Home > A Kade Christmas(12)

A Kade Christmas(12)
Author: Tijan

I didn’t understand what was going on here.

“We’re married.”

He laughed, his heart slowing a tiny bit. “I don’t know what’s going on with… I, just, I just want to hold you. I don’t want to deal with real life. I want someone else to do it.”


I knew what I needed to do.

“Do you trust me?”

He lifted his head, his eyes finding mine. They were clouded over, just a bit. “Yeah…”

I cupped his face. “Let me handle this. You stay here. I’ll do what I need to do, and I’ll come back to you. How about that?”

He frowned. “You serious?”

I nodded in one quick clipping motion. “Let me do the work right now. I can handle shit and come back to you. But you need to give me a bit of time. Okay?” I hesitated, then asked, “I will need to tell one person about the baby. Is that okay?”

“Who—” He shook his head. “It’s fine. I trust you.”

I pressed my lips to his before standing, and as he shifted, still frowning, watching me the whole time, I walked out into the hallway. Then I took a minute.


He wanted his family, not to handle someone else’s family issues. Totally understood that. So okay then.

I could make that happen.

Nate was waiting halfway up the stairs, standing to one side. He saw me coming and raised his chin. “What’s going on?”

His tone was no-nonsense, straight to the point.

I stopped, knowing I was wearing a slight frown. “He—real talk?”

Another quick nod. “Nothing else right now.”

“Logan needs someone else to handle this fight for him. He needs a time-out.”

Nate’s nostrils flared. “A time-out?”


He cursed. “Why?”

I was getting this. I understood. I mean, my God. I’d been front row to see so many years of friendship and family love between him and Logan, but Logan wanted time with his family. This was coming from concern because Logan had never shown this side before.

Because of that, I kept my tone calm and held out my phone. “I need to make a call, and then we can go from there.”

I got one step back before he said, his tone grinding out, “I want to know what the fuck’s going on with my brother.”

I held my phone up higher. “One call.”

I hit the button, and the phone was ringing by the time I hit the hallway again.

Mason answered, “Taylor?”









I didn’t know how or what Taylor did, but ten minutes later, she was back.

Coming to stand by the bed, she held my gaze a moment before she came to some decision.

She reached up, taking her shirt off. Her pants. Her bra.

I was in a race now, yanking my clothes off, and by the time she was naked and sliding under the covers, I was ready for her. I sank in and paused at the feel of her, being inside of her, knowing our child was growing inside of her too.

I used to use sex not to feel anything. Now I felt everything.

I leaned up, looked down at Taylor, saw her watching me right back, and began to move.

Her. Me. Our baby.










The call ended, and I had to sit there for a moment.

Holy shit.

Holy shit!

I got on the phone.

To Sam, “Book our flights. For everyone. We’re going to Fallen Crest.”

Her, “What?”

To my coach, who was sitting across from me, “I need a day.”

Him, “You just had a day.”

“It’s family.”

“You just had family issues.”

“I need another day.”

“No, Kade.”

“I’m taking a day. Maybe two.”

“Goddammit. I said no!”

“It’s my brother.”




Him, “Well, fuck. I love that asshole. Fine. Take a day. Watch your tapes there! And do your workout. You can train there.”

I was up and moving. “Thanks, Coach.”

He hollered after me, “One day, Kade! One. Day. Do your workouts. You got me?”

I raised an arm. “I got you, Coach! Workouts. Tapes. One day.”

I made another call once I got to the Escalade.

“Mason Kade?” she answered.

“You helped Nate sort some stuff out a few years ago. I’m wondering if you can help me too?”

“I’m aware. It’s why I answered your call. Is Nate okay?”

“He is.” Then I told her what I needed.

“You’re in Boston?”

“I am. Flying to Fallen Crest as soon as I can.”

“I’ll have a file for you by the time you land.”

Good. I was counting on it.

I texted Nate next.

Me: Coming to handle James. Leave Logan out of it.

Nate: What. The. Fuck. Is. Going. On?

Me: Find my dad. Find Tate. I’ll let you know when we’ve landed.

Nate. WTF, Mase! He’s my brother too.

Me: I know, but I’m the one who got the call. You know what that means, right?

Nate: I’m sure you’re going to tell me.

Me: Taylor likes me more.

Nate: Dick.

Me: Wrangle up the a-holes. I’m heading back. You’ll find out everything. Logan will want to tell you, that’s why.

Nate: Fine. We’ll get tabs on Tate. I’m sending Channing and his team to your dad.

I laughed out loud and called him, “You better make sure he tapes that. I want to see his face.”

He laughed. “I will.” His voice dropped low. “Is he okay? Just tell me that much.”

He was referring to Logan.

“He’s fine. He’s good.”

Nate sighed. “I gotta go handle this bitch now.”

I smirked. “See you when we land.”









Morning sickness was a thing, and it was coming in fast.

When we got to see a doctor, Logan wanted to know everything.

Would my boobs get too sensitive?

How long could we have sex?

Any position that was unhealthy or healthy for the baby?

And then the obvious ones:

When was the baby due?

When could we find out if it was a mini-Logan or a mini-Taylor?

And then he pulled out his phone and went down what he had googled:

Symptoms as the baby grew? Was it one baby? Not two? He was adamant about that.

Specific symptoms we should look for? Tell the doctor?

What were the approved or to be avoided foods? He’d need that list asap.

Was exercise okay? And not of the sexual kind? He was also specific about those two differences.

Vitamins? Supplements?

How long will morning sickness last, and could the father also get it? Because he was feeling a little nauseous this morning.

And so forth.

All of that was before we even got to the routine exams and family health history part, all of which would be shared with our usual doctor, where I had another check-up scheduled the following week, just in case. Logan was also adamant he’d be going to that visit too, and every single exam or test or phone call that had to do with anything about the baby.

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