens she had. It cleared the way for them to have an honest relationship. And why shouldn’t the honesty go both ways?

Moments ago, Viv had spoken with the twins on a video call. While tucked into the backseat of Grandma and Grandpa’s sedan, the boys asked if they could invite their entire new baseball team to their waterslide birthday party, coming up in just a few short weeks. After Viv assured them they could, the twins turned their attention to Viv’s surroundings.

Their eyes nearly doubled in size as they oohed and ahhed over her morning view. The sight triggered a thousand questions about the climate, wildlife, and the rainstorms too. Would she see any of those?

Chances were she would. According to Duke, the month of May started the country’s rainy season, but even still, the first few weeks in May didn’t generally see a whole lot of rain.

Viv spun around, rested her elbows on the railing, and took in the tall, angular planes that gave the massive home a sleek, contemporary appeal. Five levels, four above ground, jutted from the center of the home in massive, sleek-looking sections.

Spectators, if there were any, could look up and see into several of the rooms at once if they so desired. But Viv guessed that wasn’t an issue. This was a private island, after all. And the design was not only aesthetically pleasing, but it allowed for a breathtaking view from likely every living area inside the home.

Reluctantly, she tore herself away from the patio with its warm sun and fresh air and headed back into her bedroom to get ready for the day. A simple chest sat at the foot of the queen bed. A bed made up with some seriously luxurious linens.

A glass-back fireplace stood across the room, its simple hearth blending just enough to allow the view to be the main event. Beside that, a sitting area with two modern chairs and a glass-top table kept with the minimalistic theme.

Viv’s eyes rested on the basket she’d found upon entering her room last night. She might have assumed it was a standard gift basket for whomever the guest happened to be, but a second glance proved her wrong.

Warmth stirred at her center as she took in the items even then. Two containers of macadamia nuts. One in a jar, another in a canister with a pop off lid. A box of chocolate covered macadamias sat tucked beside the nuts. In a separately wrapped gift sack within, Viv had discovered an assortment lotion, body wash, perfume, and bath bombs, all the same very familiar scent—tea rose.

Boy, had that discovery brought memories in a flash. Smells had a way of doing that, and tea rose took Viv back to her first few years in college. It’d been her favorite back then.

Of course she’d shifted over time, favoring notes of daisies, peonies, and finally, lilac. She liked knowing that Duke remembered the scent of tea rose on her. She liked to think he favored it as well. Still, she opted to stick with the lilac, at least for today.

A small tap came to the door, causing her to straighten up in a blink. “The food,” she reminded herself.

Viv was quick to make her way to the door. Irene, a lovely woman she’d met last night, stood beside a tray of covered plates. The rich aroma of coffee wafted through the air.

“Good morning, Ms. Tripoli,” Irene said. “You’re taking your breakfast in your room today?”

“Yes,” she said. “Come in.”

Irene rolled the cart into the room and went straight to a tall breakfast nook beside the window. “Here? Or you can take it on the patio if you’d like.”

Viv spotted a small table through the glass. Two chairs were tucked alongside. “Yes, please. That sounds perfect.”

Irene grinned. “Good choice. I take my coffee outside every morning in the cabana. So lovely.”

Viv followed her onto the porch, realizing how hungry she was as Irene set Viv’s selections—avocado toast, a side of egg whites and feta, and fresh fruit—onto the table. The coffee was next, followed by the silverware and a bright white mug with what looked like a family crest on it.

“Can I get you anything else?” the woman asked.

Viv shook her head. “No, this is beautiful, thank you.”

“Of course. Enjoy.”

Viv let out a sigh of satisfaction as she reached for the coffee pot. Yet, as she heard Irene wheeling her way out of the suite, a thought came to mind. Tip. Was she supposed to pay one? It was a vacation home, sure, not a hotel, but the idea was the same.

“Wait,” she hollered, hurrying back into the suite. “Can I…let me grab my purse really quick.”

The woman shook her head and put out a hand. “No tip, ma’am, thank you. Duke—he pays us more than we can ask. My husband, Sebastian, and I both.”

Viv nodded, somehow not surprised to hear it.

On the agenda today was the photo shoot—which was one of Viv’s favorite parts of the interview process. Seeing how the subject reacted to being the center of attention. Having people dote over them. Prep them. Some were more used to it than others, but their response always gave Viv some added insight to the soul behind the face. The spirit behind the body. And the heart behind the actions.

A rush of excitement filled her chest. A rush that stayed with her throughout her first cup of coffee as she replayed her conversation with Duke on the jet.

She’d been so confident at the time that the feelings between them were mutually laced with romance. But as Viv started on her second mug, thumbing the crest along the heated surface, her assumption started to shift.

After all, just look how kind Duke was to Tiff, Bruce, and Irene too.

Sylvia’s ugly comment ran through her mind once more, accompanied by the vision of that sneer aimed right at Vivia. “In the end, he’ll end up with someone like me. Just watch and see.”

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