Home > Hunter : BWWM, Cowboy, Pregnancy,Marriage, Billionaire Romance(7)

Hunter : BWWM, Cowboy, Pregnancy,Marriage, Billionaire Romance(7)
Author: Katie Dowe


“I have no problem with that.” He told her with a grin. “It looks delicious already.”


“I hope it tastes that way. How many people are we expecting?”


“This shindig usually ropes in several hundred. Last year it was nearing two thousand.”


Sophie looked at him with wide eyes. “What?”


Joe nodded as he swiped the batter and licked it off his fingers, nodding approvingly. “The ranch hands and their families are close to two hundred people and then you factor in people from around town and out of towners. This is a cattle ranch as well as a horse ranch and it is not only a party but also a day where businesses are transacted. You would be surprised at the amount of wheeling and dealing that goes on during these things.” He poured some coffee and kept a watchful eye on the staff coming and going.



Breakfast was over for the day and even though it was a holiday, the ranch hands were still on the field taking care of the livestock. “The highlight of the day is the roping of the steer and of course the taming of a particular wild horse that will be sold to the highest bidder.”


“Who does the taming?”


“The boss himself….!” Joe said with a grin. “It is a sight to behold. I have never seen a man so at one with the horse and I have worked at several ranches apart from this one.” He finished the coffee and poured some more into the cup. “I will go and see what needs to be done outside. I think the tents are already been set up and the chairs are here. I told Malcolm to get some men to put the trestle tables along the side of the barn.”


“Thanks Joe.”


He nodded and left the room.




“Darling what can I bring?” The sultry purr of Marie’s voice would have stirred his desire in the past but was doing nothing for him now. He had just taken a break from rounding up the cattle and had just dismounted his horse with the intention of grabbing something from the cooler when he felt his phone vibrating inside his saddlebag. He had been meaning to call her for a couple of days but had not gotten around to it. Or maybe he was just putting off the inevitable conversation. He was going to have to break things off with her. It was not fair to ask her to be a part of his complicated life right now. She was a beautiful woman with money of her own and could get just about any man she wanted. He was going to have to cut her loose. They had never expressed any deep feelings for each other, just an understanding and that was something he was grateful. Contrary to what the papers said about him, he had never been with more than one woman at any given time and he was faithful to a fault.



“There is no need.” He said briefly as he foraged inside the cooler and came up with a can of ice-cold orange soda. “I think the kitchen staff has everything covered.” He settled on the ground with his back against a solid oak tree and popped the can open. His eyes squinted as he gazed up at the cloudless blue sky and the brilliance of the afternoon sun. In less than three hours, the party would start and go well into the night with various activities. It was one of the highlights of the year, and had always been a tradition of the McTaggart family to host something to entertain the men and their families; and to give them something take the edge off their hard work. He had always told them that they did not have to get up so early in the morning, since it was a holiday, but they had told him that as long as he was out on the ranch, they would be as well. He appreciated their loyalty.


“There can never be too much food.” She purred in his ear. “I was thinking that I could stay the night. I am not driving myself over as I am hitching a ride with a friend who will be moving on to New York after the party. He is flying over, and I told him that it was no problem for me to stay over. Is there?”



He closed his eyes briefly as he tilted his head forward. “No.” He needed to talk to her too. He knew she was expecting to stay in his suite like in the past. Jesus! What a damned complication!



“Good,” She sounded pleased. “My chef is making up this delicious strawberry concoction. Speaking of which- how is the new cook working out?”



“I think she prefers to be called a chef.” He said lightly.



Marie laughed silkily. “Francois gets offended whenever anyone refers to him as my cook. He says there is a unique difference. A cook is someone who can slap together a regular meal and a chef is one who creates magic inside the kitchen. I tend to agree with him. The man has a divine touch. So, how is she working out?”


“She is working out.” He said evasively. In a matter of months, the entire town of Silver Springs will know that Sophie Witter was pregnant and the child she was carrying was his. He wanted to tell Marie before it got out.



“Good. Darling, I must run, I am getting a phone call from my accountant and I need to sort some things out. See you later.”


Hunter hung up from her and chugged the soda, finishing it and crumpling the can between his palms. He did not want to think about how complicated his life had suddenly become. He had his work to concentrate on and did not want the distraction. He also did not want to acknowledge that he had been avoiding her since their conversation in the kitchen. But he had been. He left out very early in the mornings and got in late at nights. He had also started to avoid the kitchen in case she was seated around the counter sipping her tea. Swearing beneath his breath at the conversation he was going to be forced to have later, he lunged to his feet and strode towards his horse.




“Why don’t you go and get ready? I have this covered.”



“You are right. I feel grimy and I realize that I have not eaten anything much.”



“What about the cold soup and a sandwich?”


“I will take that to my room. Thanks Joe.”


Sophie took the tray from him and made her way out of the crowded room. The cooking was finished and the last of the meal was being carted out just now. Everything had been set up and the crowd had started to drift into the ranch yard. Several parking valets had been hired to direct traffic and avoid congestion. Several more men had been hired to stop people from stamping on the lush green grass and direct them to the clearing where the tents were set up. Sophie paused on her way up the stairs to look out the window at the activity going on. It was her first function since coming here and she could not help the excitement churning inside her. There had been several dinner parties to entertain out of town business associates but those had been quiet dinners with subdued conversations. This was far different, and she could hear the laughter and shouts from where she was standing.



“Is there something I can help you with?” The familiar dulcet tones of the housekeeper caused her to jump as she turned to face the neat and tidy frame of the woman who ran the entire household and who had been at the ranch since before Hunter was born.

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